A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
— Christopher Reeve
Vital Village Networks wishes you a happy and blessed Holiday season.
As a network that aims to maximize child, family, and community wellbeing, we are humbled to be in a position to impact the lives of others, and to this end, we know that this work is far more than we can do alone and certainly, we could not do it without you. You, our Community Partners, Storytellers, Mental Health Committee Members, Coalition Members, our collaborators, funders, and most of all you, our Community Members. Your commitment and support to this work speak volumes of your dedication to cultivating collective responsibility for all children and believing that we have to be the heroes that we long for. And that it is only through shared responsibility and work that we can improve our situation. So, please accept our thanks and gratitude for all of your contribution; as we look forward to what we can and will do together for the next coming year.
From all of us at Vital Village Networks,
Happy Holidays!
Network members' voices bring good news and share highlights from around our community
Vital Village Bi-Annual Survey
We are asking all our community members to please take a moment and complete our bi-annual survey, for us. This is a great tool to help us gauge how we are doing, what your needs are, and how we can improve our services to you. It will only take a few minutes and there is a chance for you to win prizes. Thank you!
Connect with Vital Village Networks at these upcoming events
2023 Unsung Heroes
December 11, 2023 | 5:30-7:30p ET
We are pleased to invite you to come and celebrate the 2023 Unsung Heroes with us on Monday, December 11th during the December Network Connection Meeting:
Time: 5:30-7:30p ET (In-person Dinner begins at 5:30p and the Meeting starts at 6:00 pm)
In-Person Address: FGH Building 820 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02118
Check out available resources relevant to children and families
The Greater Boston Birth Equity Coalition
Vital Village Networks (VVN) has partnered with community leaders, health care providers, and advocates to launch the Greater Boston Birth Equity Coalition focused on serving families furthest from opportunity as they welcome new children. Community partners from across the region worked collaboratively to design the foundational elements of a coalition governance and decision making structure that uplifts the dignity of its members and is grounded in healing-centered practices.
The design team is now seeking nominations for 11 members to serve as leaders for the official founding of a Greater Boston Birth Equity Coalition. We are also seeking advisors to join the Elder Council to provide sage guidance to the coalition. Next, we are also seeking coalition members to express interest in joining.
We are inviting people from all walks of life to join in co-leading this coalition. We value and welcome all forms of leadership centered in upholding and protecting the dignity of children and birthing people.
If you, or someone you’d like to nominate, fit this description and are ready to be a part of designing solutions for Boston children and families, please complete this interest form.
Please access the interest forms through the provided link to submit for yourself or nominate someone else.
Boston Breastfeeding Coalition
Free Lactation Support
Are you pregnant, nursing, or know someone who is? Come to one of our drop-in support groups around Boston! Our groups offer professional lactation counseling, fun playgroups for your young child, and support for anyone struggling with the ups and downs of parenting.
Learn more about events and resources by our partners and community organizations
Spread Joy this Season: Volunteer with Toys for Tots
This holiday season, Mayor Wu and the Office of Neighborhood Services are teaming up with Toys for Tots to spread joy and help residents in need throughout Boston. Join us in making a difference at the Boston Convention Center in the Seaport!
We are on the lookout for enthusiastic volunteers to make this festive initiative a resounding success. You can help bring toys and smiles to those in need.
Ready to make a difference?
Sign up now and be a part of the magic! Volunteers are needed until December 22, 2023. Sign up today!
If you would like to improve your grade and get homework help, Visit the South Boston Branch Library and get homework help from a Boston teacher. Multiple dates available!
Wednesday, November 29 & December 6, 13, and 20, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Donna Farquharson, a local theater educator and social-emotional learning specialist, leads this four-week afterschool program series. Participants should plan to attend all four sessions. Learn mindfulness techniques through play as you connect with your emotions, your body, and your peers. Join us to celebrate creativity, collaboration, and self-expression through theater!
Snacks provided. Ideal for students in grades 2-5.
About: The Center provides residents with the skills and resources to develop their future vision for economic empowerment and move toward personal financial success and wealth building. Residents can access combined services for creating a personal financial plan, developing a job strategy to increase earnings, and using all benefits residents are entitled to. Every participant must be motivated to work with a free personal financial coach over time to meet his or her goals and see the changes in their lives.
Mon-Thurs: 9AM-5PM; Fri 9AM-4PM; Appointments also available outside these hours by arrangement
Pinnacle Partnerships (PERL)
-Sorry, I removed the Quote-Could not put it back:
The Psychological Enhanced Response Liason (PERL) Program, offered by Pinnacle Partnerships, is a transformative initiative designed to empower families facing mental health challenges. At PERL, we understand that raising a child with mental health needs can be both rewarding and overwhelming. Our mission is to provide dedicated support, resources, and a community of understanding for parents and caregivers on this journey.
In The News (ITN): HealthCity, BMC
This month, Amy Sobota, MD, Chief of Pediatric Hematology, testified at the Statehouse in support of legislation that would allow for the creation of a sickle cell disease registry, which is key in closing racial gaps in sickle cell disease. Read more from Sobota's testimony on HealthCity.
Explore data from across the United States
Career Counseling through the city of Boston:
Are you between the ages of 14-26?
Do you need support with finding a job or career path?
You’re in luck! BPL's Youth Career Counselor Santos will be offering one-on-one counseling for resumes, cover letters, job searching, as well as career planning every Monday at Grove Hall. These one-on-one sessions will be by appointment only, so please book your appointment before-hand! These sessions will run up to 45 minutes
Join the Work to Become A Green New Deal City
Review Board Assistant (Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance)
- Becomes thoroughly familiar with BERDO and related Regulations and Policies as well as the City of Boston’s climate and sustainability goals and the City’s administrative structure, programs, and staff responsibilities for climate action.
- Responds to inquiries from the public about application procedures and deadlines, building decarbonization issues, public hearing records questions, compliance and other BERDO related issues as they arise.
- Assists with the development and implementation of BERDO Regulations and Policies.
Maternal Mortality in the U.S.
In the United States maternal mortality is increasing, yet the majority of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable. Black and Indigenous women experience higher rates of maternal mortality. Racial inequities are related to structural racism and inequities in access to culturally-affirming health care a diverse healthcare workforce and comprehensive community supports to prevent and mitigate social factors that impact health. The infographic below from NIHCM shares strategies to increase health justice and equity for all birthing individuals and families.
Infographic Citation: The Uneven Burden of Maternal Mortality in the U.S. (2022, August 02). NIHCM Foundation,
Have an event, job opportunity, or resource to share with the network?
Vital Village Networks is a network of residents and agencies committed to maximizing child, family, and community well-being.