What's Inside Our November 2024 Newsletter!

  1. President’s Message
  2. How Does Coronado Fill Council Vacancies?
  3. Upcoming Club Elections
  4. Holiday Happy Hour
  5. GO Team Celebration
  6. Donate Today to SWC Student Scholarships
  7. Time for 2025 Membership Renewal
  8. Save the Dates!

December 2024

President's Message


Greetings, Club Members:


Thanksgiving Day is behind us and many of you will have put up holiday decorations. But it’s always the right time to give thanks. 


Thank you, club members, for stepping up and doing all within your power to protect democracy. Just because we were not successful in some of the highest offices doesn’t mean we didn’t have some important wins (hurray, Scott Peters, Tasha Boerner and Terra Lawson-Remer!). And it doesn’t negate the good work our club members did.


I’d like to thank each of you who gave your time, talents and resources working to secure our democracy by calling, writing, walking, knocking, and voting. I’d like to thank our committees and chairs who spent countless hours behind the scenes, such as Rebecca King and our Public Policy Committee who studied each and every Ballot Measure and Proposition to give us the most accurate information before voting. Thank you to our Membership Committee led by Luan Troxel whose efforts grew our club to the unprecedented number of 300. Thank you to our amazing GO Team and the leadership of Patti Flores-Charter and Frank King, along with their large number of volunteers. Thank you to Steph Kaupp and those who helped organize a successful Web Affair to raise funds for our tech needs into 2025, and to Doris and Jim Besikof for hosting a fun event. Thank you to Edry Goot for opening your beautiful home for our recent Membership Appreciation celebration. Thank you to Jenna McIntosh and her team who put together a wonderful Red White and Blue Wave Brunch last Spring that left us uplifted and inspired. This year, every committee put forth their best, and we are so very grateful for each of you. I haven’t even named all of you who have given so much of yourselves to our club. Please know you and the work you have done are valued. Our amazing and committed Board – Patti Flores-Charter, Edry Goot and Carol Grimaud – worked tirelessly, and I am grateful for their wisdom and support.


And, an advance thank you to Gail and Bob Bardin for hosting our annual Holiday Happy Hour. (See more on that in this newsletter).


I cannot even begin to express our gratitude for each of our club member candidates who stepped up during a time when running for office has become so fraught with personal attacks, lies and misinformation. Casey, Laura, Christine and Shawnee, your integrity, courage and commitment have been inspiring, and we look forward to your continued engagement in our club and in our community. Although the results of our local race are not official as of this writing, we congratulate Amy Steward, who will be carrying our values into leadership on City Council.


And now, we all need a time of rest and refocusing on things that can calm our troubled spirits and bring us that inner peace; for some, time with loved ones, for others, long walks or time alone. Now more than ever we need our club. It might seem that with the elections over, there is no urgency to be in action. But we are entering into uncertain and painful times to come. Our club can provide a safe space for like-minded neighbors to be together. We may not be knocking on doors in January and February, but we will focus on gathering so that each of us can find mutual support and encouragement.


I invite you to stay connected.


Wishing you Peace,



How Does Coronado Fill Council Vacancies?

You May Be Surprised


Many Coronado residents are unaware that on September 7, 2021, City Council repealed our local ordinance requiring a special election to fill Council vacancies, which means under CA Gov Code § 36512(b) our new City Council may call for a special election or appoint someone to fill the unexpired term. The reasoning at the time was to give City Council the option to fill short-term vacancies by appointment rather than a special election. During Council’s deliberations, every Councilmember contemplated using appointment only to fill short-term vacancies, with the longest example being 5 months. Nonetheless, the law places no limitations on the Council’s ability to fill vacant seats through appointment, except that Council must appoint a resident within 60 days of the vacancy and must deliberate and act in open session. 

There will be two years left of Mayor-elect Duncan’s vacated term. Given the length of the remaining term, and the history behind the repeal of our local special election ordinance, appointment is arguably inappropriate in this situation. However, some may argue that holding a special election in the wake of the disparagement and disinformation of our November 5th local election will only sow more divisiveness in our community, and that appointing the third place candidate from the November 5th election is the best action to take. If you have an opinion on the matter, you’ll need to speak up quickly. Our new Council should be sworn in on December 17, and their decision on how to fill the vacant Council seat will follow soon thereafter. Watch this space.



In the wake of a disappointing and heartbreaking election season, one thing is clear: The show must go on! Now, more than ever, we need to recommit to our democratic values and keep our club robust and strong. What better way than to volunteer to be part of our leadership team?

Our club’s Nominating Committee is in the process of recommending a slate of officers – Secretary and Treasurer – to be voted on by our members at the next General Meeting on January 11, 2025. (Prior felonies not a disqualifier. Hahahaha.) These are two-year terms that start in March. Serving as Secretary or Treasurer is a great way to learn more about the club and its mission and activities, spend time with like-minded people, and contribute to our community in a meaningful way. 

Here is a brief description of the Board positions we need to fill. Both provide a vital service to our club.

Secretary: The duties of Secretary include taking minutes at General and Board meetings and keeping a permanent file of these minutes. If you would like to be club Secretary but are hesitant due to your inability to attend every meeting, don’t worry -- in case of absences, the club President appoints a secretary pro-tem to fill in for you.


