Message From DWC President Debra-Fisher Reynolds:

All our regular hair on fire issues remain critical: war, violence, hate, Trump.

Disinformation, guns, reproductive rights, Trump.

Court cases and Trump..

Voter suppression around the country, trying to silence our voices.

Marginalized people suffering everywhere, and unfortunately, Trump in every news cycle...

Here at home, Moms for "Liberty" have rallied with strong voices at the Worcester County School Board meetings -- even bullying and harassing a student representative at the Board meeting November 21. Democratic Club of Worcester County newsletter editor, Gwen Lehman, recently published an editorial on this incident that appeared in the latest DCWC newsletter - (we're sharing it with you below)* . She also wrote a Letter to the Editor that appeared in the December 1 Dispatch. Thank you, Gwen, for making our views heard!

We will continue our Strong Schools representation in the new year and our voices will make a difference!

Finally, just as I'm writing my "giving" checks for this holiday season, I'm worrying that we are forgetting the children and families suffering in Ukraine and Israel. For a little while, I want to try and relax from all these stresses and just enjoy the holidays -- some sweet, quality time with family and friends. Hope you enjoy that also!

We will be back to work full time for Biden-Harris in January 2024!

A note of thanks:

We at DWC would like to take a moment to recognize outgoing DWC Co-President Mary Anne Whitcomb for her dedication and hard work on the club's behalf during the past two years. Mary Anne will continue to work with the Board, and and will be the lead on several DWC activities. We want to thank her and look forward to working with her in the new year!

Have a Great Holiday Season Everyone!



In this Issue:



January's Speaker

Holiday Luncheon Photos

PAC Announcements

Strong Schools Report

2023 Milestones for DWC

2024 DWC Board Sworn In

Spirit of the Party Breakfast Photos

Recap of November Meeting

Calendar of Events

Join us January 15, 2024 for the DWC Meeting and bring a friend!

Our January 15, 2024 meeting will feature a (new) member, Laura Wilson-Gentry as our speaker. Laura is Professor Emerita of University of Baltimore's School of Public and International Affairs. She says she became interested in politics during Watergate and changed her major from medieval history to political science. "Once I began graduate school, I was introduced to an approach that taught statistics as a logical and not a mathematical endeavor," according to her biography.

We look forward to hearing her presentation and learning how the sometimes complicated and confusing area of polling and statistics is used to shape policy and attitudes.


What a location and beautiful ocean views - the new Hilton Garden Inn in Ocean City (formerly The Dunes).

A great photo of the DWC Past Presidents at the Holiday Luncheon: Mary Anne Whitcomb, Doris Fields, Dell Purrell, Judy Butler, Vicky Wallace, and Kathy Emmert with current President Debra-Fisher Reynolds

Something new for the basket raffles this year (thanks for the idea, Maggie Miller!) - tickets were 3 for $5, 8 for $10 or an arm's length for $20. Sue Challis shows Joan Roache (kinda) how it's done!

Thanks to several of our members (Pat Tarr, Susan Hubbard, Mary Anne Whitcomb's book club, Susan Buyer, Debra Fisher-Reynolds, and Bev Thomas - hope we didn't forget anyone) for creating such inventive and beautiful baskets for the raffles! Some of the lucky winners are pictured here collecting their prizes.

Notable Quotes (we will need these at least monthly in 2024!)

The heroes are just the people who put one foot in front of the other, talking to other people and making those connections, until all of a sudden they've made a difference." Heather Cox Richardson

Political Action Committee (PAC) Report and

Strong Schools Update

Postcards, Voter Registration and Voter Education

It is time to be a Democracy Warrior. We are entering another do or die election year. Need a stress reliever? Join PAC. We will be planning actions; postcarding, registering voters, helping to get out the vote and spreading the message. We need lots of ideas and help. Meetings are held via Zoom on the second Monday of each month. Join Us! Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 8, 2024 at 2 p.m. If anyone wants to meet sooner, make suggestions. If you need more information, email Joan Roache at [email protected]

The Delmarva Report

Share the Facebook Page. Thanks to Tony Doyle, we have created a new Facebook page called The Delmarva Report. The goal is to provide political views and opinion from a reasoned perspective. We need everyone to follow the page and share it with friends!

Topics: It will focus on some of the critical initiatives that the Biden-Harris Administration has implemented, including the American Recovery Act and the Infrastructure bill. We will be looking for examples of how these things benefit the people and institutions of the Eastern Shore. We will also work to counteract the disinformation that we see.

Local Issues: We will be compiling information on what the current local issues are so we can create a local connection to national issues.

