475 Riverside Drive Suite 1270, New York, NY 10115
Happenings In & Around the Presbytery of NYC
This newsletter is ordinarily published on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. All items for potential inclusion must be submitted via email to newsletter@presbynyc.org by noon on the Wednesday before the newsletter in published. All items are subject to review and editing. Timely submission does not guarantee inclusion.

Information, articles and links in this newsletter are provided for information only to the congregations and members of the presbytery. Nothing in this message should be construed as the official position of the presbytery unless noted as such.
From the Presbytery Staff
Friends, the Presbytery Office will be closed for the Christmas holiday beginning December 23rd.

The office will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2022. The Presbytery staff will continue working remotely and coming into the office as needed while following all current building and office COVID protocols.

Feel free to contact presbytery staff via email or telephone. We are all checking our messages and emails and participating in Zoom meetings.

Wishing you all a blessed holiday!
An Update on Bob
Bob says, "I am doing better on my recovery than I expected, thanks be to God and to you. I hope to be able to return remotely to my ministry in mid-January. Stay tuned; a New Year is ahead. I want to offer my prayers and thanksgiving for all the ministers and members of the Presbytery who have borne and carried much for others in this past year, including prayers for my medical leaves. Good and faithful servants, the angels at the birth of Christ sing for you also-you shepherds in the fields tending your flocks in churches and those in communities beyond. Take time to rest with a weary world and hear the angels sing. They sing for you, as you celebrate the birth of the One known as Emmanuel, God-with-us." 
News from the Justice Ministries Committee
Have you read the Justice Ministries Committee's latest newsletter? Click here for the newsletter and to subscribe

Contact the Advocate
Charmaine Massiah
 Email CMassiah@presbynyc.org or call and text at 347-401-4598. Feel free to send us your upcoming announcements and social justice activities. We will share them in our newsletter and social media platforms
December 11th Tornadoes
In the early hours of December 11th, several tornadoes ripped through multiple U.S. states, resulting in extensive damage and significant loss of life.
PDA is in touch with affected presbyteries to coordinate resources and assistance. To register interest in volunteering for rebuilding efforts when they are ready, email PDA.CallCenter@pcusa.org
To support our response, designate gifts to DR000015

From the COVID Discernment Team: Resources from December Presbytery Meeting

The COVID Discernment Team calls four resources to your attention as we continue to make our way through the pandemic.
The Pandemic Is NOT Over Yet – the PowerPoint shared by the team at the December 7 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
Facts on the Coronavirus – a December 6 reflection by Lisa Allgood, Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Cincinnati
CDC Health Advisory regarding the omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant – received from New York Disaster Interfaith Services (NYDIS) after the December 7 Stated Meeting had started
COVID-19 Data Page – NYC Health provides data for the city as a whole and for the zip codes in the city
We pray that you and your congregation will enjoy a holy Advent and a blessed Christmas.
The COVID-19 Discernment Response Team
Brenda Berkman (RE)
Mark Koenig (TE)
Thia Reggio (TE)
Samson Tso (TE)
From the Office of the Property Consultant - 420-a Tax Exemption Revocations
Over the course of the past year, the New York City Department of Finance (DOF) has implemented a policy whereby 420-a exemptions for properties used for religious or non-profit purposes will be revoked due to the presence of Class 1 New York City Department of Building’s (DOB) violations at the premises, regardless of the nature of the violations or whether they actually impact the exempted use of the premises. It is our understanding that it is now DOF policy that the tax exemption will not be reinstated, and no appeals will be granted, until after the violation is removed. 
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many religious and non-profit organizations have been operating remotely and may not have received the notice of revocation from DOF, so we encourage you to review your recent tax bills to confirm if your building has been impacted by this new policy. You can view your tax bills and find other valuable information here.

If you do discover that your exemption has been revoked or would like more information on this new DOF policy, please contact Nathaniel H. Christian III nhc362@gmail.com or Nancy Sipp nancy@nycsipps.com with the Presbyery’s Board of Trustees.
News from the Good Works Committee
The Good Works Committee invites congregations and fellowships to submit proposals for possible funding of new or on-going missional efforts through the Good Works Fund. Links to the Good Works guidelines and an application are available on the General Resources page on the Presbytery's website. Contact goodworks@presbynyc.org.
From the SYNOD of the Northeast
After Christmas Worship Service
The Synod is providing a special Sunday After Christmas Worship Service
Christmastide Worship
Dec. 26, 2021

This worship service includes choirs and musicians from across the Synod and a special message from our Transitional Synod Leaders.

Click here to learn more and to download the service

May God bless each of us with time this season to refresh our souls as we recount the birth of the Christ Child and spend time with family and friends.
"For Unto Us A Child Is Born, unto us a son is given." (Isaiah 9:6)
There are many upcoming opportunities and events that are Synod sponsored and supported, Two are listed below. Click here for their full newsletter and to join their Elist.

