Library Book Exchange
Due to COVID restrictions, we will need to quarantine any books that are returned for 48 hours. If you plan on exchanging books next week, please drop off any books to be turned in on Monday, December 7th or Tuesday, December 8th between the hours of 10:30 - 1:30. If you kept the bag the books were in, please use that with the barcode information. If using a new bag, please add your child’s name and homeroom teacher so we can get the books back into the system.
Book Pickup Days - between 10:30 - 1:30 - in front lobby of Forest Hills
Thursday, December 10th
Friday, December 11th
Regular library books:
Grades 2-6 Students and families can place holds (2-3 books) and Email Mrs. Merickel their plan for pick-up.
Secret library Books:
Grades K-3 Secret Library book bags will be refilled with the same number of books returned.
Grades 4-6 Email Mrs. Leonard ( if you wish to check out books. Students will be able to check out 2-3 books for pick-up.
PE Kit Drop-off: between 10:30-1:30 in the front lobby of Forest Hills
If you have a child in the following homerooms, please choose one of the following days to drop off their PE Kits next week. (5-Krause, 3-Thelen, 4-McCann). If you are unable to make those dates and times work please email Mrs. Jakobitz ( to arrange an alternate drop-off plan.
Thursday, December 10
Friday, December 11
Large boxes will be placed in the front lobby. All you have to do is drop the bag in the box and we will check it in.
Distance Learning Meals:
Eden Prairie Schools Child Nutrition Department is committed to helping students access meals while they are distance learning. Parents can pick up school meals for their children from any school once a week. There are five breakfasts and five lunches in each meal kit. Meals are available for any child up to the age of 18; the child does not need to be enrolled in Eden Prairie Schools. Links to sign up are below; select which school you’d like to pick up from by clicking on that link and completing the simple form. Families only need to sign up one time to pick up on all the dates listed in the schedule, below.
Select the school you wish to pick up meals from:
If you are unable to pick up meals from a school site, do not complete a form; please contact your school social worker or a cultural liaison. (See the Child Nutrition page for a list of contacts.)
December Schedule for School Meal Pick Up Days:
December 10, 2020 4-6 pm @ EPHS
December 11, 2020 10:30 am - 1 pm @ EPHS, CMS, Cedar Ridge, Eden Lake, Forest Hills, Prairie View and Oak Point/EHSI
December 17, 2020 4-6 @ EPHS
December 18, 2020 10:30 am - 1 pm @ EPHS, CMS, Cedar Ridge, Eden Lake, Forest Hills, Prairie View and Oak Point/EHSI
December 22, 2020 4-6 pm @ EPHS
December 23, 2020 10:30 am - 1 pm @ EPHS, CMS, Cedar Ridge, Eden Lake, Forest Hills, Prairie View and Oak Point/EHSI