Working for just,

equitable, and quality

early childhood education and 

care for every young child.

December 2024 Update

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Defending the Early Years, Inc. is a
501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Donations are tax deductible.
Our Tax ID: 82-4308558
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DEY Dialogue: Love Letter to Children on the Day After

Denisha spoke with Carla Shalaby about her Love Letter to Children on the Day After. Click below to listen to Carla's letter and their conversation about supporting children through challenging political times. Did you miss a DEY Dialogue? Watch them all here.

National Advisor News

Check out what our DEY 

National Adviors are up to! 

Heather and Kisa Talk Quality in ECE: That Early Childhood Nerd Podcast

In the third episode of this series on “quality” in early care and education, play advocate Kisa Marx joins host Heather Bernt-Santy for an important conversation about how, too often, our standards for quality do not center on the child. As part of the conversation, they discuss Heather’s decision to reject the industry standard descriptor “developmentally appropriate” in favor of more child-centering terms like “developmentally informed” and “developmentally responsive."

Denisha, Geralyn, and Nancy Attend Zinn Education Dinner Reception

Held during the National Council for Social Studies annual conference in Boston, DEY Co-Founder and President of the Board Nancy Carlsson-Paige, DEY Treasurer Geralyn Bywater, and DEY Executive Director Denisha Jones attended the Zinn Education Dinner Reception. Celebrating the Zinn Education Project's 16th year, they were joined by people’s historians, authors, Rethinking Schools editors, Teaching for Change staff, Howard Zinn’s family members and former students, teachers who use Zinn Education Project lessons, Freedom Summer veterans, authors, teacher educators, filmmakers, artists, and more. Dr. Kellie Carter Jackson, author of We Refuse: A Forceful History of Black Resistance, provided an engaging keynote.

Kaliris Helps Celebrate 50 Years of Central Park East 1 Founded by Deborah Meier

In October, Central Park East 1 (CPE) celebrated 50 years as a progressive school for NYC Black families in Harlem. CPE 1 parent and DEY National Advisor Kaliris Salas-Ramirez helped to organize the multi-day celebration. Founded by Deb Meier, a long-time educator, and DEY Founding National Advisor member, CPE 1 continues the legacy of democratic education, where teachers create hands-on, engaging curricula, and parents work as partners in their child's education. You can read more about the CPE 1 50th anniversary celebration here and listen to the Talk Out of School podcast episode that features Kaliris speaking with current and former CPE 1 educators.

DEY Banned Book Club and Tribute to Poet Nikki Giovanni

Educator, author, and parent Jesse Hagopian features Rosa by Nikki Giovanni for our latest Banned Book Club feature. As the world mourns the passing of the great poet and activist Nikkin Giovanni, we are thrilled to share one of her many children's books with you. You can find all of our Banned Book Club features here! Want to join the DEY Banned Book Club and make a feature? Send an email to!

Jesse's newest book, Teach Truth: The Struggle for Antiracist Education, will be published by Haymarket Books on January 14th, 2025. Watch the trailer here and pre-order your copy today.

DEY Thanks Our Giving Tuesday Donors

100% Match for Annual Appeal

Thanks to a generous donor, all donations received from Giving Tuesday until the end of the year will be matched 100%! This year, we need to raise $25,000 to secure critical ongoing funding from a major donor. Your donation will support our efforts to remain committed to a just, equitable early childhood education and care for all!

Donate Today

Mini-Grant Update

Creation of a Small Outdoor Hut in Tábor, Czech Republic

Outdoor Hut: We believe that our programme gives a lovely opportunity for children and their parents to experience real play and support children's development at their own pace. Outdoor Hut: We believe that our programme gives a lovely opportunity for children and their parents to experience real play and support children's development at their own pace.

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Apply for a Mini Grant by December 1

Advocacy Spotlight

Check out our Advocacy Spotlight, a series dedicated to highlighting advocacy efforts around the country to advance early childhood education.

Visit our Advocacy Map to view more advocacy efforts. Do you know of early childhood advocacy happening in your community? Add it to our Advocacy Map!

DEY Advocacy Map

Our Leadership

Board of Directors

Nancy Carlsson-Paige

Founder and Senior Advisor

Diane Levin

Founder and Senior Advisor

Blakely Bundy


Geralyn Bywater


Executive Director

Denisha Jones

Project Coordinator

Zoe Kim

Founding National Advisory Board 

Constance Kamii

Lilian Katz

Maurice Sykes

Sherry Cleary

Doris Pronin Fromberg 

Deborah Meier

Edgar Klugman

DEY National Advisors

Suzanne Axelsson*

Heather Bernt-Santy*

Samuel Broaden*

Takiema Bunche Smith*

Erika Christakis

Bill Crain

Rixa Evershed*

Dale Farran*

Carol Garboden-Murray*

Laleña Garcia*

Michelle Gunderson

Tom Hobson*

Nadia Jaboneta*

Susan Linn

Melinda Marshall*

Kisa Marx*

Peter Rawitsch*

Kisha Reid*

Rukia Rodgers*

Ruth Rodriguez-Fay

Kaliris Yimar Salas-Ramirez*

James St. Clair

Judith Van Hoorn

Dodah Yirusha*

* New Advisor

Defending the Early Years, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Donations are tax deductible. Our Tax ID: 82-4308558
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Defending the Early Years

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