Ohio Valley Voices
news & updates
December 2022
Silence to Speech Update
Construction is well on its way!
Last month, the OVV Audiology team took sound level measurements at the construction site. These readings will help the architects decide which windows will best block out noise, ensuring our children have an optimal acoustic environment for learning!

Want to support Silence to Speech?

Click the button below to learn more
about the campaign and get involved!
2022 OVV Holiday Program
Celebrate the Holidays
with Joyful Noise!
You are cordially invited to the annual
OVV Holiday Programs—a series of performances
starring the talented children of OVV!

2022 OVV Holiday Programs
All performances held in the OVV Auditorium
Learning Center – Wednesday, Dec. 14th @ 3pm
Discovery Center – Thursday, Dec. 15th @ 3pm
Exploring Center – Friday, Dec. 16th @ 9am

All OVV community members are invited.
There is no limit on guests per child.

For details, email Program Administrator
Michelle Ellis at [email protected].
Student Spotlight - Jaxton BieryGolick
A rambunctious, curious kid that soaks up everything, that’s Jaxton!

Jaxton BieryGolick turned two in October and is now enrolled in the Toddler Program. After failing his newborn hearing screens, his parents, Brittany and Keith, learned he has congenital sensorineural severe-to-profound hearing loss in both ears.

The BieryGolick’s heard about Ohio Valley Voices from one of their first audiology appointments... (read more)
Goat Yoga
Don't miss the first ever
OVV Goat Yoga!

Presented by
Are you looking to enjoy a therapeutic session
with animals, mimosas, and some fun yoga poses?
OVV's 1st Annual Goat Yoga has all three! The event
is set for January 28th in the OVV Auditorium.

For some added fun, get tickets for our raffle or mimosa bar at the event. Registration is $40 per spot. Stay tuned for more details!
Staff Spotlight - Alysia Becker
“There's never a dull moment in ‘Toddler Land,'” says Alysia Becker. “And every moment is totally worth it.”
As OVV’s Lead Toddler Teacher, Alysia is responsible for creating a safe and loving environment where the toddlers can build their language skills through modeling, imitation, and structured activities. Along the way, she celebrates every milestone. “I get excited when a child utters their first ‘Uh-oh!,’ takes their first step, or has success with potty training..." (read more)
Charitable Suds at Rhinegeist Brewery
Grab a pint for OVV
at Rhinegeist Brewery!
Each month, Rhinegeist highlights four local
non-profit organizations that are brewing positive
change in our communityand OVV has been
selected as one of those non-profits in January!

You can support OVV at Rhinegeist on Wednesdays throughout the entire month of January.

Charitable Suds Pint Night
Rhinegeist Brewery
Wednesday, January 25th
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Join OVV staff on Wednesday, January 25th, to learn more about our mission!

To participate, grab a pint on Wednesdays from
5-8 p.m., receive a token with each pint purchase, and
vote for OVV by placing your token in our designated dropbox! You may also make a monetary donation.

At the end of the month, OVV will receive a
donation based on the amount of "votes" we receive.
So, grab your pals, grab a pint, and support OVV!
Community Quilt
Need a Holiday Gift Idea?
Give the gift of being a part history!

For a donation of just $20, you can design a quilt square to commemorate a loved one. All squares will be sewn together into a quilt that will hang in OVV's new lobby.
Program Update
OVV is bursting with
with holiday cheer!
This month, our children have been making festive
treats and decorations, learning about different holiday celebrations around the world, and rehearsing
for the upcoming Holiday Program.
Ways to Support:
Special Thanks to These Partners:
Ms. Molly Bradfish-Pinson

Connect Clermont

Don and Phyllis Neyer
Charitable Gift Fund of the
Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Richard D. Hannan
Family Foundation in memory
of Richard & Jeanne Hannan

Mr. Robert Golick


Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and Lori Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Russ and Susan
Mayer Family Charities of Ayco Charitable Foundation

The Nelson Stark Company

Next Level Income/Matthew Fore

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
and Ellen Seagraves

The Sutowski Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Robert
and Marilyn Trenkamp

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and
Chris Wurtenberger in memory
of Richard & Jeanne Hannah