
A backwards glance
What's New at the Gallery
May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.
Happy Birthday, Ronald!
A key player in our daily tasks
around the gallery
Christmas Festivities
New nature-inspired artworks by the talented
oil painting artist,
Lolita Dickinson
Fur Babies like art too!
Our wide variety of pottery creations
We love gift wrapping!
Christmas moments around the gallery
New art creations by the talented artist
Melinda Gandy
Painting emphasis on the effects of
Light against Dark
Our team and co-workers create camaraderie with our
Collectors and Visitors
that truly brighten our day!
Welcome new jewelry artist,
Vicki Wooten
Visiting the gallery, you never know what artist you may see!
New pottery by,
Anita Hughes
"Art is a line around your thoughts."
-Gustav Klimt
The Pink Rooster/ Gallery Garbo
622 Washington Ave.
Ocean Springs, MS 39564