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Worship Services on Sunday, December 29

10am ONLY: Contemporary

You’re invited to worship to hear guest preacher Rev. Emmanuel Philor's message "That's Good News" on Isaiah 9:2-7.

10am in the Sanctuary & online with praise music and a message. Sunday School is available for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. To watch online, go to the church websiteFacebook page, or YouTube page.

Sacred Grounds is now open every Sunday for fellowship, coffee, and treats after services!

Lectionary Readings for Sunday, December 29, 2024

First Reading: 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26

Psalm 148

Second Reading: Colossians 3:12-17

Gospel: Luke 2:41-52

Somerton Interfaith Food Bank

Somerton has asked for the following needed items:

  • Pasta
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Cereal
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Peanut Butter

Click HERE to read Somerton's December thank you letter.

Poinsettias for Christmas

Click HERE for the list of purchased poinsettias.

If you purchased one or more of these beautiful plants “in Memory of” or “in Honor of” someone special, you may take your plants to enjoy after church on Sunday, December 29 or from the church office on Monday or Tuesday, December 30 or 31.

Merry Christmas! Thank you to Pastor Brendan and to our talented musicians, tech booth personnel, hot chocolate greeters, Communion assistants, readers, and ushers who brought you the beautiful Christmas Eve worship services on Tuesday, December 24.

Tech Team:

-Ken Barber (3pm, 5:30pm, & 8pm)

-Rick Graber (8pm)

-Michael McNulty-Bobholz (3pm & 5:30pm)

-Aiden S. (3pm)

-James Sylvester (8pm)

Musicians 3pm Traditional Service:

-Elizabeth A. Beavers, mezzo-soprano

-Luna Dantagnan, soprano

-Noah Gordan, trumpet

-Kathleen Harrod, organ & piano

-Jamie Johnson, baritone

-Dugan Morgridge, tenor

Musicians 5:30pm Family Service & 8pm Contemporary Service:

-Angela DiPalantino, guitar & vocals

-Vincent Feliciano, percussion

-Jonathan Frazee, vocals

-Aaron Harris, Music Director

-Jamie Johnson, baritone (8pm only)

-Mary Jones, keyboards

-Patrick Meeks, Assistant Music Director

-Julie Menken, bass

-Zoe Zanders, soprano (8pm only)

Click HERE to read the Music Ministry Congregational Announcement welcoming Aaron Harris as our new Music Director and Patrick Meeks as our new Assistant Music Director.

OHAAT Beds for Kids Fundraiser

Thank you all so much for helping us raise enough money to purchase 100 beds!

Gloria Dei and Gloria Dei's Endowment Fund partnered with One House At A Time's Beds for Kids Program this Christmas season. Thanks to YOU, we are able to donate $21,000 to purchase 100 beds and everything that goes along with getting a good night's sleep for children in the Philadelphia area!

OHAAT's mission: provide children and youth living in poverty with beds, bedding, and tools that encourage healthy bedtime habits, so they can get the quality and sufficient sleep they need to thrive.

Tech Booth Upgrade

Thank you to Rick Graber, Fred Betz, and Rich Betz for all of their hard work in getting the new sound board, rewiring everything, making many needed upgrades, and building the all-important tech booth expansion!

Happy New Year!

The Church Office will be closed on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

We wish you and yours a happy and healthy 2025!

We are excited to announce that the Toddler Room will be open beginning Sunday, January 5, 2025!

This will be available for newborns to Pre-K. If you have a child under 1 year of age that you plan to bring to the Toddler Room, please contact Dana at so our staff is prepared.

If you are interested in volunteering in the Toddler Room once or twice a month, please contact Dana as well. Thank you!


Star Sunday on January 5, 2025

8:30am, 10am, & 11:30am Services

"The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, & Self-Control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23

What will your Star word be in 2025? Come to find out!

Gather for worship on Epiphany Sunday at the 8:30am Traditional service in the Chapel, the 10am Contemporary service in the Sanctuary, or the 11:30am Cathedral service in the Sanctuary. Communion will be served.

Pastor Tricia NealeExecutive Director of Feast of Justice, will be preaching at all three services.

The Labyrinth will be available in the Zabor Room before & after all 3 services on this Sunday.

Meet in Sacred Grounds after worship for fellowship, coffee, and treats!

A Message of Christmas Joy from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

In her Christmas message, Bishop Eaton calls our attention to the word “joy” in the angel’s proclamation to the shepherds. Eaton reminds us that the message of Christmas is joy, not happiness. Happiness is transient and humanmade. But joy given by God is deep and strong and unshakable.

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Monday, January 13, 2025

2-7pm in Christian Fellowship Hall

Come give blood for a chance at a trip for two to Super Bowl LIX in NOLA!


To schedule an appointment:

  • Click HERE
  • Go to and type GloriaDeiHV in the “Find a Blood Drive” box
  • Call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767)

Thank you for helping save lives!


Lead Pastor: Brendan Galvin,

Kids and Family: Dana Harrison,

Tweens & Youth: Dana Harrison

Music: Aaron Harris, Music Director,; Patrick Meeks, Assistant Music Director,

Office Staff: Susan Earp, Bookkeeper,; Jennifer Suit, Office Manager,

Property: David Stryker, Facilities Manager,; James Sylvester,

Church Council:

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM; Friday: 9:30AM-1:00PM



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