Good luck to to those playing in the NLM Sectional on December 4 and to those still playing in the NABC tournament, which continues in Austin until December 5. And there's more to cheer about with a Sectional in Wilmington, December 10-12. Why not gift your favorite partner with an entry? Have fun and enjoy the holidays! Please stay warm and safe.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
Holiday Greetings!
Last night we had a dusting of snow, and so I found myself humming some holiday tunes. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” There is an apartment down the street that has at least a thousand lights hung in the window. The City has hung wreaths on the light poles. Shoppers and diners bustled in Lancaster City all weekend – doing their Black Friday shopping. There is a special energy at this time of the year that makes it unlike any other season. It’s an energy I wish we could harness and deploy throughout the year… merry, kind, joy, levity, compassion.
Since the last 4Spot, I have begun my 2nd year as President of District 4. Membership across the District is down by 9.3% (560 members) in the past year. Currently, there are fewer in-person games than in pre-pandemic times, and finding the perfect balance of virtual and in-person games is no easy feat. Other Districts are feeling the same stresses.
But it’s not all bad news. On a positive note, a few District 4 bridge teachers were determined to continue bridge lessons during the first year of the pandemic so invested time and energy into learning how to offer virtual classes. And the reopening of clubs has meant more teachers are again offering in-person classes. Our teachers, whether they teach virtually or in-person, are critical in our path to reversing declining membership.
Bridge teachers, directors, club managers, owners and volunteers are our “special sauce.” They are the special energy that gets deployed throughout the year in our bridge community. We need them… they need YOU!
However, and wherever, you choose to spend the upcoming holidays, I hope your days are filled with (bridge) laughter, love and joy.
Until next month, keep playing bridge!
I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director
As I am writing this, the first National Bridge Tournament (NABC) in 2 years is being held in Austin, Texas. I attended the board meetings in Austin but did not play any bridge there, instead returning home for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Here's a summary of the major things that happened at the board meetings in Austin:
The ACBL passed the 2022 budget. Prior to this year, the budget was voted on in the spring. This year we moved the budget cycle in order to have the budget approved prior to the beginning of the calendar year.
The ACBL is projecting a loss of $858K in 2022. The bulk of that loss is due to a much-needed investment in technology. The major I/T projects are finishing the transfer of data from the outdated AS400 to the cloud, completing the masterpoint engine, upgrading Tourney Trax and initiating pre-registration for all ACBL tournaments.
Many of these projects have been delayed due to both the focus on the pandemic and a loss of programmers at ACBL. Because of the personnel issues, a switch will be made to using outside vendors to accomplish these goals instead of doing them inhouse. This path is more expensive initially, but less expensive long term than hiring additional full-time staff.
The pandemic has produced 2 financially successful years online for the ACBL and the time has come to take that excess money and invest in the future of the game by updating old technology.
A new bridge event, a Rainbow STAC, will be held in face-to-face bridge clubs in the Northeast (Districts 4, 3, 24 and 25) The masterpoint awards will be .25 gold/.25 silver/.25 red and .25 black. The event will be scheduled at clubs in District 4 from Monday, January 24 through Sunday January 30, 2022.
The 2022 conditions of contest for the Grand National Teams was approved. Future GNT events can be either held online or in person at the option of the District.
A new style convention card was created by the Competition and Conventions Committee, headed by Danny Sprung, who was a long-time member of District 4. It's cleaner and more logical than our current card and will be released shortly.
The report of the Board of Governors anti-cheating committee was reviewed and it contained some really helpful information. There will be some major efforts made to protect our game in the coming months and I will share them with you as the ongoing work is completed.
Joann Glasson was elected President of the ACBL Board for 2022.
December 4 (I/N)
December 10-12
none scheduled until May 2022
For a 2021/22 online event schedule, click here
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
We will end the year with some sage advice from Dave Wachsman. The focus of today's ABC of bridge is on C, for Communicating: If your partner makes an unexpected bid, what is he trying to say? Think! He may be guiding you to the winning contract.
Should you let partner's preempt do its work -- or can you find your way to a better plus score? It's not as easy as it looks! Just ask the experts. And be sure to scroll down to -- drumroll, please-- the final standings in this year's D4MSC Challenge. Congrats to all!
Congratulations to NAP winners who will represent our district in Reno in March 2022
Flight A Winners 1. David Hoffner, Martin de Bruin 2. Rick Rowland, Louis Glasthal 3.William Schmidt, Philip Geibel Flight B Winners 1.Russell Poppleton, Benjamin Hawn 2.William Schmidt, Philip Geibel 3.Becky Levinson, Pam Scalamandre 4.Carl Perchonock, Barry Dehlin Flight C Winners 1. Becky Levinson, Pam Scalamandre 2. John Gindhart, Robert Bryden 3. Christina Carter, John O'Rourke 4. Shelley Weismer, Douglas Murray
Updated Alert and Announcement Procedures
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Before the pandemic, the holiday season often included celebrations at our bridge clubs, perhaps a potluck lunch or feasting on cookies. This year, we are thankful for vaccinations and boosters. Treat yourself by buying (and reading) a book on bridge.
