December 2024 Events
Go to the JHJC website for more
Download or View our Prayer Book for Shabbat Services HERE.
Not in Jackson Hole? Access our Kabbalat Shabbat services via Livestream HERE.
Morning Prayers
7 - 7:30 AM
Monday - Friday / Zoom only
Please email HERE for Zoom link. Allow 24 hrs for response.
RSVP for Friday
Friday, Dec. 6
First Friday Shabbat Dinner
with Josh Kleyman and Judd Grossman
6 PM / JHJC in the Centennial Bldg
Brisket this week! Please bring a non-dairy side dish to go with dinner. Challah and dessert provided.
Saturday, Dec. 7
Torah Study - Vayeitzei
10 AM / JHJC or Zoom
Zoom link HERE
Fancy coffee, nosh and study.
Go HERE for all the links for this week's study.
Monday, Dec. 9
Tuesday, Dec. 10
Sunday, Dec. 15
Open House Tour of proposed new building
5 - 6:30 PM / Email for address
Come see the building we have under contract, ask questions and poke around.
Saturday, Dec. 14
Nate Nissenberg
Bar Mitzvah
with Josh Kleyman, Judd Grossman and Nate Nissenberg
10 AM / St.John's Church
Everyone welcome to come celebrate Nate as he is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Full Torah Service. Stay for a light lunch.
Also today
Torah Study - Vayishlach
Tune in to Nate's Bar Mitzvah via Livestream (see above) for discussion on this week's Torah portion. No Zoom this week.
Thursday, Dec. 19
Moose Almost Be Chanukah Shindig
with our Bet Sefer Students
5-6 PM / JHJC
Everyone welcome to get in the mood for Chanukah at the Bet Sefer Annual Moose Almost Be Chanukah Shindig. Enjoy latkes and all the fixins', and Chanukah games and crafts. Also pick up your Mtn Chai Chanukah Gelt during this time. All ages.
Tickets on Sale Now!
Saturday, Dec. 28
46th Annual JHJC Chanukah Party
featuring the KlezBros Klezmer
trio from Salt Lake City
Buy Tickets HERE
5 PM /JH Conference Center
Dance and nosh the night away with music by the KlezBros and latkes and all the fixins' from Bubba's. Yum! No Potluck Dinner this year. Please pre-purchase tickets if possible. Walk-ins just fine, donations of any amount at the door just fine, too.
(Note: Aprox. 6:30 PM Community Menorah Lighting. Bring your menorah/chanukiah from home.)
Go to the JHJC Website for more December events.