Vol. X, No. 3

December 13, 2024

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Falcons Bring Home Trophies from National Tournament

Over 400 teams from 26 states converged on Knoxville just before Thanksgiving for the Battle in Rocky Top annual tournament, and our CBS Falcons returned home with three trophies. The 7th and 6th grade teams won their division national titles with three wins each, and the 5th grade Falcon team earned a runner-up trophy, winning its first two games but losing in the final. Coaches of the teams included some volunteer dads. Middle school teams were grouped into one of 32 divisions by age and other factors and played over about a dozen locations in Knoxville, Siever County and Gatlinburg.

The 7th team played in the 12U Restricted Central Division and rolled to a 24-0 win over Cloudland Highlanders, another 24-0 win, this time over the Tri-County Spartans, and then a 22-0 win over the Overton County Outlaws for the championship. Coaches were Scott Simpson, Chris Bell, Christian Crawford, Zack Bell, Ryan Alfonso and Thomas Lanosga.

The 6th grade team, playing in the 11U United Division, also won its championship in three shut-outs: 22-0 over the Tennessee Gorillas, 36-0 over the Plainfield Red Pride, and 18-0 over the Eaton Eagles. The 6th grade team was coached by Robby McMyne, Tony Cunningham, Lee Rogers, Cameron Crozier and Travis Bonifacic.

In the 10U Bronze Division the 5th grade team won 16-6 over the Clarksville Screaming Eagles and 28-8 over Etown Youth Panthers, before losing 28-22 to the Madison County Packers in a close match. Coaches were Craig Radetich, Ray Radetich, Nick Kerth and Brett Wynne.

St. Anthony Parish To Continue Montessori Pre-School

The St. Anthony of Padua Preschool program will continue through the 2025-2026, according to a letter to parents and parishioners from Rev. Auggie DeArmond, OP, pastor. He noted that with the recent passing of Sr. Ruth Angelette, OP, long time director and driving force behind the Montessori Methods-based program, there were questions about the future of the program. He said, however, that the St. Anthony of Padua Preschool program “will continue through the 2025-2026 school year, and with great hope, for years to come under my leadership.” Father Auggie said. He said he was working with Ms. Catherine Papia, current director, and Ms. Maria Leon Vallejo, a dedicated volunteer and his assistant to the program, to ensure key roles and responsibilities are in place for the coming years. He said the preschool was now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. Anyone interested can call 504-488-8510 or email stanthonyofpaduapreschool@gmail.com.

CBS To Adopt Chromebooks for Middle School Students

Christian Brothers School plans to adopt a 1:1 Chromebook program in place of the current iPad program and will provide the devices to all middle school students on both campuses. An administrative team, including president Joey Scaffidi, principals Ford Dieth, Kim Flair, and Michael Prat along with technology director Jon Pastorek, has determined that Chromebooks better align with our school’s educational needs and offer several advantages. These include three key aspects: 1) Enhanced Collaboration and Productivity: Chromebooks are seamlessly integrated with Google Workspace for Education, allowing students and teachers to collaborate in real-time on projects, assignments, and classroom activities; 2) Broader Access to Educational Tools: Many of the digital tools and platforms we use in the classroom are optimized for Chromebooks, ensuring an enhanced learning experience; 3) Cost-Effectiveness: Chromebooks are a more economical choice for both the school and families while maintaining high functionality and reliability.


To ensure a smooth transition, the school will purchase Chromebooks for all middle school students over the summer. Middle school students will receive their devices on the first day of school, along with guidance on how to use them effectively. There is no need for parents to make any purchases or arrangements for this transition, as the devices will be provided directly by the school.


“We understand that some students and families may have questions about this change, and we are committed to providing support throughout the process,” Scaffidi noted. The school will repeat the recent Parent Information Night on January 23 open to parents of students in ALL grade levels. He said that in response to parental concerns voiced at the November 7th meeting, CBS is offering assistance to parents in managing restrictions on their child’s iPad. Parents who wish to take advantage of this offer should reach out to Jon Pastorek at jpastorek@cbs-no.org to make the necessary arrangements. Lastly, over the summer, the school will share additional information, including tips for Chromebook use, expectations for device care, and details about technology policies. 

Beta Club Collecting Toys To Benefit 'Toys for Tots'

The Beta Club, along with Avery Albert (2021), is sponsoring a toy drive to benefit Toys for Tots. Unwrapped new toys are being collected on the Canal Street campus until Monday, December 16. There will be boxes in the auditorium where students can place their toy donations.

Brother John To Speak on His Book at Deutsches Haus

Br. John Mai, FSC, will talk about his book, Escape from Vietnam, on Sunday, December 22 at the Deutsches Haus “Coming to America” lecture series. The 2 p.m. event is free and open to the public at Deutsches Haus, 1700 Moss Street on Bayou St. John.

CBS Again Participating in WGNO's Coats for Kids Campaign

CBS is again participating in the WGNO-TV Coats for Kids campaign. New or gently used coats can be donated through December 19 on the Canal Street and City Park campuses. Last year, CBS donated 75 coats to support this initiative. Over the past 28 years, WGNO and its community partners have collected, cleaned and distributed more than 77,000 coasts for children in the New Orleans and the surrounding areas.

'Magic in the Park' Gala Offers Fun, Food and Fun-raising

The Cultural Center on the City Park campus was again transformed into the annual gala, "A Louisiana Saturday Night," sponsored by the Christian Brothers Foundation under the direction of foundation executive Carol Couvillion. There was plenty of food, fun and music with "Les Femmes Farouches," an all-female Cajun band providing music during the Patron Party, and "The After Party Band" kicked in at the main event to get attendees out their chairs and onto the dance floor. The silent and live auction was just as lively, with the cutest auction item being a Frenchie puppy going home with Thomas and Gabrielle "Gabby" Constant.

