Between the months of December and April, MWMC tracks your water usage to determine the amount of wastewater your household produces on average. That average is then compared to your actual monthly usage during the rest of the year, and whichever amount is lower is the one we apply to the wastewater portion of your utilities bill.
There are a couple reasons we do it this way. Since we don’t have any feasible way to track wastewater output from houses, we track how much water is brought in and used by the household. The winter and early spring months are the lowest usage months for most people because they’re not using water for lawns, pools, or outdoor cleaning (and that water doesn’t drain into wastewater pipes). During the summer, most households see a spike in water usage, but not all of the water usage creates wastewater, which is why we measure the average. If your winter usage is higher for some reason, don’t worry: we’ll bill you for the actual monthly usage if it’s the lower amount! We always select the amount that saves you more money.