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Ski Challenge | December, 2023

Quick Links


Championships Results

Registration Information

Calendar of Events

Open NASTAR Races

Open NASTAR Races are back! Get your ski legs under you and run more gates! We offer many race nights including one in December before the start of the season!

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Registration / Check in

Make check in at the first league race run a lot smoother by registering and paying ahead of time!

Before you can participate in a race, you need an online waiver filled out and your registration fees paid. We highly recommend that you take care of this before checking in at your first race. That way you can check in, get geared up and out on the hill a lot quicker!

Click on the link to the right to take care of it now.

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Season Schedule

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See who has registered so far by following this link to our rosters page

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Frequently Asked Questions / Rules

If you are new to Ski Challenge or just want a refresher, you can head on over to our FAQ and RULES page. There you will find information on :

  • How do I sign up?
  • What does it cost?
  • I’m not a very good skier/boarder/telemarker. Will I have fun?
  • Can I get a sub?
  • Cancellations
  • Injuries
  • Rules
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Championships at Giants Ridge

Friday – Sunday, March 1-3, 2024 -Giants Ridge

Championships weekend at Giants Ridge is a fun-filled weekend with a lot of racing! Teams are divided into divisions with teams of similar abilities. There are also additional team and individual races that everyone can participate in, including non-Ski Challenge members! The weekend is finished up with a Sunday Fun-day race day put on by the Midwest Masters that includes a Super G and Slalom race. 

Look for upcoming information on a Saturday night event where we can all get together and celebrate the season, win some prizes, and see who is crowned King and Queen of the Hel! More information to come.

Follow this link for information on the weekend events, lodging, and much more!

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Clinics and Practices

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Buck Hill Clinics and Practices

952-435-7174 - ext 608

Adult Race Clinics at Buck Hill taught by Buck Hill Race Staff

Wednesday Race Clinics

Skier Type: All Ages and Abilities

Dates: Starting December 13

Times: 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM

Course Run: Crossroads

Fee: $30 per day

Friday Race Clinics

Jan 12, Feb 2, 9, 23

7-8:30 pm



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Friday Race Clinic at Giants Ridge

March 1, 2024

11 am – 1 pm


Run gates on Innsbruck and Helsinki as much as you want between 11 am and 1 pm. If you have a young racer interested in participating in the practice, they need to be able run gates on their own. There will be no assistance with the chair lift.


New Start Ramp at

Buck Hill

The new start ramp at Buck Hill is shaping up! This new ramp allows racers to ski right up to the ramp. Nothing to climb up. The design makes it easier for the on-hill snow crew to push snow up for a good cover. A speaker has been installed so race times can be heard at the top of the run in addition to the finish area.

The run is much wider with the addition of the new chairlift!

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Season Passes

Buck Season Passes
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Did you know you can see current and past photos on our Ski Challenge Photo Website?

You can download high-resolution photos at no charge including Team Photos.

Follow the link to the left to see more!

Thank you Sponsors!
We appreciate the support we receive from the Ski Challenge Sponsors. Please remember them when you are making your buying decisions for the season. Most of our sponsor shops offer Ski Challenge members a discount.
Platinum Sponsors
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Gold Sponsors
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Silver Sponsors
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Bronze Sponsors
You are receiving this E-news because you are either on a Ski Challenge Team, or have shown interest in the past.

Thank you for your interest and participation in Ski Challenge.


Barb and Dave Everson
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