The Friendship Flyer.png

Your Friday eBlast and December 2022 Flyer

Unitarian Universalist Friendship Fellowship 

A Unitarian Universalist Congregation in the liberal tradition

(click the logo to visit UUFF's website)

(scroll to the bottom, click "view entire message")

Sunday Services for December 2022 


December 4th 10:30 am 

Speaker: Rev Claudia Jimenez

Topic: "Finding Meaning in the Season" 

Service Leader: Helen Bennett


This is the time of Christmas services and pageants inviting us to reflect on our Unitarian Universalist Christian heritage and the meaning of the holiday season. What needs of the human spirit are met during this and other winter holiday observances? Join us in an exploration of how we can find meaning in the season and embrace theological generosity.


Rev. Claudia Jiménez serves as Minister of Faith Development at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville in NC. She is a frequent speaker at our Fellowship. 

December 11th 10:30 am 

Speaker: Jim Caverly

Topic: "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - A Personal Recollection" 

Service Leader: Bob Hamburg


Former FBI agent Jim Caverly shares his experience of the Wounded Knee South Dakota siege in 1973 in which both FBI agents and Native Americans were killed. As a result of his involvement, Jim and his wife adopted and raised a Native American girl. Her story highlights the ramifications of the three dismal choices offered to Native Americans: assimilation, relocation or genocide. The treatment of Native Americans is now and always has been grotesque. This story needs to be told; unfortunately, it does not have a happy ending.


Jim Caverly and his wife Jeanne have been married for 50 years and have two adult children residing in New York. Their adopted daughter Linda, a member of the Lakota Sioux tribe of South Dakota, died in 2016.

Jim, a retired Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, spent 27 years conducting investigations, including criminal and foreign counterintelligence assignments. He served as a hostage negotiator and was a member of the FBI SWAT and Evidence Response Teams.

Dec 18th 10:30 am

Speaker: Dr. Robert Young (via zoom)

Topic: "Towards Sustainable Coastal Development"

Service Leader: Pete Crumpacker


The bipartisan infrastructure act of 2021 allocated $47 billion for coastal projects designed to protect existing infrastructure along the shoreline, in most cases with no demands for the recipients to improve long-term planning for disasters or to change patterns of future flood plain development.

Federal and state taxpayers have spent billions of dollars over the past four decades pumping up beaches in front of coastal properties in what are known as beach nourishment projects. In Florida alone, almost $3 billion in public funds has been spent just to keep beaches in front of investment homes and oceanfront infrastructure. Studies in Florida have shown that these beach projects increase oceanfront development. Government spending is incentivizing this expansion into danger zones — a classic example of moral hazard, in which there is no reason to protect against risk when the government or federally subsidized flood insurance is there to pick up the tab.

 A national conversation is long overdue about the dollars we invest in rebuilding coastal resort communities and what we should expect in return. The federal funds come with few restrictions at the local level to provide meaningful adaptation to future sea level rise and intensifying storms.

What should the first step be for adapting to sea level rise and storm impacts? My answer is simple. The easiest way to limit damage and loss of life is not to create vulnerabilities. Taxpayers should not be subsidizing the risk of irresponsible development, and we clearly shouldn’t be rebuilding areas of known hazard multiple times. We need to encourage meaningful coastal adaptation to storms and sea level rise. At the very least, we need to demand that communities accepting public funds for rebuilding or resilience stop putting new infrastructure in harm’s way.

Hurricane Ian is a chance to change that calculus in Florida. Let’s hope that federal, state and local governments can come together to rebuild infrastructure in a way that will reduce future vulnerability and limit taxpayer exposure.

There are some places from which we need to pull back. For instance, should we rebuild all of the areas of Fort Myers Beach, Fla., wiped away by storm surge? What would happen if a future Hurricane Ian strikes the Space Coast? Communities are often reluctant to give up even a small portion of their tax base. Some also incorrectly believe that, as the saying goes, if the first row goes, we are all doomed. They will spend money on protection until the bitter end.

We should walk away from the most vulnerable areas of our oceanfront and spend the money saved on buttressing the more sustainable parts of the community. We should be demanding this approach in the allocation of federal funds. This is not about abandoning the coastal economy. This is how we preserve it.


Dr. Young is a professor at Western Carolina University where he directs the program for the study of developed shorelines. He holds a Ph.D. in Geology from Duke University.

Dec 25th 10:30am

Speaker: Rev Paul Johnson

Topic: "A Christmas Sermon

Service Leader: Stephen Downen


Rev Johnson delivers his thoughts on the holiday season followed by a music service directed by Stephen Downen.


Rev. Dr. Paul S. Johnson holds the Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Divinity degrees from Meadville/Lombard Theological School in Chicago. Paul is a frequent speaker at our Fellowship.

Click here for Sunday Services Zoom link.

Children's RE every

Sunday at 10:30 am.

The children will start out in The Friendship Hall at 10:30 and then, after chalice lighting, go to the Sunday School room with their teacher, Kim Kroflich.

Are you interested in helping to facilitate a coffee hour after Sunday Service?

Please email chair of the Service Leader Team, Andy Petruska, with your interest in assisting.

Click here to email Andy

The CLC will meet Sunday December 4th after the Sunday Service.

All are welcome to attend!

Click here to view the CLC meeting agenda.