Grant Application Deadlines
Campus Ministry Grant Application 
January 10, 2022
The Synod of the Northeast greatly values the gifts of our young people and is committed to welcoming and celebrating their presence and leadership in all levels of our community's engagement. 
We recognize that college years can be a particularly formative time for individuals, and that campus ministries can play an essential role in their spiritual discernment and development. The Synod of the Northeast is committed to supporting these ministries in cooperation with our member presbyteries and congregations. We seek to establish relationships that support this important work through partnership as well as financial gifts. For that reason, priority is given to those ministries with strong relationships to the PC(USA). 
For questions please email Sarah Henkel.
Youth Leadership Development Grant Application 
January 10, 2022
The Synod of the Northeast greatly values the gifts of our young people and is committed to welcoming and celebrating their presence and leadership in all levels of our community's engagement.
Young people not only represent the leadership of our future, but their voices also guide our present moment as – together – we build a community that is mindful of generations to come. The Synod of the Northeast seeks to support the development of youth leadership skills and the amplification of youth voices both within the church and beyond. We are excited to offer Youth Leadership grants to initiatives, both new and sustained, that lift up and strengthen the leadership of young people.
Bricks and Mortals Faith-Based Real Estate List
Congregations looking to the possibly of re-purposing some of their space can receive Brick and Mortals Faith-Based Real Estate email approximately once a month. It will contain any requests they have received for organizations looking for faith-properties, and faith-properties that are looking to share a property that is for sale. Click here to view the current list.

If you are not already signed up for this email list, please sign up at this link.
All inquiries on rentals -- short or long-term -- should be made through our space sharing website, launching 2022. For more information or any questions, please contact: bricksandmortals@judson.org
Interfaith Center of New York - Summer Institute for Teachers
Religious Worlds of New York
July 2022 — Applications Due by March 1
Interfaith Center of New York (ICNY) is delighted to announce the sixth meeting of our Religious Worlds of New York summer institute for teachers. The institute will meet in person from July 11 to 29, 2022, on the campus of Union Theological Seminary, thanks to support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

The Religious Worlds institute helps K-12 teachers teach creatively and effectively about the everyday lives of diverse faith communities. The institute brings teachers from throughout the United States to New York City, where they work with leading scholars of religion, meet with diverse religious leaders, visit local houses of worship, explore the religious life of the city, and develop their own curriculum projects. We are confident we can meet in person safely, thanks to the institute’s careful COVID safety policies and New York City’s high vaccination rate.

Past participants call the institute “A tremendous experience that will enrich the teaching that takes place in classrooms across the country for decades to come” and “the kind of work that changes the world” (click here for many more participant evaluations). Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore the religious worlds of New York!

K-12 teachers at public, private, and faith-based schools are invited to apply. Applications are due by March 1, 2022. For detailed information, please visit https://religiousworldsnyc.org.
Online Course: Proto-Womanist Thought
JANUARY 11, 2022 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
This is an online course is offered as part of the Womanist Leadership Institute, a program co-sponsored by The Katie Geneva Cannon Center for Womanist Leadership and the Leadership Institute of Union Presbyterian Seminary. This program is a series of online courses to promote and support Womanist scholarship and leadership within a continuing education and lifelong learning environment. Participants can select to take one or multiple courses within the program. Courses are open to all.
This course includes four (4) online class meetings, on Tuesday evenings, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. EDT. In addition to the live class meetings, this course includes both reading and written assignments.

Led by: Rev. Dr. Jean Derricotte-Murphy, Associate Minister, Director of Christian Education, and Director of the Worship Arts Ministry, New Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church

Click here to learn more and to register
Presbyterians Supporting Christian Educators
Had enough COVID related surprises and changes in life? Need something more stable and personally and professionally helpful? Consider the new program from Union Presbyterian Seminary: Presbyterians Supporting Christian Education (P.S.C.E.)

Titled PSCE (Presbyterians Supporting Christian Education), the program continues the legacy of the great institution, the Presbyterian School of Christian Education. This program invites educators to participate in monthly collaborative group meetings with the goal of strengthening Christian education across the church. There will be five cohorts of up to eight persons each plus a facilitator. Participation is open to educators, professional and volunteer, and ministers. The cohorts meet monthly (February - December) via ZOOM to provide collegiality, personal support, and professional development. In addition, a stipend of $500 is provided each participant.

Individuals are encouraged to apply to be in one of the cohorts through the Union Presbyterian Seminary website, https://www.upsem.edu/psce/. Applications are being received November 15 – December 31, 2021 after which cohorts will be established.
Board of Pensions Benefits Plan
Please note The Board of Pensions is a benefits program and not just medical insurance or a pension plan. The Assistant Program offers additional benefits listed below in some but not all four benefit plan options. These grants can help supplement salaries and help pastors in emergencies. PDA and 1001 New Worshiping Community also have grants for specific purposes that help pastors.
Joys and Concerns
Prayers of concern and care are extended to;

  • Prayers of condolences are extended to Rev. Robert Brashear, HR (NYC Presbytery Moderator) on the recent death of his mother.
  • Rev. Robert Foltz-Morrison, (NYC Presbytery's Executive Presbyter) as he continues medical leave
  • Elder Dorette Winslow (Laconia)
  • Elder Geraldine Herrin (Beverly)
  • Elder Lowell Lamb (Fifth Avenue)
  • Churches in searches for pastors
  • Churches and their leaders as they move into the season of Advent, a time of anticipation, hope, and joy.
2022 Minister's Minimum Compensation
Below you will find a link (to the presbytery approved ) Minister's Minimum Compensation for the 2022 calendar year.

