Message from Dean Egerstedt
As we look back at 2024, it has been a highly successful year in the UCI Samueli School of Engineering. We continue to climb the rankings, our research expenditures are at an all-time high, and our research discoveries continue to positively impact the world around us. Highlights include a multidisciplinary university research initiative (MURI) project on thermal management using machine learning; the E-SONIC new instrument competition organized in partnership with the Pacific Symphony and the Claire Trevor School of the Arts; several new, prestigious awards for our faculty, including for our impressive junior faculty; and the 25th anniversary of the gift to name the school.
I wish you all a wonderful (and who knows, maybe even restful?) holiday season. I hope you get to spend it surrounded by your favorite people. Onward to 2025!
Magnus Egerstedt, Ph.D.
Stacey Nicholas Dean of Engineering