Children, Youth & Family (CYF) Ministries


December 2024

November Highlights

November was a very busy month filled with fun, faith and friends!

Check out a few of the things that kept us busy in the moth of November. Then check out below to join in on the fun in December!

Now Showing
Lighthouse Ministries - FMSC
First Communion
Lighthouse Ministries - Can Can & Escape Room

CYF Ministries - All Ages

More About "The Grinch"

Now Showing...

Who: All ages (Those under grade 6 must have a caring adult attend with them.)

When: Friday, December 6

Time: 6-8:30pm

Where: OSLC's Gathering Space

Bring: Sleeping bag/air mattress/bean bag to watch from

Wear: You are encouraged to come in your favorite Christmas attire - pajamas, sweaters, costume, etc.

Cost: $5/person, $20 max/household

Food Included: Roast “Beast” Sandwiches, Who Pudding, Beezlenut Splash (Sprite float with lime sherbert) and more!

Sign up: Sign up on the CYF Board in the rotunda at OSLC or by emailing Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries. Sign up is not required but helpful for food planning.

Coming Up...

January 10 - Inside Out

February 7 - Inside Out 2

More About "Inside Out"
More About "Inside Out 2"

Blue Christmas Worship

Thursday, December 5, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

At Our Saviour’s, we realize that the holidays can be difficult for many. If you have experienced the death of a loved one, a divorce, loss of health or job, or are dealing with any sort of challenge in life, come and gather with others who are struggling and hungering for a glimpse of hope. Invite people you know who are in a similar situation – all are welcome. The light of Christ shines in the darkness. Come and see.

Christmas Eve Worship

On Christmas Eve, we’ll have candlelight and Communion at every service. If you’d like a little more elbow room, consider choosing the 12:30 or 9:00 pm service; 2:30 & 4:30 are usually the most full. Attending one of the other hours also leaves room for more visitors. That said, please worship at a time that works for you!

Tuesday, December 24—Communion served at all services

12:30 pm Organ-led Christmas Worship with Children’s Message

2:30 & 4:30 pm Band-led Christmas Worship with Children’s Message

9:00 pm Organ-led Christmas Worship 

Christmas Day Julotta Worship—Wednesday, December 25, 8:30 a.m.

Christmas Morning (Julotta) Worship at the Chapel (2200 Swedish Dr., Ham Lake). Julotta is the Swedish word for Christmas Morning.


Wednesday, January 22, 6:45pm-8:45pm

Ages 5 + are welcome! Need to be 5 years old to participate with parent and need to be 6th grade to participate without parent/guardian.

We will meet to check-in at 6:45 p.m. at the Coon Rapids Feed My Starving Children Location. Our shift is from 7:00 p.m.- 8:45 p.m. Pickup is at 8:45 p.m.

Feed My Starving Children

401 93rd Ave NW

Coon Rapids, MN 55433

Participants are responsible for providing their own transportation. 

Feed My Starving Children takes monetary donations and also has a store available on site. Purchases benefit the organization and the people around the world that they serve. Participants welcome to bring money to donate or shop in the store on site.

Please sign up on the CYF Board in the rotunda at OSLC or by emailing Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries at by Wednesday, January 15th.

CYF Volunteer Leadership Team

The team will be meeting once a month for planning, support and leadership opportunities. We are always open to more adults joining us! 

Contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries at, for more information.

Please mark your calendars for upcoming dates for meetings. All meetings are Sundays following the 10:15am worship service in the Youth Room.

December 15

January 12

February 16

March 16

April 27

May 18

CYF Calendar of Events 2024-25

Mark your calendars for monthly all-church events hosted by CYF!

We hope to see you there! Keep an eye on these E-Newsletters and the CYF Board in the Rotunda for details as events approach.