We hope this is helpful!
2022 Presbytery Meeting Dates will be Forthcoming
All material for Presbytery meetings must be emailed to the Stated Clerk by the due date and no later than 5:00 pm at sc@presbynyc.org
Presbytery Meeting Dates
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Material Due Dates (no later than 5:00 PM)
Friday, February 19, 2021
Friday, May 21, 2021
Friday, September 10, 2021
Friday, November 12, 2021
2021 Commission on Ministry Dates and Material Deadlines
All material for COM's consideration must be emailed to the commission at com@presbynyc.org
COM Meeting Dates
Tuesday, January 5,2021                     
Tuesday, February 2, 2021                  
Tuesday, March 2, 2021                       
Tuesday, April 6, 2021                        
Tuesday, May 4, 2021                         
Tuesday, June 1,2021                         
Tuesday, July 6,2021                          
Tuesday, September 7,2021                
Tuesday, October 5, 2021                   
Tuesday, November 2,2021                 
Tuesday, December 14, 2021               
Tuesday January 4, 2022                  
COM Material Due Dates (no later than 5:00 PM)
Tuesday December 22, 2020
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
On Calling a Pastor
On Calling a Pastor, is a resource for pastor nominating committees and mid councils is now available. Each section of the manual builds upon the next to walk users through the call process highlighting the partners in the call process, polity, using the CLC system, and emphasizing the need for spiritual discernment. The resource is in PDF format. It may be read online or downloaded and printed. "On Calling a Pastor" includes videos, links to online resources, case studies, and "teach the teacher" Power Points for those training pastor nominating committees. Download the full handbook or individual chapters. You may also watch supplemental videos. To access the video links from within the PDFs, click on the icons found in the various chapters.

The Church Leadership Connection (CLC) staff is here to serve you. If you need any assistance or have questions, contact them by phone at 888-728-7228, ext. 8550, or by email at clcstaff@pcusa.org.
Employment Opportunities Within and Around the Presbytery of NYC
Congregational Searches on PC(USA)'s CLC System
The following congregations in our presbytery are currently engaged in active searches:

  • Siloam Presbyterian Church - Solo Pastor, Part-time
  • Second Presbyterian Church - Solo Pastor, Full-time
  • Fort Washington Heights Presbyterian Church - Solo Pastor, Part-time
  • St. Augustine Presbyterian Church - Solo Pastor, Part-time

Congregations within our presbytery are currently seeking to fill these positions:

Presbyterian entities outside the bounds of New York City Presbytery seeking to fill positions:

  • Presbytery of the Highlands, seeking interested pastors or candidates (certified for a call) for a full time covenant supply position (similar to stated supply) for a Methodist/PCUSA congregation. Click here for details and to apply
  • Presbytery of the Highlands, Resourcing & Support/Stated Clerk staff person, Full-time, Click here for details and to apply
  • Hudson River Presbytery; First Presbyterian Church in Mount Vernon; Stated Supply Pastor, Part-time, (20 hrs.) Contact the PNC to learn more. Their REVISED MIF (06064.ADO) can be viewed on CLC 

Other entities seeking to hire:


PC(USA) National Office
  • The Presbyterian Church (USA) national office in Louisville, KY, is currently hiring. Click here for a list of current openings. To access all Presbyterian Church (USA) national office job opportunities and online applications, please visit PC(USA)'s website for a full listing of openings. Referrals are welcome!
Stay Connected to the Presbytery of NYC
Help your congregation's members stay connected with the latest news and opportunities in and around the presbytery by subscribing to Happenings In & Around the Presbytery, the Presbytery's electronic newsletter. Keep members updated and apprised of Presbyterian events, resources, grants, and opportunities.  Have members fill out the contact information form so that their email addresses can be added to our subscribers list. Click here for the Contact Information Form. Once completed return the form to the presbytery office or email it to Yzette Swavy-Lipton.
Need an address or phone number for a church or a member of the NYC Presbytery? No need to call the office to get that information. You only need to log into the Presbytery ACS Database System and viola, the information is right at your fingertips.

If we have your contact information in our database you only need to create an account within the ACS System. If we do not have your contact information click here for the Contact Information Form. Once completed return the form to the presbytery office or email it to Yzette Swavy-Lipton so that you can be added to the database.

The ACS Member login Instructions will walk you through the process of creating an account. Once you have setup an account there is an option to download ACS's Church Life App for your mobile phone (iPhone and Android).