Some Outside Resources and Opportunities!
High School students are invited to join The Marine Mammal Center and Año Nuevo State Park for their FREE Stewardship Saturday event, Eyeing Elephant Seals. Lunch and snacks provided, located at 1 New Years Creek Rd. Pescadero, CA from 10:20 am - 2:30 pm. Jan. 25
STEAM Learning Institute is hosting a free Field Sketching session with talented science illustrator and marine biologist Sami Chang at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve. Register now! Jan. 25
The City of Sunnyvale is hosting “Restoring Wetlands for Climate Resilience” a webinar where Christina Toms and Judy Nam will discuss how restoring wetlands promotes climate resilience. Jan. 29
Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) has spaces available for their Abridged Series PD workshop on their Foundations in Biotechnology labs! Open to high school science teacher’s interested in incorporating the Amgen Biotech Experience into their class. At the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley, Feb. 1-2
CTA invites you to apply for their Conference Grant Program. Learn more about the grants, review eligibility and apply for the following CTA conferences:
Equity & Human Rights Conference – Santa Clara, CA, Mar. 7-9
Good Teaching Conference – South, Garden Grove, CA, Mar. 14-16
The Berkeley Lab is hosting their FREE Science en Acción (SeA) Spring Break Spanish-English Bilingual STEM camp for 9-12 grade students! Applications close Jan. 19th. At the Berkeley Lab, April 2-5