Strong Schools Worcester County

It will be a critical year for Worcester County Public Schools. We will need to help fight for full funding of the BOE budget. The schools cannot sustain cuts again this year. In addition, we need to help support the incumbent school board members. There will be candidates who want to ban books, cut support services and curtail important areas of the curriculum.

We will also be following state legislation that impacts schools. We hope there will be legislation to implement Restorative Practices in all Maryland schools. to learn more about restorrative practices, go to

For more information on all these activities, and to get on the email list for PAC meetings and reminders, please contact PAC Chair Joan Roache at [email protected]

An Editorial from Gwen Lehman -

* Below is the editorial written by Gwen Lehman, regarding the recent Board of Education "happenings" which appeared in the latest DCWC Newsletter:

As a former educator, there are a number of things I thought I'd never see in Worcester County, but now I've seen them. One of those things was a member of the BOE (Board of Education) speaking against the BOE at a public hearing of the Worcester County Commissioners. Another was a series of adults making unbridled attacks on a student BOE representative during the public comments section of an evening meeting of the Board of Education (November 21, 2023). Yet another, at that same BOE meeting I heard potential candidates announce their intentions by saying they hoped the County Commissioners would continue to defund the schools. If elected, they'll certainly vote to do it. Sitting in the back and having arrived too late to sign up to speak myself, I felt my head about to explode.

The worst was listening to adults, all white, all Christian most likely, abuse and bully a teenage BOE representative. At the first remarks directed very specifically at the student member from Pocomoke High School, and given by a man speaking on behalf of a friend unable to attend because of work, he read remarks saying in essence, that trans students should not be allowed to attend our schools. It went downhill from there until gentlemany Grant Helvey, former candidate for the District 5 seat on the County Commission, said he hoped that the BOE members would soon "end their fascination with LGBTQ issues and it would come to be viewed like we now view slavery." I am not quite sure exactly how Mr. Helvey might view slavery. I was sure in my recognition of the smoothly smug way in which he carried out the bullying of a kid, a student, a child. He hurt that student and did not in the least mind doing so. Left his place before the mic and turned to receive pats on the right shoulder from his cohort of supporters, as if he both deserved and expected it.

The student from Pocomoke High School spoke last and addressed the hatred she/he felt in the room. (I am not certain of the correct pronouns but wish to be respectful). That hatred was felt by many of us. The reason it was felt was because it was there, in our faces, bold, unashamed, unabashed, secure in its self-righteousness. I was furious! Following the student's agonized pleading, not a single member of the Worcester County Board of Education said a word in defense of the student or in condemnation of remarks denigrating inclusivity, equity, and diversity. The lunatic fringe has apparently cowed the elected members of the BOE. But there are a whole lot of us out here who are not cowed by that lot and are about to bring a bull to their rodeo. The only people who could walk out of that meeting with their dignity intact were three students from SDHS, SHHS, and Pocomoke.

Some Milestones for DWC in 2023

Our newly designed Web site was launched in 2023

Thanks to talented designer Sally Moore who led us in this task!

Thanks to our dedicated DWC volunteers, nearly 1,000 postcards were written in support of reproductive choice in Ohio and other states from September to November 1! (200 in one day). Postcard parties were hosted by several members at their homes.

Just wait until 2024 -- you ain't seen nothin yet!

Your New DWC Officers/Board of Directors for 2024 were sworn in by Past President Susan Hubbard at the December 13 Holiday Luncheon - shown above (left to right: Susan Buyer, Sue Challis, Dana Barney, Debi Koczen-Doyle and Debra Fisher-Reynolds). (those unable to attend were: Maggie Miller, Cherie McNett and Maria Campione Lawrence).

2024 DWC Board/Officers

President: Debra Fisher-Reynolds

Vice President: Susan Buyer

Treasurer: Margaret (Maggie) Miller

Corresponding Secretary/Newsletter: Sue Challis

Recording Secretary: Dana Barney

At-Large: Deborah Koczen-Doyle, Maria Campione Lawrence, Cherie McNett


Spirit of the Party Breakfast Held in Ocean City

Thought you might like to see some of what you missed at the recent Spirit of the Party Breakfast held at the OC 50+ Center.

Good times and politics were had by all, according to our sources!

In attendance were local officials, including Pocomoke Mayor Todd Nock and Salisbury Councilwoman Michelle Gregory, along with two of the major candidates for U.S. Senate in Maryland who also made the event.

DWC Member Linda Linzey with former State's Attorney, current Prince George's County Executive, and candidate for U.S. Senate, Angela Alsobrooks at the Breakfast.

Democratic Central Committee official Roxie Dennis had the ear of Congressman David Trone, who is also running for U.S. Senate.