  • Friday, December 6, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “The Grinch”
  • Friday, January 10, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “Inside Out”
  • Friday, February 7, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “Inside Out 2”
  • Sunday, March 2, 1-3:30pm @ Sky Zone, Blaine – Trampoline Park
  • Sunday, April 6, 12-3pm @ OSLC – Lunch & Color Me Mine Ceramic Painting
  • Sunday, May 10, 12-4pm @ Como Zoo Explore Creation with a Picnic & Scavenger Hunt

Questions? Contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries,

Camp Wapo

Save the Date for 2025

Mark your calendars ... watch for more details in January!

SEEDS - 1st-3rd Grade - Friday, June 20-Sunday, June 22

Youth & Fishing - 4th-12th Grade - Sunday, June 22 - Friday, June 27

Children's Ministries - Birth-5th Grade

Littlest Ones Play Dates

We are excited to welcome children aged birth to preschool and a trusted caregiver to our new (FREE) "Littlest Ones Play Dates". We will meet select Thursdays 9:30 am-11:00 am October-May.

Littlest Ones is a time for the littlest amongst us to have a great play date and a time for parents and caregivers to connect with one another. Join together for 10 minutes of circle time – story, song and more led by Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries – followed by play time. Parent/Guardian or other caring adult required to stay and be responsible for watching over the little ones as they play with age-appropriate toys, activities, and other fun!

Upcoming Littlest Ones Play Dates:

December 12               March 6

January 2                     March 27

January 16                    April 10

January 30                  April 24

February 13                  May 8

February 27

Please reach out to Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries, with any questions.

Christmas & New Years - No Regular Programming

There will be no regular Kids' Ministries programming on Sunday, Dec. 22nd. We will see you at Christmas Eve Worship!


There will be no regular Kids' Ministries programming on Sunday, December 29th. There will instead be Kids Time during the message.

Confirmation Ministries - 6th-8th Grade

This Month in Confirmation...

December 4 - The Sending of the Seventy

December 11 - Healing the Bent-Over Woman

December 18 - Christmas Party

December 25 - No Confirmation

Mark Your Calendars for Serving Dinner!

As a reminder, each week a Confirmation Family is scheduled to help with meal service. A reminder email will be sent on Tuesdays to the families who are scheduled to help the following Wednesday. If you are unable to attend your scheduled evening, please find another family to switch with. In the event that you are unable to switch with another family, please contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries,

Any adult (18+) family member of students is welcome to fulfill this role! Please plan to be at OSLC by 5pm to serve from 5-5:50pm. Then from 5:50-6pm to sell any potential leftovers.

December 4

Calvin W.

Rylan B.

Liam M.

December 11

Brynn K.

Joshua P.

Addie H.

December 18

Makenzie/Isabelle B.

Emery S.

Josephine Z.

Meals will be offered from 5 pm - 6pm for $5 per person

Meal Schedule:

December 4

Acapulco Quesadillas and Rice

December 11

Route65 Cheeseburgers and Fries

December 18

Domino's Pizza

Mission Trip 2025: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Sunday, June 8th - Friday, June 13th, 2025

Informational Meeting: Sunday, December 8th, 11:30am in the Youth Room

6th-12th Graders in 2024-2025 school year & Adult Guides Welcome! Applications now being accepted. An application does not guarantee the applicant a spot on the trip. CYF staff will communicate with all applicants.

Through our 2025 youth mission trip, we will participate in a mission trip in Harrisburg, PA through YouthWorks! Our group will be involved in community development efforts to improve the life of Harrisburg’s residents. We will have the opportunity to serve with a local children’s program, community gardens and food banks, and assist neighborhood associations with small home repair, community beautification and cleanup projects. Potential evening activities include: visiting Hershey’s Chocolate World for a chocolate tour and simply enjoying the beauty of Harrisburg. YouthWorks has partnered with this community since 2010.

We will be traveling by plane to and from and in rental vehicles while in Harrisburg. While in Harrisburg, we will join together with other youth groups from around the country. Let’s travel together to explore what God has in store!

