Can you believe a new decade is fast approaching? As the 20-teens wind down, we hope you will have time to enjoy at least some of the holiday tournaments listed below. And do remember that bridge lessons make much-appreciated gifts. You may find just what you are looking for in the silent auction to benefit Wendy de
Chadarevian to be held at Raffles on Dec. 8.
If you see Jeanne Gehret, be sure to congratulate her! Jeanne has graciously accepted the position of District 4 Vice President. And special thanks go to retiring V.P. Dave Kresge who has earned the additional time he plans to spend with family.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Meyer Kotkin
Jeanne Gehret
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
The ACBL Education Foundation recently conducted a bridge “census” (really a survey) that provided, at least for me, some surprising results. The target group for the survey was people over age 45 with “some” college education. I am not going to endorse or comment on the accuracy or actionability of the methodology and analyses of the ACBL survey since I do not have enough technical details on that survey to comment intelligently (like that ever stopped me). Yet, in that survey: 82% of the survey respondents who had ever played bridge, reported that they played “social” bridge; 12% reported they played on-line with robots; 10% played on-line with people and only 6.3% of those who ever played bridge played at an ACBL club or tournament. I have to admit that I just don’t understand “social” bridge. I have been playing club and tournament bridge for over 40 years and I have zero desire to play social bridge. Bridge is a fascinating game but I seem to only enjoy club and tournament play. I have shared countless dinners and evenings with many friends who love tournament bridge and never has anyone proposed a social bridge game. Barbu, yes. Creights, yes, but social bridge, no. However, if this survey is to be believed, there are millions of social bridge players who walk among us that don’t play at clubs or tournaments. Seems like a large target audience for the ACBL to recruit new club and tournament players.
Unfortunately, I attended three funerals last month. At two of them, I smiled when the eulogies mentioned that the recently departed loved playing social bridge. The third funeral was for my friend Gil Sacks (Unit 141 [U141]) who had been under the weather for some time and had not played in a tournament for quite a while. Gil and his life partner, Linda Richman (U141), have been my friends since I started playing tournament bridge in this area and I smiled at some of the reminiscences of Gil’s tournament days that were shared among the bridge players attending the funeral.
With sadness and a heavy heart, I report the passing of my friend Ken Cohen (U141), a four time National Champion and the leading lifetime masterpoint holder in District 4 (D4). KC, as he was called by most of his friends, was arguably the best natural player I have ever come across and almost certainly the best natural District 4 player I played against since Billy Gough (U141). His table presence and card sense were extraordinary. Unfortunately, his filter did not work as well as one might hope it would and that could sometimes cause some issues.
KC's filter and table presence were the cause of the one big disagreement KC and I had during our long friendship. I was Chair of the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge and I came down the elevator early one morning to find Ken waiting for me and he looked angry. Ken immediately started yelling and screaming at me that a professional pair was cheating and he wanted me to throw them out of the tournament.
Usually, nothing should ever come between a fat man like me and the free doughnuts that are served at the Philadelphia Regional. KC blocked my path to the free doughnuts, which in my homeland is an act of war. Ken wouldn't stop yelling and demanding I throw this pair out. I tried to explain that I couldn't eject a pair solely on his word and without evidence and a formal hearing. He would not hear of that and was in the hotel lobby shouting names and accusations of cheating. I had to warn him to stop immediately or he would be brought up on Zero Tolerance and other charges. I recall distinctly KC outlining to me charges involving fingers on the table, hesitations, sighing and something with elbows. It took two years before others detailed similar, public charges against that same pair.
The response to the Wendy de Chadarevian Fundraiser at Raffles for Bridge on Dec 8, 2019 has been overwhelming. I send a heartfelt thanks to those who have made a reservation to play and those who have contributed to the fund to help defray Wendy’s medical costs. Space is limited so if you want to play in the Charity Game that day, you need to make reservations quickly. If you want to donate to the fund, you can donate directly and/or bid on the silent auction for playing sessions (some on-line, some at clubs and some at tournaments) with D4 and National Stars including: Joann Glasson (U141), Arnie Fisher (U141), Bob Glasson (U141), Rick Rowland (U190), Marty Rabinowitz (U190), Marc Labovitz (U141), Bobbie Gomer (U141), Carl Berenbaum (U141), Corey Krantz (formerly U141, now D9) and Shannon “El Magnifico” Cappelletti (D9). When the event sponsors asked what I might contribute, I was thinking of a 2020 calendar featuring pictures of me in my new bikini underwear collection. Surprisingly, that idea did not go over as well as I thought it would so I donated some playing sessions. Information about the Wendy fundraising event is listed in this issue, below.