Recap of November 20, 2023 Democratic Women's Club Meeting

Co-president Mary Anne Whitcomb welcomed attendees and new members. One, Estella Santos, shared with the group her recent efforts with Ocean City officials to contest political signs on the beach.

Vice President Susan Buyer introduced guest speakers Michelle Gregory, Salisbury City Council member, and Todd Nock, Pocomoke City Mayor. Michelle stressed the need to consolidate efforts around one candidate for local offices, citing what happened in the recent election for Mayor of Salisbury -- where a Republican was elected for the first time in many years. She talked about the need to combat disinformation and voter suppression, how important it is to focus on municipal level races (school board, city council, others). She also stressed the need to make new candidates or elected officials at the local level aware of the resources available to them from the Democratic Party in this area so they are able to succeed and possibly go on to other higher offices. Todd Nock talked about the importance of writing open letters to the editor calling out Republican disinformation, remembering that Democrats are the party of resilience, reinforcing that religion should not be politicized, and the need to engage voters and leaders in the African American community.

Business Meeting

Mary Anne Whitcomb thanked everyone for their support during her two-year term as co-president. She reminded everyone that that this year's holiday luncheon will be held December 13 at the new Hilton Garden Inn (formerly the Dunes).

Holiday giving and donations: many are listed on the ShoreGivesMore and Giving Tuesday sites. A separate announcement on giving options, including local charities and food banks will be sent out next week. Donations on behalf of the DWC will be sent to Coastal Hospice and Worcester GOLD. Individual members may of course contribute to those organizations.

Nominating Committee - Susan Hubbard introduced the slate of officers for 2024, to be installed at the Holiday Luncheon:

President: Debra Fisher-Reynolds

Vice President: Susan Buyer

Treasurer: Maggie Miller

Recording Secretary: Dana Barney

Corresponding Secretary and Newsletter Editor: Sue Challis

At Large: Debra Koczen-Doyle, Maria Lawrence, Cheri McNett

Treasurer's Report - Maggie announced it was in the November newsletter

Committee Reports highlights:

PAC - Joan Roache reported there will be lots of work to do in 2024, including postcards, outreach and voter education and registration. Joan also briefly told of her experience at the recent Democratic Summit in Cambridge and some of the lessons from the seminars she attended. She announced the new Facebook page being developed, The Delmarva Report, and urged members to view it and follow it. She also reported that the next Board of Education meeting is November 21 and Buckingham Elementary School will be on the agenda. Joan and others from Strong Schools Worcester County will attend.

ERA - Susan Buyer reported that the (national) ERA Coalition went before the Human Rights Committee of the UN asking for support for US ratification of the ERA and inclusion in the Constitution. She will report on further efforts in January.

Membership - New Members (including those who joined or renewed in September) will be considered paid up for 2024. All others -- get your dues in at the January meeting.

Central Committee -- Cherie McNett reported on her networking experience at the recent summit. She also reported the Central Committee has plans to plans to send information postcards to all newly registered Democrats. She said the Committee is still looking for office space for the upcoming election year and asked anyone with ideas to contact her. She announced the Kennedy-King Dinner will be held in April 2024.

Submitted by Dana Barney, Recording Secretary



Thursday, December 21, 6 to 9 p.m.

Democratic Club of Worcester County Holiday Social

Tailchasers Restaurant

12203 Coastal Highway

Ocean City, Md.

Come join your fellow Dems for conversation and celebration.

Order from the menu - the restaurant will provide separate checks.

They do need a head count, however, so RSVP to Jane Rollins, [email protected]



Thursday, January 4, 2024, 5 to 7 p.m.

(and the first Thursday of each month)

Drinking Liberally

Bar and Grill at the Residence Inn

300 Seabay Lane, Ocean City

Monday, January 8, 2 p.m.

DWC Political Action Committee Meeting

Via Zoom

Meeting ID 862 1436 7963 Passcode DWC

Come join us! Lots to do in 2024.

For information: Joan Roache [email protected]

Monday, January 15

DWC Regular Monthly Meeting (every third Monday of the month)

social time, 9:30 a.m. (please bring your own beverage), speaker and meeting, 10 a.m.

Ocean Pines Community Center

Assateague Room

Speaker is Laura Wilson-Gentry (see article above)

Thursday, January 25, 6 p.m.

(and every fourth Thursday of the month)

Democratic Club of Worcester County Meeting

Ocean Pines Community Center

Marlin Room

Check your email for DWC Action Alerts and other Upcoming Events in January

The DWC Newsletter is published monthly. If you have items to submit, please send to Sue Challis, Editor at [email protected] by the 10th of the month. Thank You!

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