November 2023

Fall Classes & Resources

A Message From Our Director

Dear Amaryllis Community:

Happy Holidays! I hope this newsletter finds you enjoying time with family and friends. Shorter days and hectic schedules can make this time of year so stressful for both kids and adults alike. Take time to breathe, those really big belly breaths that end in “ahhhhh”. I know, I say that a lot but neuro-research backs me up! Big deep breaths can reset your nervous system and help you feel more calm and grounded. Try one now!

Big news that I would like to share with the community is that I am stepping down as the director of Amaryllis. I have very much enjoyed leading the clinic for the past 20+ years but now I am looking forward to spending my time at Amaryllis seeing more babies for therapy rather than managing the daily operations of our busy clinic.  I am pleased to announce that Stephanie Martens, MSOTR/L will take over leadership of Amaryllis Therapy Network beginning in January. She is an amazing therapist who is well-loved by patients and staff and is the right person to lead Amaryllis in new and exciting directions! 

Thank you again, Amaryllis Community, for all of your support this year. We look forward to serving you and your infants and children in 2024.

In gratitude, 


Upcoming Clinic Schedule Changes:

  • The clinic will be closed on Saturday, December 23rd, Monday, December 25th, and Monday, January 1st.

Snow Day Policy:

The clinic will follow the same weather closures as Denver Public Schools. Please refer to 9 News or our Facebook Page to check if we are closed on that day. Thank you!

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Infant Massage Class



January 10, 17, 24

This is an in-person 3 session class AND can also be accessed virtually. The instructor is Robin Hoffman, OTR/L, CIMI, and it is open to all parents and babies in the community. You will learn ways to improve your baby's sleep and digestion through massage.

Register for January Classes

Weekly Support Class for Tongue and Lip Tie Release

Group and individualized support to build your confidence in preparing your lil'one for tongue and lip tie release procedures.  Infants 0-6 months.



In this class, Parents will learn pre- and post-procedure stretches and exercises, as well as nervous system regulation strategies for their baby.

Click Here to Sign Up for December 28th Lil' Feeders!
For other dates, please call the Front Desk at 303-433-0852!


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Wake Up Your Child’s Brain with NeuroMovement®

Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® is a science-based approach for waking up your child’s brain, providing it with the information and conditions to grow, develop, and thrive.

With over 30 years of experience working with children of all ages and a variety of conditions, we have seen children overcome many limitations and experience surprising new possibilities! Learn more about this Method in Anat Baniel’s book, Kids Beyond Limits.

Andrew Tarr is an Anat Baniel Method of NeuroMovement (ABMNM) practitioner here at Amaryllis who works with children and adults. He also trained and works as a Feldenkrais Practitioner. These two methods are closely related, evolving from the work and teachings of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. 

This video (link below) introduces Baniel’s book, Kids Beyond Limits, which I highly recommend to patients, caregivers, teachers, and professionals. 

For any questions about this work, or to schedule a session,

contact Andrew directly at (303) 345-5777,, or visit



Mediterranean Meatballs with Tzatziki Sauce

From the Modern Proper

Click on the PDF below for the full recipe!

Mediterranean Meatball Recipe