My family and I wish every one of you a happy, healthy and safe Holiday season and a prosperous New Year. During this month of celebrations and appreciation for the good things we have, I urge you to remember and help those who are less fortunate, especially the over 13 million children in the United States who are hungry and don’t know where their next meal is coming from. I recall the words of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.:
I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity and equality and freedom for their spirits.”
As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions on any D4 matters and issues. My e-mail is
and my cell is 856.986.5109
From the District Director
ACBL Board Meeting - San Francisco
I am writing this message while still attending board meetings in San Francisco. I have asked our wonderful 4Spot Editor, Janet Johnson, to allow me to submit this report late and she graciously allowed me to do so.
ACBL President
The new ACBL President for 2020 is Georgia Heth from Morton, Illinois. Georgia represents District 8 and has been a member of the ACBL Board for seventeen years. She is very supportive of the changes that will make the ACBL board more effective and efficient.
Reorganization Task Force
The motion to reduce the size of the ACBL Board of Directors from the current number of twenty-five to thirteen members was defeated by two votes at this meeting.
I was a member of the Task Force that proposed this plan along with David Lodge, Jay Whipple, A.J. Stephani and Margot Hennings. The Task Force put months of work into the plan and felt strongly that it is a necessary step for the betterment of the ACBL.
I was optimistic that this motion would pass, but it required a two-thirds majority of the board since there were bylaw changes involved, and we were unable to get the required number of directors committed to the change.
The good news is that a motion that was part of the reorganization plan did pass that will begin the process of moving non-core committees off the board and have these committees formed with interested and experienced non-ACBL board members, as is currently being done with Masterpoints, Conventions and others. This is an important step in the transition process.
I am sure the reorganization issue will be revisited in some form at the spring ACBL meeting in Columbus and my optimism continues that change is coming.
Our new board will bring five new board members to the table, all of whom are supportive of change.
As Chair of the Finance Committee, I am happy to share the news that we are looking at a profit in 2019 of about $1.5 million dollars. Approximately $500K of that number is due to investment gains and $1 million is a result of operations. Under our new management team operating expenses have been cut $800K since 2018.
We reviewed the preliminary budget for 2020 (final passage is in Columbus) and we are estimating operating revenues to exceed operating expenses by $400K.
The 2020 budget will include a 6% increase in tournament sanction fees in order to cover the cost of Square, the new program that is being implemented at this tournament, that will allow players to use credit cards for payment at all tournaments.
The 2020 budget also includes an 11.25% increase in the cost of tournament directing staff to both regional and sectional tournaments.
In my next report, I will give a complete summary of the other motions of interest that have been passed at this board meeting.
Dec. 14
Dec. 20
Dec. 27-31
Jan. 10-12
Jan. 24-26
Feb. 2
Feb. 6
Feb. 7-9
March 13-15
March 27-29
March 28-29
March 30 - April 5
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Dave has some sound Weak Two suggestions based on his own experience in this month's insightful ABC of Bridge.
The ABC of Bridge
The Communicating pillar of the ABC of Bridge is central to how we bid since we bid 100% of the time, defend 50% of the time, and declare 25% of the time. One interesting observation is the recent tendency for tournament players to be less disciplined in their opening weak 2 bids. You may observe weak 2 bid openers with 5 card suits as well as a 6 card suit headed by the J10. Clearly the nature of your weak 2 opener needs to be discussed with your favorite partner.
The discussion should focus on the value of pre-empting the opponents versus the value of knowing what your partner holds for his weak 2 bid. Consider the following hand.
♠ 973
♡ AK1096
♢ AK987
♣ -
Your partner in second seat non-vulnerable opens 2♠. Wouldn’t you like to know that your partner, for sure has a 6 card spade suit headed by at least 3 of the top 5 honors? Assume that is your agreement. How would you explore for slam?