Price: $1300/person – Includes registration, food, travel, housing, activities… everything but souvenirs!

$400 Registration deposit (non-refundable, non-transferable) Due: Sunday, December 22

$300 Payments Due: January 19, February 16, March 16

Online Payments

Youth Registration

Adult Leader


More About YouthWorks

Lighthouse Ministries - 9th-12th Grade

Lighthouse Ministries Youth Group

Who: Current 9th-12th Graders

What: Weekly gathering for fellowship, Bible study and worship

Where: OSLC Youth Room

When: Sundays, 9am-11:15am

Why: To grow in our faith, relationships with one another and continue down our journey together

Bible Study: "Confident Christian" where we'll explore different world religions and religious groups and view them side by side with our own ELCA beliefs. Learning and exploring why we believe what we do.

Bring: Bible

Provided: Breakfast treat (donuts, muffins, juice, etc)

No need to sign up, just show up! Friends are more than welcome!

Christmas & New Years - No Regular Programming

There will be no regular Lighthouse Ministries programming on Sunday, Dec. 22nd. We will see you at Christmas Eve Worship!


There will be no regular Lighthouse Ministries programming on Sunday, December 29th.

Mission Trip 2025: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Sunday, June 8th - Friday, June 13th, 2025

Informational Meeting: Sunday, December 8th, 11:30am in the Youth Room

6th-12th Graders in 2024-2025 school year & Adult Guides Welcome! Applications now being accepted. An application does not guarantee the applicant a spot on the trip. CYF staff will communicate with all applicants.

Through our 2025 youth mission trip, we will participate in a mission trip in Harrisburg, PA through YouthWorks! Our group will be involved in community development efforts to improve the life of Harrisburg’s residents. We will have the opportunity to serve with a local children’s program, community gardens and food banks, and assist neighborhood associations with small home repair, community beautification and cleanup projects. Potential evening activities include: visiting Hershey’s Chocolate World for a chocolate tour and simply enjoying the beauty of Harrisburg. YouthWorks has partnered with this community since 2010.

We will be traveling by plane to and from and in rental vehicles while in Harrisburg. While in Harrisburg, we will join together with other youth groups from around the country. Let’s travel together to explore what God has in store!

Price: $1300/person – Includes registration, food, travel, housing, activities… everything but souvenirs!

$400 Registration deposit (non-refundable, non-transferable) Due: Sunday, December 22

$300 Payments Due: January 19, February 16, March 16

Online Payments

Youth Registration

Adult Leader Application

More About YouthWorks

Lighthouse Ministries Christmas Party!

Wednesday, December 18th

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

9th-12th Graders

Let’s celebrate Christmas!

Meet in the youth room in your favorite Christmas pajamas or sweaters.

We’ll play games, have presents, make ornaments, decorate cookies and more!

Sign up by Sunday, December 15th on the signup sheet in the rotunda or contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries, below.

Click Here to Email Leisha

Resources - Safe Places for All

Our Saviour's CYF (Children, Youth & Family) Ministries is a safe place for all!

If you or someone you know is in need of support, the CYF staff is here for you.

You are never alone and you are loved just as you are!

If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out. We are here at Our Saviour's to listen and support.

This Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a great resource to have saved in your phone. Please take a moment to do so and share and use as you need.

You can text or call 988

or chat online:


Text Message Reminders

Want to receive text message updates/reminders about confirmation and youth ministries at OSLC? Here's how you can sign up for text messages on the different ministries:

Children's (PreK-5th Grade):

text @oslckidmin to the number 81010

Confirmation (6th-8th Grade):

text @oslcconfir to the number 81010

Middle School (6th-8th Grade):

text @oslcmiddle to the number 81010

Senior High (9th-12th Grade):

text @oslcsenior to the number 81010

[763-434-6117]  []

Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries,

Rachael Pearson, CYF Administrative Specialist,

Follow Us:

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