
News & Updates - December 26th

  • Solemnity of Mary Mass Schedule
  • Prayer for New Year
  • Peace Candle
  • Year of Jubilee
  • Youth Ministry Update
  • St. Vincent de Paul
  • St. Andrew’s Men’s Ministry
  • End of Year Giving
  • St. Catharine's Weekly Stewardship
  • Mass for Life
  • Francis House of Prayer

Mass Times


5:00 pm


8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

Visit our Website

The readings for this Sunday's mass can be found HERE for your convenience.

Weekly Mass Intentions

Week of December 29, 2024 ▪ Fifth Day of the Octave

of Christmas

Saturday December 28

5:00 PM

Patricia Gail Ascolese

Sunday December 29

8:00 AM

People of the Parish

10:00 AM

Braggs & Walsh Families

12:00 PM

Robert Olsen

Eileen & John Flanagan

Rafik Abboud

Anthony Cecero

Monday December 30

Vito Colella

Michael Hrabchak

Tuesday December 31


5:00 PM            

Spencer Rankin

Wednesday January 1

James Walczak   

Thursday January 2

Bernard J. Bowden

Friday January 3

Nancy O’Donnell

Solemnity of Mary Mass Schedule

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Masses will be celebrated here at St. Catharine’s in the church on New Year’s Eve, December 31st is at 5pm and New Year’s Day, January 1st, is at 9am. Mass at St. Mary’s Colts Neck will be 4pm on December 31st, and 12 noon on January 1st.  Online donations for the Holy Day can be made HERE. Select fund from drop down menu.


Note: The Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday, January 1.

Prayer for the New Year

On New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, the household gathers at the table or at the Christmas tree or manger scene. Many people make New Year’s Day a day of prayer for peace...


Leader: Let us now pray for God’s blessing in the new year.


After a short silence, parents may place their hands on their children in blessing as the leader says:


Remember us, O God;

from age to age be our comforter.

You have given us the wonder of time,

blessings in days and nights, seasons and years.

Bless your children at the turning of the year

and fill the months ahead with the bright hope

that is ours in the coming of Christ.

You are our God, living and reigning, forever and ever.




For the full New Year prayer for your household visit USSCB Prayer for the New Year

Peace Candle

As we journey from the Advent season through the Christmas Season, let us pause to remember those who face hardship in the midst of war, unrest, and poverty. While we celebrate the blessings we have, may we hold in our hearts those who face conflict every day and long for peace and security. We light a candle for prayerful peace in the world. This candle will be in the Sanctuary from now through the Christmas Season.

Year of Jubilee

What is the Jubilee Year?

Jubilee 2025

The theme of the 2025 Jubilee is captured in its motto: Pilgrims in Hope and the title of the papal decree proclaiming the Holy Year: Spes non Confundit (Hope does not Disappoint) (Rom. 5:5) The Jubilee aims to inspire a collective sense of hope. It summons us to be renewed in hope, and in turn, to be tangible signs of hope for those who experience hardship of any kind.

The Jubilee coincides with the 1700th anniversary of the 1st Ecumenical Council (Nicaea). This Council sought to preserve the Church’s unity which was threatened by the denial of Christ’s divinity. It approved the Creed we recite each Sunday at Mass. 

Holy Door

The Holy Door at the Basilicas in Rome is a crucial symbol of the Jubilee Year. Jesus said: “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved.” (Jn 10:9)

• The Opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica will be December 24,2024.

• The Jubilee celebrations for various audiences will take place from January to December 2025.


For more information about the opening of the Holy Doors and other Jubilee Celebrations visit the Jubilee website HERE

Youth Ministry Update

Next YM Meeting 

January 5th

7-8:30 pm

Fr. Scheg Center

St. Vincent de Paul

Help our neighbors in need next week with your Pantry donations. Place your nonperishable food and household items in the collection bins when you come for Mass next weekend. Thank you! Most Needed Items are in BOLD: Mac & Cheese, Cereal, Chef Boyardee/Chili, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Tuna, Canned Vegetables, Soup, Coffee, Tea, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper

St. Andrew's Men's Ministry Meeting

The St Andrews Men’s Ministry will be meeting next Saturday, January 4th beginning at 7:15 in the Chapel with a Communion service, followed by a lite breakfast and presentation in Room 62/63. All men of the Parish seeking a deeper relationship with Christ are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

End of Year Giving

Please Remember St. Catharine!

As we plan our end of year benevolence of financial contributions to various charitable organizations, please remember St. Catharine!

We are deeply rooted in tradition and focused on the future. As a parish community, we look forward to the future with excitement, anticipation, and determination to overcome challenges, while continuing to serve the existing and coming generations. Since St. Catharine has served as a vital part of our lives, please prayerfully consider a year-end gift to our church. This generosity will help the Church of St. Catharine continue to serve and touch the lives of our parishioners and the community.

Please contact Edwin at the parish office for more information on sending an end of year gift. Donations by credit/debit card or ACH can be made HERE.

St. Catharine's Weekly Stewardship


Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. (Proverbs 3:9-10)

Sharing Our Treasure for 12/09/2024 - 12/15/2024

Total Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship


Envelope Collections


Online Donation


Loose Contributions


Total Contributing Households


Avg Donation


Registered Parishioner Families


Parish Maintenance (November 24)


Schedule of upcoming second collections:


January 25-26 – Diocesan Assessments

Online donations can be made HERE. Select fund from drop down menu.

Thank you for your generosity!

Mass for Life

Francis House of Prayer

Offerings at Francis House of Prayer

Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center and Retreat House

84 Walnford Road • Allentown, NJ 08501

609-877-0509 or


Please check for dates, registration, directions and for our other offerings!

All programs will be offered online and in-person unless otherwise indicated.




Tuesday, December 31       9:30 AM – 2:00 PM


Since God gives us life and time and is Lord over all, it seems appropriate to end the year in prayer. Francis House offers time, space and quiet for naming the graces of 2024 and expressing gratitude to God. The day will focus on our goals, hopes and desires for 2025. We reverently say farewell to 2024 and cordially welcome 2025 as a gift from God. Please bring your lunch. Donation: Love Offering






Thursday, January 2         7:00 – 8:00 PM


Start out 2025 with an evening zoom retreat to set the direction for the year. “Well begun is half done,” they say, and establishing a direction is essential for the journey. Where am I going in 2025? What is the desire of my heart, and God’s as we begin this year together? Donation: $15, includes materials.




Friday, January 3         9:30 AM – 1:00 PM


A new year is born! The first task at any new birth is to name the baby! We will give 2025 a name and choose a goal or practice for each month to assure it is true to its name! Does that sound appealing, grace-filled, and helpful to you? Donation: $25, includes lunch. Zoom: $20






9 Wednesdays     3:00 – 4:30 PM  or  7:00 – 8:30 PM


January 22 & 29         March 12 & 26

February 12 & 26       April 9 & 23

                            May 7

If your soul needs light and peace and hope this program is for you. The time commitment is well worth it and to make it easier for you we are offering it both in the afternoon and the evening. Pope Francis’ writings give witness to the depth of his understanding of world issues and Ignatian Spirituality for today. We will use First Belong to God by Austen Ivereigh. Donation: $150

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