All board members were present.


No public participation


Jordan Smith of Stephen L. Smith Corporation presented a Capital Improvement Plan and potential bond proposal options to the board. He provided an analysis of historical growth in valuation, at an average of 10.57% over the past five years and 15.44% last year. He also provided projections for growth at a conservative 5% annually. 

Three options for possible bond issue amounts were presented to the board, including information on the funds available for projects and the repayment plan options. The option recommended to the board by Mr. Smith is an 11-year bond with an election amount of $114,480,000. This amount would result in $71,232,000 available for bond projects. This option also results in no tax increase, currently at 36.50 mils for property owners. A final proposal will be presented to the board for a vote in January. 

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During a conversation about the board reports, Mr. Layne Jones recognized Mr. Greg Duffy, a Piedmont Board of Education member who recently passed away. All board members expressed their sincere appreciation for his service to the district and his leadership as a fellow board member.


A. The board approved the proposed payment of extra duty stipends as listed in Attachment D.

B. Dr. Eichelberger provided the new vision statement, mission statement, and core values to the board of education. These statements were developed by the executive team drafted with feedback from administrators and teachers across the district. The board motioned to adopt the following:

C. The board discussed and approved the revision of Policy CFB - Activity Funds.

D. The board discussed and approved an agreement with Fuelman OMNIA Partners for fuel fleet cards.


The board moved to approve all items on the consent agenda, including the PPS Wellness Plan 2023-2024.


The board did not convene into executive session to discuss employment as listed in Attachment C.


The board approved employment as listed in Attachment C.


The board approved the resignation of Isaac Balma, paraprofessional, effective 12-11-23. The resignation was received after the agenda was posted.


The board convened into executive session to conduct an ongoing evaluation of the Superintendent pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B) (1) at 7:04 p.m.

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