Happy holidays!
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Club Master
Cyril Meyerowitz, Pittsford
Miriam Weiner, Syracuse
Sectional Master
Nora Shang, Ithaca
NABC Master
Jon Davidson, Cazenovia
Robert Finn, Honeoye Falls
Life Master
Stephen Singer, Spencerport
Silver Life Master
William Burnett, Fayetteville
Sapphire Life Master
Stewart Cramer, Pittsford
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!! Hopefully you've eaten all your Thanksgiving leftovers and are doing some early holiday shopping by now. According to all the news, your best chance of fulfilling wish lists is to shop early. It’s also recommended that, whatever carrier you choose to use, you send your gifts early.
We have some exciting recognition for this month, so let's get right to it.
New NABC Master Lawrence D Hudson, Matamoras, PA
New Sectional Master Laura L Dean, Pocono Lakes, PA
New Club Master Deborah P Hickey, Stroudsburg, PA
Standing ovations and HOOT HOOT to each of you. Well Done!
Card Playing Day
Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always on December 28
Card Playing Day is the perfect time to spend an hour or so playing cards with family and friends. And, it arrives at just the perfect time of year...December 28. The holiday hustle and bustle is over. The kids are getting bored with their new toys. It's time to turn to card games for a calmer, relaxing, and more slow-paced form of fun and entertainment.
Enter the world of card games. Cards have survived for centuries as a form of play and entertainment. Sure, there are a few serious gambling types among us, who view cards a serious business. To most of us, card games are just games, right? NO WAY!!!
Spend the day playing cards with family and friends. If you have kids or grandkids, make sure to play age-appropriate card games with them. You'll find quality time with the kids will create many warm memories. Or, play bridge, either face to face or online!!
Happy Card Playing Day. Now “Go Fish,” “Hit Me,” “Double,” “I'll raise you two!” or “7NT.”
Thought for Today: When opportunity knocks, some people are in their backyard looking for four-leaf clovers.
Wishing you all Happy Holidays!! Cheers to 2022!!
See you at the virtual or face to face bridge tables.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
Unit 121 continues f2f bridge every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:15pm at Good Shepherd UCC church. For updates, partnerships or questions contact Sue Wessner.
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
We hope you will all be able to enjoy your traditional holiday celebrations with friends and family this year. However you choose to enjoy your holiday season, we wish you and yours health, happiness, and harmony!
New Rank Achievements
New Advanced NABC Master
Lee Stanley
New Ruby Life Master
Jacqualyn James
New Gold Life Master
Barbara Stabile
Holiday Party and Annual Meeting
November 14, 2021
Our first face-2-face Holiday Party and Annual Meeting since the beginning of the pandemic was held at Brookside Country Club. We are delighted to report it was well attended. A slate of proposed Board Officers and a slate of proposed Board Members-at-large were displayed at our clubs and emailed to our members. In addition, our members enjoyed two games, an Open game and a 0-500 game.
The following Board Officers were elected:
President, Betsy Cutler
Vice President, Lois Fuini
Secretary, Barbara Dopera
Treasurer, Paul Irvine
The following Board Members at Large were elected:
Barbara Berk Jim Kenny
Mike Kohler Mimi Lengel
Gwen Ritter Bryan Snapp
Don Swan Stan Yellin
Game Winners
0-500 Overall Game Winners
1st in A & B - MaryAnn Sharpless and Beth Steltz
1st in C - Carol and John Turoczi
Open Game Winners
1st in Strat A & B - Chuck Campbell and Jim Kenny
1st in Strat C - Lois Fuini and Rita Keiper
Freeplays for future games were awarded to the overall winners and the following section winners:
Craig Bailey and Beth Dimler
Walt Bell and Tom Kristen
Deb Butz and Mike Kohler
Karen and Stan Yellin
In Memoriam Games
Sunday, December 5, 2021
The In Memoriam Game is scheduled for Sunday, December 5 at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 1pm. Please join us to recognize the members of Unit 133 who have passed away in the last year. We will celebrate their lives and achievements by playing two charity games of duplicate bridge in their honor. Proceeds from the games will benefit active older adults at Lehigh Valley Active Life.
Please join us at one of these games:
0-500 NLM game
Open game
Vaccination required, masks optional.
ACBL Junior Fund Charity Game
Open Pairs and 0-500 Pairs
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life Center
1633 W Elm Street
Allentown PA
WHEN: Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 12:30pm
WHO: Open and 0- 500 Pairs
If the 0-500 game has fewer than 3 tables, it will be combined with the Open game.
WHY: The Junior Fund is an ACBL wide foundation that helps support youth bridge for those under the age of 26. Club players earn extra masterpoints, while helping the Junior Program for Youth offset the cost for these younger players to attend the World Youth Championships.
COST: $8 per person
REFRESHMENTS: Bagged snacks and water will be provided.