Cindy Collins

CLC Chairperson

It is with great sorrow that we have to let everyone know of the passing of John Lees. 

An important member of our Fellowship since 1997.

Did you know that John was responsible for the creative funding for our beautiful sanctuary? 

His contributions to our Fellowship are vast and enduring.

John made his transition peacefully on Nov 27 with his loving family surrounding him.  

A Celebration of John's life will take place on January 21st at 11:00am

at UUFF.

Click here to email Lisa if you would like to contact John's family.

Our Charity for December is The Children's Home Society:

Each year we collect gift cards to provide joy and happiness for our children in Brevard county who otherwise may not enjoy a happy holiday season. Gift cards in amounts of what you choose to give can be hand carried and given to Debra Mischley or Emily Curry any Sunday.

Please mark the cash value on each gift card. Cash is also acceptable OR checks may be made out to UUFF with December Charity marked on the memo line and mailed to:


3115 Friendship Place

Rockledge, Florida 32955

For those attending the Chili Party December 3rd:

We will gladly accept your gift cards (noted with cash value on the card) as your ticket to a gourmet bash of different chilies, lots of fun and UU camaraderie, our tradition at Friendship Fellowship for close to 20 years. Last year we raised $2,355.00 thanks to your generosity to help our children in need. 


The earlier we receive the gift cards and donations, the better opportunity we have to deliver the donations in time for the children and their families to prepare for holiday celebrations.

Click on Children's Home Society's logo to visit their website.

Click the bowl of chili to learn more about UUFF's 2022 Chili Party.

Soul Matters will meet in person at UUFF Friday December 9th at 2:30. Read pages 1-7, the questions are on page 8 of the attached PDF. If you have any questions, contact Cliff Saylor.

Soul Matters December PDF       "The Path of Wonder"
Soul Matters December Playlist, "Wonder"

In November, Rev. Claudia Jimenez gave a talk called;

"What is the Promise of Unitarian Universalism"

In these times of polarization, pandemic recovery and uncertainty,

how does our UU faith ground us and support hopeful engagement? 

She asked us to submit Haikus inspired by this idea;

We had so many wonderful Haikus submitted,

but Rev. Claudia was only able to use a few of them.

Here are all of the Haikus that were submitted.

If you don't see yours here or you would like to submit a haiku

for future publication please email Lisa.

Click here to email Lisa

Without Satan talk

Hearts and heads exploring

Hilltop, but humble

Imagine U.U. in 2023

A lighthouse, the world to see

The beacon? you and me!

Share your small idea

Be part of the Search for Truth, Meaning

U.U. Church needs you!

~Betty Prisendorf

We are all worthwhile.

Diversity is a right

Equity breaths love.


~ Lisa Parker

UU's are Honest

UU's are Open-Minded

UU's are my Friends

~ Debra Mischley

Someone who cares, shares,

and loves in equal measure.

When you’re down and out

A UU congregation

Will lift your spirits.

What is the future

For ordinary belief?

Not as bright as ours.

What do UU’s claim?

No dogma, doctrine, nor chain

To blight heart and brain.

~ Helen Bennett

Minority faith

Diverse and liberal views

Ruled by love and peace

~Cindy Collins

Our promise is the 

Promise of America

Realized in love

Our principles live,

Embodied within our walls,

Reaching out to others.

The fight for our Earth

Begins with our heart's fire

Lit by the chalice.

~ Adam Tritt

As a collective

We seek community's warmth 

Together, in love

~ Amy Rosebush

Beacon of justice

Cutting through darkness of hate,

Unquestioning love.


Circle of welcome

For all who need nurturing,

a place to belong.


Freedom from dogma

Open to questions and doubt

Faith grounded in thought.

~ Ruth Rodgers

Thank you to everyone who shared their Haikus and other poems.

Everyone is invited to join us for Tai Chi! 

Our certified Tai Chi instructor,

Sue Huseman, has returned!

UUFF's Tai Chi Group will be meeting on Mondays at 10:30 am and Thursdays at 1:00 pm at Rotary Park

in Rockledge in the large pavilion.

For more information reach out to Sue.

Thursday Meditation group

meets via Zoom, 5 - 6 pm every Thursday.

Participants are currently discussing:

"Peace Is Every Step"

by Thich Nhat Hanh

Click here for the Zoom link for the Thursday Meditation Group.

Space Coast Mindfulness Community

(SCMPC, aka Space Coast Sangha)

Each Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, the Space Coast Mindfulness Practice Community (SCMPC, aka Space Coast Sangha) will meet

in-person in the Coffee House for meditation and dharma discussion.

For more information contact Laura Petruska

Happy Birthday!!

Bill Scott

Betty Roeser

Gwen Nguyen

The Friendship Flyer.png

The Friendship Flyer is the monthly newsletter of:

Unitarian Universalist Friendship Fellowship,

A Unitarian Universalist Congregation District 62, Society # 2923

Editor ~ Lisa Harrington

UUFF is located at:

3115 Friendship Place

Rockledge, FL 32955 (Just off US 1)

Visit us on the web at:      

Sunday services are in person at UUFF and live via Zoom at 10:30am.

Masks are now optional.

For more information contact:      

Unitarian Universalist Friendship Fellowship

3115 Friendship Place

Rockledge, FL 32955

(321) 242 1117

Email Us