News and Updates - December 28th

  • Great Christmas Masses
  • Solemnity of Mary, January 1st
  • Prayer for the New Year
  • Young Adult Adoration Event
  • Preschool Pageant & Open House
  • Youth Ministry Update
  • Lessons and Carols Success
  • End of Year Giving
  • SVdP Thank You and Needed Food Items
  • Chat with Father Mike
  • Standing Together for Life
  • Weekly Collections and Mass Intentions

Mass Times


5:00 pm


8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

Visit our website

Great Christmas Masses

Dear Parishioners,

We had a great Christmas celebration this year. It was a joyful and prayerful time with many parishioners and visitors coming to our beautifully decorated church to celebrate the holiday. The ushers counted 2555 people attended over the 5 masses. That’s 12% more than last year. There were over 1000 at the 4pm Christmas Eve mass! The newly installed church camera worked well to project the video from the church into Fr. Scheg Hall for the 200 people in the overflow seating there. Msgr. Walsh came to joyfully celebrate the 6pm mass. Msgr. Troiano celebrated beautiful 10am and 12pm masses including an interactive homily where he invited a child up and asked questions about Christmas.

I keep hearing how great the music was, with our wonderful cantors and the junior choir and adult choir. Great job, Joey, Samantha and the music ministry!

Thanks to all who helped out ushering, reading, distributing communion, and to Jim and Carmine for the beautiful decorations as well as the decorating committee for setting up the Nativity in the gathering space. Thank you for the increased donations the past few weeks - they are very helpful!

A lot of preparation went into getting ready to celebrate this feast; my prayer is that the many in attendance were drawn closer to the Lord this Christmas.

Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy New Year!

Fr. Pat

Solemnity of Mary, January 1st

The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God, January 1, is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Mass will be in the Church at 9:00 am.


Note: The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 1.

Prayer for the New Year

On New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, the household gathers at the table or at the Christmas tree or manger scene. Many people make New Year’s Day a day of prayer for peace...


Leader: Let us now pray for God’s blessing in the new year.


After a short silence, parents may place their hands on their children in blessing as the leader says:


Remember us, O God;

from age to age be our comforter.

You have given us the wonder of time,

blessings in days and nights, seasons and years.

Bless your children at the turning of the year

and fill the months ahead with the bright hope

that is ours in the coming of Christ.

You are our God, living and reigning, forever and ever.




For the full New Year prayer for your household visit USSCB Prayer for the New Year

Young Adult Adoration Event

Welcome Home College Students and Young Adults!

On Tuesday, January 2nd, St. Catharine's will be hosting an adoration and diner run for young adults. At 5:30pm, we will meet in our chapel for 30 minutes of silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and then we will head to New Monmouth Diner in Holmdel for food and fellowship. 

Preschool Pageant and Open House

Youth Ministry Update

Next YM Meeting 

January 7th

7-8:30 pm

Fr. Scheg Center

Save the Date 

Diocesan Youth Conference

February 3rd

Red Bank Catholic HS

The Diocesan Youth Conference is a gathering for ALL teens in the 8 - 12th grades of the Diocese of Trenton. It is an exciting day filled with great music, powerful talks, fun service projects and more!  Most importantly it is a chance to connect with other Catholics teens beyond your parish or school and grow in your faith!

Lessons and Carols Success

Our Lessons and Carols event was a great success, with beautiful Christmas music by our adult and junior choirs, Scripture readings by our youth ministry, 8th graders and catechists, and the sound of hundreds of our parishioners’ voices together as we sang Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Silent Night, and other Christmas classics.

End of Year Gift

Please Remember St. Catharine!

As we plan our end of year benevolence of financial contributions to various charitable organizations, please remember St. Catharine!

We are deeply rooted in tradition and focused on the future. As a parish community, we look forward to the future with excitement, anticipation, and determination to overcome challenges, while continuing to serve the existing and coming generations. Since St. Catharine has served as a vital part of our lives, please prayerfully consider a year-end gift to our church. This generosity will help the Church of St. Catharine continue to serve and touch the lives of our parishioners and the community.

Give to St. Catharine's

Saint Vincent de Paul Updates

Thank You from St. Vincent de Paul

Deepest thanks to our wonderful parishioners who so generously donated over 100 Christmas Food Baskets for our neighbors in need. Through your goodness, we have brought the light of Christ to many this Christmas season. We thank all of our Volunteers that served throughout the year!

Food Items Needed

St. Vincent de Paul's First Food Collection for 2024 will be next weekend, January 6th and 7th. The most needed items are Pasta Sauce, Tuna, and Coffee

Chat with Father Mike

  • Struggling with a life event and in need of spiritual assistance?
  • Want to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance outside the normal Confession times?
  • Trying to find your way back to engagement with the Church?
  • Discerning vocation?
  • Looking to complete your Sacraments of Initiation and wish to chat about the journey?
  • Questions about marriage annulment or marriage convalidation?


St. Catharine is offering the opportunity for parishioners to chat with a priest who is only indirectly engaged with the parish. If interested, please contact Fr. Mike Walsh by phone 732-780-2666 x205 or email

Standing Together for Life

Weekly Collections and Mass Intentions

Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship for 12/13/2023 – 12/19/2023

Envelope Collections

$ 15,282.00

Online Donation

$ 5,023.00

Loose Contributions

$ 1,269.00


$ 21,574.0

Total Contributing Households


Avg Donation


Registered Parishioner Families


For Mass Intentions and Weekly Collections go to our Brief Bulletin

Please send communications items to

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