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December 2024

News For Everyone

Join the Board

Are you an individual or parent seeking an opportunity to make a difference in our community by helping to shape the lives of children and youth with learning disabilities/ADHD?

LD Edmonton, a chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta, is seeking passionate volunteers to sit on the Board of Directors who are committed to advocating and enriching the lives of neurodiverse children and youth. 

News For Parents

24 Ways to Make the Holidays Kid-Friendly

By Child Mind Institute

These strategies will help families of children with autism, ADHD, anxiety, and other challenges sidestep common sources of stress during holiday season.

Learn what to do about winter school breaks, preventing melt-downs at family gatherings, and easing travel strain.

Watch the video or read the article.

Holiday Friendly Tips
Register for Parent Training

Foothills Community Services Winter Programs for children and teens with Learning Disabilities/ADHD are starting in January

 and registrations are open!

Read/Write & Math Intervention

Register for Intervention

If your child is struggling with reading, spelling or writing at grade level, choose from Booster, Intensive or Weekly literacy programs.

If math is the issue, register for the new Foundations in Math small group program.

Amicus Recreation Winter Programs

Register for Amicus

Register your child or teen for a diverse range of programs that combine fun, hands-on activities with intentional social skill development. Youth build confidence, learn teamwork, and improve communication skills.

Girls Only!

Register for Girls Only

A powerful 8-week program designed for girls between the ages of 9-12 (Juniors) & 13-16 (Teens) with a Learning Disability and/or ADHD.

The program engages girls to share their challenges, discover their strengths and learn strategies to effectively and positively manage both.

REFOCUS Parenting Program

Reinforcing Executive Functioning with Optimism, Compassion, Understanding and Support

In this 10-week interactive course, parents and caregivers will learn about executive function, how executive function affects children and teens, and, they will learn tools and strategies to help their children increase these skills.

These are virtual sessions.

Register for REFOCUS

KidSport Alberta

"KidSport Alberta provides grants to help cover the registration costs so all kids aged 18 and under can play a season of sport. Together with our network of nearly 40 local chapters, we remove barriers So ALL Kids Can Play!"

Discover KidSport

News For Adults

"Managing your money can feel overwhelming, especially if you add the challenge of ADHD or a learning disability (LD). With the right strategies and tools, you can create a budget and build good money habits that work for your brain.

Let’s look at some practical tips and tools to help simplify budgeting and build financial confidence. Building financial confidence can spill over to build confidence in other areas of your life, too."

Read More

Special Budgeting tips for the Holidays

12 Best Tips to Spend Less at Christmas by Money Mentors

Holiday Shopping Tips - Here's How to Keep Spending in Check - TD Bank

Practical Tips to Avoid Debt During the Holiday Season - Credit Counselling Society

Understanding Adult ADHD

This program designed for those who are newly diagnosed and are embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery.

Understanding ADHD and how it impacts all areas of life is a pivotal starting point for moving forward. 

Join us to unravel the complexities of Adult ADHD in an interactive, supportive, and collaborative environment.

Register Here

Adult ADHD Coaching

"In this dynamic program you’ll gain insight into your ADHD, how to build strengths along with your ADHD toolbox!

In this 6-week group coaching program, participants will be introduced to foundational topics for living well with ADHD.

This interactive program provides step-by-step practical support on implementing tools and strategies for more consistent performance."

Register for Coaching

Perlego Online Textbook Library

If you are a post-secondary student or an instructor, check out Perlego. It is an online textbook library with built-in accessibility and study tools to make textbook learning easier and more efficient. A straight-forward subscription model means there is no need to purchase an e-textbook but there is much more functionality than with a traditional e-reader.

Explore Perlego

News For Educators & Professionals

Tips for Recognizing Learning Disorders in the Classroom

Characteristics of learning disabilities that can hide in plain sight

"Teachers are often the first to notice that a child has a learning disorder. Sometimes the signs are easy to spot, like a student who’s way behind in reading. Or a child who’s working hard but just keeps failing tests. But sometimes the signs are harder to see. And that can mean kids who need help don’t get it."

Learn the Early Signs
Learn More

Universal Design for Learning in Mathematics Instruction, K-5

In Universal Design for Learning in Mathematics Instruction, K-5, Katie Novak and Ashley Marlow apply their expertise in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and equitable, inclusive instruction to the elementary math curriculum. 

Topics include:

  • Cultivating early numeracy skills
  • Growing positive mathematical mindsets
  • Unlocking access to additive reasoning
  • Deepening multiplication and division understanding
  • Inviting learners into the world of fractions

Specialized Reading Knowledge for English Learners

This is a new PD course!

"AIM is excited to provide these unique, comprehensive and evidence-based learning modules to support education partners who are looking for training, tools and resources to support English learners as they implement evidence-based structured literacy instruction in the classroom. This course can be completed in 6 weeks."

Other Course offerings:

Pathways to Structured Literacy

Pathways to Proficient Reading

Pathways to Proficient Reading: Secondary

Pathways to Proficient Writing

Wilson Language Training

Register Here

If you are interested in PD from other institutions, check out our Network Educator PD page listings.

News For Employers

A Neurodivergent Leadership Guide: How to Run a Business When You Have ADHD

"ADHD may enhance problem solving and fuel innovation at work — but to reap the full benefits of neurodivergent thinking, business leaders with ADHD surround themselves with teammates who offset their executive functioning weaknesses."

For Neurodivergent Leaders

The Learning Disabilities & ADHD Network is a collaborative initiative of a broad group of organizations, which is operated through Foothills Academy and supported by an Anonymous Donor at the Calgary Foundation.

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