My son Todd was South and opened 2♠ and the auction proceeded as follows:
P 2♠ P 2NT
P 3♠ P 6♠
My 2NT bid is the old-fashioned query of show me an outside A or K. The 3♠ rebid by Todd told me he had neither the AC nor the KC and therefore we were a favorite to make a small slam in spades. Interestingly, had Todd’s spades been headed by AKQ his response to my 2NT query would have been 3NT and I would have no difficulty bidding the grand in spades.
Could Todd’s spade suit have been headed by QJ10 of spades making the bid of 6♠ an overreach? Yes! But had his suit been headed by QJ10 he almost definitely would hold the A♣ or the K♣. When he denied holding either club honor the 6♠ bid became an overwhelming favorite.
This discussion would be incomplete if I did not share with you what happened at a recent knockout event against one of the top players and his client. Playing with Janis, I made a takeout double of an opening 2♠ bid by my expert RHO. With the opponents remaining silent for the balance of the auction, I arrived at a 6NT contract with 32 HCPs between us missing the A♣ and the K♣. My LHO, holding the K♣ dutifully led a spade and I rolled 12 tricks. The opening of 2♠ with J10 sixth and the A♣ did not produce the result my RHO was seeking. This hand was decisive in our victory.
Anticipating your question as to the nature of our weak 2 bids, our agreement is it shows a 6 card suit with 3 of the top 5 honors and no more than 2 quick tricks. It has been my experience that the value of a disciplined weak 2 opener far exceeds the value of pre-empting the opponents with a bid that makes it difficult for partner to assess our best contract.
Remember Counting, Communicating, and Curiosity are all important ABCs of bridge but clarifying bidding situations is critical to achieving success at the bridge table.
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
And the winner is... Some surprises in the bidding this month and at the end of the article, a listing of the annual winners. See what the
Master Solvers
have to say and Enjoy!
After earning second place in the NAP C Flight, Lila Gleitman is looking forward to launching "a new career at 90" since "they (D4) are paying me to go to Nationals."
Lila's partner (and daughter) is looking forward to retirement and the chance to play regularly with her mom. "I was thrilled that we placed, but we all know it's Mom who is the great player!
Sunday, December 8, 2019
11:30 am
Charity Game – Extra Points
Silent Auction – Lessons with Elite Pros
Carl Berenbaum
Shannon Cappelletti
Arnie Fisher
Joann Glasson
Bob Glasson
Bobbie Gomer
Corey Krantz
Meyer Kotkin
Marty Rabinowitz
Rick Rowland
Please sign up ASAP
(card fee $40/pair)
Proceeds go to Wendy’s Care
Please consider making a donation if you can’t attend. Checks can be made out to Wendy DeChadarevian and sent to Raffles at 3901 Conshohocken Ave. Greenbriar Club Apartments, Philadelphia PA 19131
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Pat Stadelmaier
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Junior Masters
Alice Babigian, Rochester
Marilyn Carr, Canandaigua
Shirley King, Rochester
Richard Landholm, Canandaigua
Ray Mulgrew, Rochester
Barbara Natale, Canandaigua
Donald Short, Endwell
Lowell Weitkamp, Webster
Club Masters
Jonathan Hager, Rochester
Dr Sarah Liebschultz, Pittsford
David Miller, Rochester
Sectional Masters
Mark Beckwith, Fairport
Andrew Gilbert, Potsdam
Lois Weiner, Syracuse
Regional Masters
Willis Monie, Cooperstown
NABC Masters
Tara Holter, Victor
Nicholas Nelson, Victor
Robert Norris, Mexico, NY
Betty Ann Schmitz, Webster
Paul Cherin, Fa
Note to players
when you advance your rank check your email from our secretary (sandjack) for a free play!
********BIG GAMES AT CLUBS********
Joan Powell DBG: 11/1 7T – 70.83% - Gene Hauber and Tom Moses
********Club Directors Please email me games over 70%********
Our last sectional of the year was a huge success. Drawing players from the majority of our playing areas. What a good location!
