The Union Church in Waban               
Friday, December 28, 2018
This Sunday 

8:00 - Prayer Group has wrapped up for the year.  Stay tuned for Bible Study which will resume at 8:00 in Stacy's study on January 6th, 2019.  
10:00 - Sunday Worship
Amy and Stacy will be away 12/26-12/30
Please note that Pastors Amy and Stacy are currently away from December 26 - 30.  If you have an urgent pastoral need during this time please reach out to Deacon Deb McGovern at home:617-202-5408 or cell:857-498-1812 so that she and the other deacons can be of help to you.  
Coffee Hosts Needed for January, February and March 
Thank you to all those who have already signed up to host our coffee hour. We have many slots open as we  move into the new year.
We currently are in need of a coffee hosts for January 13th
and on through the rest of the church year. 
If  you are available, please consider signing-up    HERE  ,
let Aidan know at
Thank You!  
Nicaragua Update
This past Wednesday, December 26th, 2018, the Nicaraguan Diaspora sent a letter to the Organization of American States (OAS) requesting that they take urgent action to defend the lives and rights of the Nicaraguan people and the democratic order. Within the last eight months, Nicaraguans have lost many freedoms which both we and they hold dear, such as the right to life, human dignity, personal liberty, right to a trial, freedom of thought and expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of the press and right to property. These are in direct contravention to the American Convention on Human Rights. An excerpt from the letter is found below. (The full article in English can be found here)  
"The most recent events - such as the expulsion of MESENI, IACHR and GIEI -, as well as the escalated and targeted attacks against Nicaraguan NGOs, human rights organizations and the independent media described above, underscore the egregious nature of this repressive regime, which has completely disregarded and exhausted all diplomatic initiatives and calls from the international community to come to dialogue. Instead, its militarized response to undermine the civil population's exercise of basic freedoms and gross violations of human rights make it a de facto rogue state." 
We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua as the political situation remains uneasy.   

For a complete listing, and details of all upcoming events,  please 
visit our website, 
Note : Material for inclusion in the Friday e-Blast newsletter should be e-mailed to the office at , by 9:00 a.m. on the previous Wednesday morning.