Some of the Gala Girls, keys to the event, included from left, Christie Levenson, Allison Couvillion, Natalie Millet and Marie McLaughlin. The Gala Girls committee arranged food donations from area restaurants, solicited items for the silent and live auction, and created just the right atmosphere for the theme, "A Louisiana Saturday Night."

Bro. John Mai, Nolan Lambert, Larry Francioni and Bro. Gale Condit made it to the gala after attending the special recognition dinner for Brother Gale earlier in the evening.

Many took to the dance floor for more fun as the band got things rolling.

Gabrielle Constant cuddles the Frenchie puppy “Aquaman,” for which she and hubby Thomas were the successful bidders at the auction part of the gala.

Ernest and Crystal Morgan visit with pre-Kindergarten parents Gerges Azer and Vironia Elias at the gala sponsored by the Christian Brothers Foundation.

Students Present 'Treasure Island' on 'Outdoor Stage'

More than a score of students collaborated with fine arts educator Meredith Long Dieth, the director, to present "Treasure Island" on the City Park campus outdoor patio. It was a swash-buckling good time enjoyed by all. Mrs. Long Dieth is already preparing for a two-night presentation of the Disney hit "Descendants" in April with auditions planned for January.

Students, parents, friends and relatives gathered with their chairs and blankets on the patio on the west side of the City Park campus for the outdoor presentation of 'Treasure Island.'

Xavier Partners with CBS for Student Observations

Xavier University partnered with CBS for their education majors’ field practicum hours at the Canal Street campus. Several XU students observed classes over a four-week period. Mrs. Crystal Morgan, CBS DEIB officer, arranged the partnership with Xavier University's Education Department, as our founder St. John Baptist de Lasalle is the patron saint of teachers, who are held to a high standard of pedagogical excellence. “This made for a perfect match for the students' classroom observations and to have their students' practicum realized at CBS,” she added, noting that Xavier is the only Catholic Historically Black College and University in the nation. 

Co-head of school Kim Flair introduced the XU students to the Canal Street campus on a school tour at orientation and coordinated their classroom schedules with assignments

to 2nd-6th grades for four weeks. At right is co-head

of school Ford Dieth.

November a Busy Month for Clubs, Organizations

Ms. Gail Barnes Johnson, president of the Associates of Sisters of the Holy Family, spoke on the order of African American nuns founded by Mother Henriette Delille, who is affirmed as “Venerable” by the Vatican on the road to sainthood, as well as five other African American candidates for sainthood. She shared the life of Henriette Delille with fourth and sixth graders on the Canal Street campus and gave each student a prayer card for her canonization. The Venerable Henriette Delille served the sick, poor and elderly and taught faith to enslaved and free children.

Harper Eshelman, KG, holds a Veterans Day observance banner her class created with her dad, Capt. David Eshelman, of the Louisiana National Guard. Captain Eshelman, who is second in command, is considered a Top Gun pilot and flies the F15 Eagle and F18 Super Hornets.

The Beta Club decorated a tree at the City Park carousel for the Christmas season. In a unique twist, club members decorated light bulbs as ornaments for the tree. From left, Caroline Daly (7W), Julia Trahant (7W), Mrs. Elizabeth Kuchler, Mrs. Stacie Richardson, Liz Bartlett (7D) and Lucia Ragas (7D).

Look closely and notice the incandescent light bulbs specially decorated as snowmen, along with heart-shaped ornaments bearing "CBS" and "Live Jesus in Our Hearts." The tree is near Storyland in City Park.

The Multicultural Club at its monthly meeting learned about Palestine, and students created bookmarks with characters in Arabic. Lilly Askar (7W), who is of Palestinian descent, presents information on the culture and customs of the land of her ancestors at the Multicultural Club meeting.

Students also had the chance to taste some desserts, offered by Abrahim Askar and Sereen Askar, parents of Lilly (7W). The Multicultural Club introduces students to new places and customs.

Members of the Beta Club helping with the food drive included Mairin Bond (6R), Emmy Smith (6M) and Clarice Dore (6R) carry donated food to help replenish the St. Anthony of Padua food bank.

Adelynn Dicharry (7D) and Julia Trahant (7W) carry a crate of peanut butter for the St. Anthony food bank. The Beta Club, under the direction of moderators Mrs. Elizabeth Kuchler and Stacie Richardson, organized a campus wide food drive.

Lily Hubbell (6R), Eleanor Clark (6M), Sabrina Wilcox (6M) and Marie Rivenburgh (6R) bring some of the donated food to the St. Anthony parish food bank. The parish operates a special food bank to help residents in the mid-city area.

The Canal Street Cycling Club took its ride in beautiful fall weather through uptown’s Audubon Park. About a dozen students and parents accompanied moderators Mrs. Heather Dougherty and Stephanie Pierce on the ride.


Three CBS Grads Named to All-Academic Teams

Three Brother Martin football seniors and CBS 2020 graduates were honored by the Louisiana High School Athletics Association for inclusion on their All-Academic teams. Nathan Malek, at left, was named to the LHSAA All-Academic Team with a 4.0 average, and Jack Bazile and Wyatt Bouchon joined him on the All-Academic Divisional Team.


Christian Brothers School

Joey M. Scaffidi, AFSC


City Park Campus
Michael Prat, Principal
#8 Friederichs Avenue,City Park
New Orleans, LA 70124

Canal Street Campus

Kimberly Flair,

Co-Head of School, PK-2

Ford Dieth, Co-Head of School, 3-7

4600 Canal Street

New Orleans, LA 70119


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