Finger Lakes Sectional Winners
Open Pairs 16.5 tables Morning
Flight AB&C 1st Nicholas Nelson – Tara Holter, Victor
Flight A 2nd Sam Maitra, Rochester – David Hunt, East Rochester 61.67%
Flight B 2nd Richard Hurd. Freeville – Ornit Grossman, Ithaca
Flight C 2nd Peter O’Neill, Fayetteville – Wayne Wilson, Manlius 55.51%
499er Pairs Sat – 13 tables Morning
Flight A & B 1st Marilyn Smith, Syracuse – Laura Iorio, Manilus
Flight A 2nd Pat Smith, Rochester – Nancy Koch, Pittsford
Flight B 2nd Stephen Younger, Ithaca – Ann Schissel, Ithaca
Flight C 1st Elizabeth Hill – Jonathan Hager, Rochester 58.90%
Flight C 2nd Richard Portland – Sue Portland, Victor 54.17%
Open Pairs Afternoon Overalls
Flight AB&C 1st Nicholas Nelson – Tara Holter, Victor
Flight A 2nd Sam Maitra, Rochester – David Hunt, East Rochester
Flight B 2nd Tom Aridgides, Manlius – Lawrence Waful, Liverpool
Flight C 2nd Michael Breen – R Clark, Dansville
499er Pairs Afternoon Overalls
Flight A & B 1st Stephen Younger – Ann Schissel, Ithaca
Flight A 2nd Pat Smith, Rochester – Nancy Koch, Pittsford
Flight B 2nd Marilyn Smith, Syracuse – Laura Iorio, Manilus
Flight C 1st Augustus Garnsey, Seneca Falls – James Cayer, Canandiagua
Flight C 2nd Jeffrey Weiss – Anita Bellucci Weiss, Ithaca
Sunday Open Swiss Teams – 19 Tables
Flight A 1st Barry Passer, Newfield – Dan Boye, East Syracuse
Roselyn Teukolsky - Saul Teukolsky, Ithaca
2nd Sam Maitra – Roger Woodin, Rochester
Robert Cannizzaro, Fairport – David Hunt, East Rochester
Flight B 1st Ornit Grossman – Richard Hurd, Freeville
Lawrence Kidder – Courtenay Footman, Ithaca
2nd / 3rd Shakeel Ahmad – Manju Ceylony, Clarence Center, NY
Linda Burroughsford, Fort Erie, ON – Davis Heussler, East Aurora
2nd / 3rd Shakeel Ahmad – Manju Ceylony, Clarence Center, NY
Linda Burroughsford, Fort Erie, ON – Davis Heussler, East Aurora
Flight C 1st Bill Hettrick, Conesus – Patricia Connell,Livonia
Lawrence Abate, Williamsville – Denise Slattery, Caledonia
Sunday 499er Swiss Teams – 8 Tables AM
Flight A & B 1st Augustus Garnsey, Seneca Falls – James Cayer, Canandaigua
Shirley Miller, Canandaigua – Galen Powers, Fisher
2nd Marilyn Smith, Syracuse – Linda Kandel, Jamesville
Dorothy Vents, Dewitt – Janet McLoughlin, Fayetteville
Flight C 1st Benjamin Dutcher, Rochester – Carol Krause, Pittsford
Nancy Mason, Pittsford – Darlene McDade, Hilton
Sunday 499er Swiss Teams – 5 Tables PM
Flight A & B 1st Augustus Garnsey, Seneca Falls – James Cayer, Canandaigua
Shirley Miller, Canandaigua – Galen Powers, Fisher
Flight A 2nd Marilyn Smith, Syracuse – Linda Kandel, Jamesville
Dorothy Vents, Dewitt – Janet McLoughlin, Fayetteville
Good Luck to all our players playing in the Nationals in California!
Unit 112 wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Snowbirds, safe travels and looking forward to your return in the spring.
Keep up to date by visiting our website.
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!!
The Bridgelady Holiday Bridge Party is being held on Sunday December 15.
Please Mark Your Calendars for this Festive annual event and make your reservations!!!!
Let's give a rousing ovation to the following Ranking Achievements:
New Bronze Life Master Ged E Manzi of Jim Thorpe PA
New Sectional Master Barbara J Smith of Buck Hill Falls PA
New Club Master Patricia A Frischholz of Hawley PA
Well Done!!