Treasurer:  The duties of Treasurer are to keep the books on all club financial transactions, issue checks as directed, and report the club’s financial status at Board and General meetings. Past Treasurers will be available to review the club’s finances with you before you take office.

If you are interested in being nominated for either of these positions, or have questions about duties and responsibilities, please contact Nominating Committee Chair Judy Bambace (jmbambace@aol.com; 619-894-1558) no later than December 9.  

Holiday Happy Hour & Toy Drive!

December 12th from 5 to 7pm

at the Home of Gail & Bob Bardin

Open this link to your invitation

– Toy Drive Details –


This year, our Dem Club Holiday Happy Hour will include a Toy Drive for Support The Enlisted Project (STEP). Many enlisted military families struggle with the high cost of living in San Diego. Holiday gifts for their children are an additional stressor. Every year, STEP holds a Holiday Bazaar where local enlisted military parents can “shop for free” for new gifts for their children. Often there are not enough gifts to go around. You can help!


1.   Bring an unwrapped new toy to the Holiday Happy Hour.

2.  Can’t attend the Happy Hour but want to donate? Text Stephanie Anderson to arrange toy delivery to her home: (734) 945-6443. Deadline for donations is December 12.


We want to thank club member Stephanie Anderson for organizing this project!


Please RSVP for the Holiday Happy Hour to: Jo Antrim at boomboom63@gmail.com

Holiday Happy Hour Invitation & RSVP

GO Team Celebration


Many thanks to everyone who volunteered to “Get Out The Vote” this election season. We had 30 amazing GO Team members who canvassed Coronado, and for the first time, we were able to canvass the entire precinct! The kickoff party was held on October 5 for training and organizing those who wanted to walk in teams. Experienced volunteers shared tips. We also had volunteers who made phone calls and texted -- important for homes, apartments and condos that are inaccessible to our volunteers knocking on doors.

After canvassing ended on October 27, Frank King organized a Day of Action on Saturday, November 2, when volunteers returned to the homes of residents who had not yet voted to encourage them to vote.

A celebration of our work and unity was held on November 3 at the home of Deb Schwartz. (See photo) We shared stories from walking our neighborhoods that included meeting neighbors old and new. The overwhelming responses from voters we contacted were very positive and uplifting.


We learned a lot during this election, and we will continue to learn as the election results are reviewed. We hope to receive data and information from the San Diego County Democratic Party and then debrief our GO Team and club board as we prepare for the midterm elections in 2026. We’ve got lots of work to do and, thankfully, we have fantastic people to do this work!


If you have input, questions or want to volunteer, just call, text, or email Patti Flores-Charter at (619) 206-7450 or patti.flores.charter@gmail.com

Donate Today to Our Southwestern College

Student Scholarships


Every year, our club sponsors two student scholarships at Southwestern College. Common to all our recipients are abusive homes, homelessness, learning English as a second language, single parenthood and the drive to learn, make a better life, and give back to the community.


Applicant questionnaires explain how the students are politically active, why they are a Democrat, and what they see as two pressing political issues. We have made a difference in their lives with our scholarship support. Thank you!


Donate online to the Southwestern College Foundation by using this link:



Donate by Check: Make payable to SWC Foundation, put Coronado Democratic Club Scholarship in the memo area, and mail to:

Southwestern College Foundation 

900 Otay Lakes Road

Chula Vista, CA 91910


All donations are tax deductible. Contact Patti Flores-Charter with questions: (619) 206-7450 or patti.flores.charter@gmail.com


Student Scholarship Application

Time for 2025 Membership Renewal!


Our club membership runs from January 1 to December 31. So, for current members, it’s time to renew for 2025! The membership period for new members who join between October and December 31 will include all of 2025.


Just select your membership level, click and complete the membership application in the Join It system. Remember EVERYONE is NEW to this system....do NOT try to log in (it will not work)...just choose your type of membership and JOIN!


Thank you for continuing to be a vital part of our club. We need you now more than ever.

Renew Your Membership Here


Upcoming CDC Meetings and Events

Thursday, December 12th: Holiday Happy Hour at the Home of Gail and Bob Bardin; 5 to 7 p.m. Enjoy appetizers and drinks in a spectacular setting with the best of company! Please RSVP by December 5 to Jo Antrim: boomboom63@gmail.com


Saturday, January 11th: General Meeting. Winn Room, Coronado Public Library. Doors open at 10 a.m.; meeting 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.; social time immediately following the meeting; clean up 12:15 p.m. Program: Dr. Casey Dominguez, Department Chair and Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of San Diego, will share her insights and discuss topics relevant in today’s political climate. 


The new rules at the library require groups to do their own set up and break down, so your help with this is most appreciated

Explore Our Website

NOTE TO MEMBERS ONLY: If you wish to visit the Member Page of the website

and forgot the member password please

contact communications@coronadodemocrats.com



President: Lori Doyle

Vice President: Patti Flores-Charter

Secretary: Carol Grimaud

Treasurer: Edry Goot

Member at Large: 


Programs: Pro Tem Carol Stanford

Hospitality: Jo Antrim


Public Policy: Rebecca King

GO Team: Patti Flores-Charter

Communications: Stephanie Kaupp

Scholarship: Patti Flores-Charter