MORE INFORMATION: If you have additional questions or need help finding a partner, please contact:
Betsy Cutler at
or Lois Fuini at
Vaccinations required, masks optional
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Howard Kahlenberg
Thank you to the following Unit 141 members who went out of their way not to make a liar out of me (See November 4Spot), and who qualified in their respective flights for the finals of the North American pairs:
Flight A – Martin de Bruin – David Hoffner; Lou (drop the singleton king) Glasthal; A William Schmidt
Flight B – A William Schmidt (he decided to play in A at the Nationals); Becky Levinson – Pamela Scalamandre (They elected to play in C at the Nationals); Carl Perchonock- Barry Dehlin; David Dodgson – David Dresher (with initials like that, is it any wonder they are in D4?)
Flight C – Becky Levinson – Pamela Scalamandre; Christina Carter – John O’Rourke; Shelley Weimar – Douglas Murray
There are no new Life Masters this month, but a special High 7 (he can explain it to you) goes out to Andy Kaufman, who became an Emerald Life Master (7,500 points), at least some of which (for Andy) have been won in fast pair games.
Other Masterpoint achievements:
New Silver Life Masters (1,000 points) – Gerald Abelow, Michael Belman, Lauren Dougherty and, Michael Minoff
New Bronze Life Master (750 points) – Alan Wasserstein
New Regional Master (100 points) – Bruce Kraig
New Sectional Masters (50 points) – Rose Wartman
New Club Masters (20 points) - Susan Freiberg, Thorley Mills, Elizabeth Nadi, Michael Pressman, and Sara Sheiman
New Junior Masters (5 points) – Arthur Axelrod and Sheila Davis
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Unit 168 is looking for a volunteer to report Unit news in 4Spot. If interested, contact Jeanne Gehret at
Unit 190: Delaware
Ala Hamilton-Day
Face masks not Required!
BUT Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination is Mandatory
“Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came.” Come and sing the Cheers theme song with me. Greet your friends at the Dave Treadwell tourney and catch up with them about what is happening in their lives.
December 10 - 12
At the “NEW” Bridge Studio
Suite 203 in Building 1403 of Foulkstone Plaza in Wilmington Delaware
Dear Bridge Players,
We are delighted to tell you that the Dave Treadwell Sectional Tournament, to be held December 10 through 12, 2021 at the Bridge Studio of Delaware, 1403 Foulkstone Plaza, Suite 203, Wilmington, Delaware 19803 will go ahead as planned. This tournament has been given a "green sanction," meaning the ACBL will not require that players wear masks during the play.
The Delaware State Bridge Association has decided that for this tournament, players are generally not required to wear masks during the tournament. However, because some players may be concerned about playing when their opponents are not wearing masks, any players, whether sitting NS or EW, may ask politely that their opponents at their table wear masks, and the opponents must wear masks while at that table and must comply politely and without complaint. We will also suggest that players wear masks while away from their tables, milling around the room before or after the session, etc.
Also, the vaccination requirement remains in effect. All players must show proof of a CDC approved course of vaccination against Covid-19, with the required 14 days having passed after the last required dose.
Preregistration is required. Please email We will not turn away vaccinated players who have not preregistered if we have space to accommodate them. However, preregistration makes our planning much easier, and makes it much easier for us to check your vaccination status when we are working off a list of players who say they are coming.
Please check our website periodically, as with Covid 19 prevalence continuing to change, it is possible we will have to make last minute changes to the masking requirements. We hope we do not have to!
So, please come join us for a fun weekend of face-to-face bridge.
Let us smile when we remember our friends
Carl DeMartino, Toni Battaglia, and Barbara Furbeck
RUBY LIFE MASTER: William K. Dillon
Lessons - Beginner II
Winter 2022
Debbie Schenkel Mondays 9:00 to 11:45
There will be notes for this course on each topic, along with sample hands or practice exercises.
The classes will be held on Monday mornings at 1403 Foulkstone Plaza, Suite 203. The cost is $175 for the entire series.
The format will be instruction followed by topic specific exercises and boards. We will go over each board after it is played.
In case of inclement weather please go to our website for cancellation information,
We’re doing it! To read about how the Delaware Unit is working to get the old gang back together, working with Intermediate/Newcomer players, and playing face-to-face bridge at tournaments and at clubs, as well as online at BBO, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
We held our Fall sectional October 8-10 at the Boalsburg Fire Company. As might be expected, our attendance was down but we still enjoyed getting out for a face-to-face tournament.
Mike Anesko and Don Hollinger won the Friday morning pair game with Paula Kruszewski and Vasundara Varadan first in B and C. Neil Wallace and Andrew Kleit won the Friday afternoon pair game. On Saturday, Sadik Akay and Mel Lubart won the morning pair game with Elaine Fuller and Ted Pruss first in B and C. Summer Rifkah and Tudor Trifan won the Saturday afternoon pair game with Jeannine Fagley and Barbara Marinak first in B. Carol Reitz, Ed Bissell, Jim McKeown and Tudor Trifan won the Sunday Swiss with Craig Netzley, Judy Stein, Mike Anesko and Don Hollinger first in B and Marilyn Goldfarb, Sophie Field, Irene Harpster, and Sue Fletcher first in C. Jim McKeown squeaked out the master point race.
Please join us for our next sectional, June 3-5, 2022 at the at the Boalsburg Fire Co 113 Pine Street in Boalsburg, PA.
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