Finally, the Holiday Season is upon us. Make time to spend with family and friends. Make and enjoy your favorite or traditional dishes. Time also to reflect on the past year and make New Years Resolutions. Let's all resolve to get out and enjoy bridge games and support our Bridge Clubs and Bridge Community!!
Have a safe and joyous Holiday Season and may 2020 be filled with Blessings for all!
See you at the Bridge Tables.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
The Annual Hawley Quier Memorial Unit Game was held Tuesday October 22. Albert Bingaman and Barry Gorski were first overall winners.
The 2019 Annual Meeting and Unit Game was held Saturday November 16 at Blind Hartman’s Tavern. Carol Hawk and Keith Ordemann placed first overall in the open game. Susan Hildebrand and Pam Harter were first in the 0-500 game.
Our next 0-500 Sectional will be held on Friday December 20, 2019.
for more information.
Beginning in 2020 the Friday Morning Game will convert back to an invitational game, the way it used to be.
Sue Wessner will host a bridge cruise November 9-20, 2020.
for more information.
Congratulations to the following on their advancement in the ACBL Masterpoint Ranks:
New Club Master: Mark E. Luchette
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
No matter what holidays you celebrate with friends and family this season, may they be filled with joy, love and good health. Hopefully, you will find some time in your busy holiday schedule to enjoy a game of bridge at one of our clubs!
In Memoriam
We are saddened to report the passing of Murray Bonfeld on November 10, 2019. Murray played at the Bethlehem Duplicate Bridge Club. He led a full and rewarding life with his wife, Marilyn, for 46 years. Murray was an Army paratrooper during the Korean War and a supervisor at Bell Labs for more than 30 years. As one of his partners said, “I played duplicate bridge with Murray twice a month and he will be greatly missed, not just by me but by everyone he played with.”
November STaC Game Winners
There were twenty-seven and a half tables at the November STaC games at Lehigh Valley Active Life. Thanks to Betsy Cutler for scheduling the STaC games.
Monday, November 18
0-100 game
Laura and Nelson Rabenold
Curtis McDowell and James Sorenson
0-750 game
Sherri Lambert and Donna Meilinger
David Sullivan and Bryan Snapp
Thursday, November 21
0-300 game
Diane Jackson and Nancy Eiler
Friday November 22
Invitational Game
Barbara Berk and Barbara DaRe
Peter Stoyanov and Joe Miller:
In Memoriam Game Sunday, December 8, 2019
The In Memoriam Game is scheduled for 1pm at Lehigh Valley Active Life in Allentown. Please join us to recognize the members of Unit 133 who have passed away in the last year. We will celebrate their lives and achievements by playing a charity game of bridge in their honor. Family and friends are invited to join us to share special memories of their loved ones. Proceeds from the game will benefit active older adults at Lehigh Valley Active Life.
For the past 20 years, this Special Event has been facilitated by former Unit 133 President, Julie Brooks. This will be her last year managing the In Memoriam Game and we would like to sincerely thank her for her extensive contributions to the game of bridge, to Unit 133, and to our community. Julie is not only being recognized by Unit 133, but also by District 4 for her dedication to supporting various charities through special events and grant writing. Thanks Julie! The Unit 133 board will be selecting a board member to continue Julie’s efforts.
Annual Meeting and Holiday Party
More than eighty people attended the Annual Meeting and Holiday Party at Brookside Country Club on Sunday, November 10.
The following Board Officers were elected:
President, Michael Kohler
Vice President, Betsy Cutler
Secretary, Mimi Lengel
Treasurer, Paul Irvine
Tournament Chairperson, Pat Saeger
The following Board Members at Large were elected:
Chuck Campbell Barbara Dopera
Lois Fuini Sara Gainey
Sylvia Hand Jim Kenny
Dave Kresge Arup Mukherjee
Gwen Ritter. Bryan Snapp
Don Swan Lynda Thaler
Stan Yellin
In addition to the election and awards the updated bylaws were presented and approved at the Annual Meeting. Thanks to Mike Kohler, Bryan Snapp and Lois Fuini for reviewing and updating the bylaws. Following the meeting, members enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch and an enjoyable game of duplicate bridge.
2019 Trophy Winners:
0-50 - Robert Davenport
0-100 - Barbara Dopera
100-300 - Craig Bailey
300-1000 - Arup Mukherjee
Open - