Aligning People, Purpose, and Community

December 2023

A Message from Our Outgoing President

“I do believe that to have a good community, mutual caring and generosity is essential - and that’s what philanthropy is.” - Ray Dalio


Ray Dalio’s words speak truth to power. Mutual care and generosity is philanthropy and I have witnessed it in full force this year in our chapter. This year’s theme, Aligning People, Purpose, and Community was not an afterthought. It was an intention that manifested in the following ways:


  • We reimagined AFP-GLAC‘s infrastructure and how we will carry out our mission
  • We transitioned to the transformational, shook things up a bit, with new educational offerings and a rebrand of our National Philanthropy Day
  • We remained steady financially during a growing recession
  • We retained membership in the face of decreasing numbers nationwide
  • We increased our social media footprint and awareness
  • We worked closely with our Global Office for our collective success
  • We transitioned to dual leadership for 2024
  • We established new partnerships that will support our education and advocacy success in the new year and beyond


Oh, the lessons we’ve learned in our 55 years of empowering nonprofit professionals through education, networking, research, and advocacy. And we’re just getting started!


On a personal note, my presidency has brought forth a time of deep reflection for me. This little girl from South Central has come so far and has had the best time sharing her gifts and talents with AFP-GLAC. As I walk into this new season of my life, know that I am leaving better. A better listener. A better colleague. A better community builder.

A better businesswoman. A better leader.


The Board and the AFP-GLAC community have inspired me, motivated me, corrected me, rallied around me, walked in front of me, alongside me and held me up in my time of need… and for that I will always be grateful.


As you walk into this new year, I pray that you do so audaciously and boldly. That you remember your purpose and know just how much your gifts are needed. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, “Fundraisers solve the world’s problems. We are a gift.” Please don’t ever forget that. You are to be valued, seen, heard, and supported wherever you are…and that’s the minimum.


Yes, we have a lot of work to do as a sector and as a chapter, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that our new leadership and board will continue to be with you, working together, as we forge the new path forward with courage, joy, an energy of abundance, and kindness.


Because THAT is exactly what the world needs right now.



In deep gratitude, service, and love,


Lisa J. Baxter

2023 Outgoing President

2024 Immediate-Past President


P.S. Happy Holidays & A True Year!

Supporting AFP Foundation and Local Chapter

Be the CAUSE

Your gift to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy will allow us to develop and implement new programs and enhance existing ones like scholarships, education and research. And don’t forget, BE the CAUSE is a cooperative annual fund that also provides direct benefit to your local community through your AFP chapter.

Thank you to our donors!

Lisa Baxter, BA

Hannah Berger, MPA, CFRE

 Cassie Carter, PhD

Jewlette Christopher

Diana Corbin, CFRE

Yulanda Davis-Quarrie, MS, CFRE

 Kevin Delaney

Madeleine Dile

Farrah Douglas

Jennifer Gregg

Yvette Herrera, CFRE

Hamid Jahangard

Sok King Tng

Charlotte Lacey

Tiffany Leung, MPA

Dervla McDonnell

Mauria McPoland, ABC, MPA

Maggie Trigueos, CFRE


Chapter Fund

The Chapter Fund is available to AFP GLAC members to help cover chapter dues, National Philanthropy Day, in-person events and educational opportunities as well as help underwrite costs of running the chapter for all members. The funds are important to sustain membership, open doors to learning, and to deepen the profession regionally. What the chapter offers improves fundraising skills across the region and builds networking. We all bring in additional cash, in-kind, and promotional support to find cures for cancer, homes for the homeless, new works of art, and countless other important things that make Los Angeles alive. One-time and monthly donations available.

Thank you to our donors!

Katie Alheim

Hannah Berger, MPA, CFRE

Liz Birlet

Kim Burbank

Alexis Bodkin

Carmela Carreno

Cassie Carter, PhD

Yuri Casco, CFRE

Mayra Catalan-Orozco

Calvin Chan

Monica Lee Copeland, CFRE

Diana Corbin, CFRE

Kevin Delaney

Kenzie Durham

Jessa Freemyer

Melissa Foster

Bernie Gaps

Jeremy Glazer

Alyssa Hopf

Jennifer Herrera

Yvette Herrera, CFRE

Paulina Jones

Renee Johnson

Shayla Jordan

Charlotte Lacey

Dominique Langerman

Connie Maguire, CFRE

Cory Martin

Pamela Morgan

S Nuno

Vanessa Peterson

Genevieve Riutort

Andrea Salazar, BA

Michael Sampiano

Suren Seropian

Somer Sherwood-White

Olivia Smith

John Spokes

Alex Springberg

Maggie Stillman

Traci Takahara

Maggie Trigueros, CFRE


Thank you to all who donated to Spark of Love!

Congratulations to the 2024 Board of Directors!

2024 Chamberlain Scholarship Application

AFP- GLAC is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2024 Chamberlain Scholarship to cover registration for one of our members to attend the flagship international conference for fundraising professionals, the AFP International Conference on Fundraising (ICON), April 7-9, 2024 in Toronto, Canada. The scholarship, provided by generous support from the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy, covers conference registration and the recipient is responsible for travel and other related expenses. Read about past recipient experiences here, and apply for a scholarship!

Chamberlain Scholarship Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Candidate is employed as a fundraising professional or, if candidate is an executive director, a substantial amount of time must be devoted to fundraising.
  2. Candidate has never attended an AFP or NSFRE International Conference on Fundraising as a registered participant (unless as a member of the Conference Host Committee) and is enthusiastic to attend the full conference as scheduled.
  3. Candidate must agree to complete an online evaluation form about his or her experience at International Conference.
  4. Only one individual from any local organization or institution may be selected.
  5. Candidate must be willing to share their AFP ICON experience with their chapter after the conference has concluded. This can be accomplished through a report to chapter leadership, a contribution to the chapter newsletter, or an alternate contribution identified by chapter leadership.

One candidate will be chosen by our Chapter Scholarship Committee to receive a scholarship toward registration for the AFP ICON 2023. Registration fees, except for a $10 payment to secure registration, are paid by the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy.  

AFP ICON is held each year and attracts more than 4,000 fundraising professionals to discuss important trends and issues related to fundraising and philanthropy with more than 100 educational sessions on every aspect of philanthropy. 

The Chamberlain Scholarship Program honors Ralph Chamberlain, CFRE, a long-time fundraiser and supporter of AFP who helped to form one of the organization’s first chapters, the Greater New York Chapter. Because of his long-time support of the Foundation for Philanthropy, the AFP Board of Directors renamed the Conference Scholarship Program in 2000 to honor Mr. Chamberlain’s memory and commitment to the fundraising profession.

For more information about the Chamberlain Scholarship, please contact Charlotte Lacey or Heather Even. To support the AFP-GLAC Scholarship Fund, which provides support for AFP-GLAC members to attend our local events, please visit our website

DEADLINE TO APPLY: January 16, 2024

Scholarship Application
2024 ICON

A Message from Outgoing VP Communications

It has been quite a year. One of trials and tribulations but also of tremendous success and resilience. Thank you, my fellow colleagues, who I had the honor of serving with on the board this year. I will continue to value our friendship and the good work we did on behalf of our chapter, but more importantly the work that we did collectively on behalf of our fellow fund-raising professionals who are part of the AFP GLAC community. 


Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year.


Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie, M.S., CFRE

2023 VP Communications

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