Everyone was in a great mood, thanks to the Presidential election, for the Fall Board of Directors Meeting in Greensboro, November 15-17.
Many thanks to Heidi Parker Martin, Secretary of the NFRW, for being our keynote speaker at our leading ladies luncheon. Heidi, who is from Louisiana, is a voice for women in leadership, and she inspired us to be involved more and to do more.
Kyshia Brassington, NC's RNC Committeewoman, thanked our members for their incredible work with Strike Forces and for our successful letter campaign with My Faith Votes in which we wrote to over 140,000 NC Republicans who do not vote. And we are thankful to have contributed to President Trump's win in NC by just over 191,000 votes.
The workshop on Saturday included presentations by Mary Frances Forrester on minutes; Pat C. Smith on the new club Bylaws; and Lorena Castillo-Ritz on the new Literacy Award. Feedback from participants was very positive.
On Saturday night, we hosted the 2024 Tribute to Women - see below for more about that wonderful event.
Thanks to Gay Dillard, VP of the Central Region, and her clubs for hosting the event and for the welcome bags and excellent hospitality room.
Representative Neal Jackson (NC-78), pastor of the Beulah Baptist Church in Bennett, led us in an inspirational prayer breakfast that ended the weekend.
Many many thanks to all the volunteers who made the weekend so exceptional.
In addition, we observed that the waitstaff at the hotel put their hands over their hearts and recited the pledge along with us at our events. They asked us if we were Republican women. Then they proudly told us that they had voted for President Trump. Winning!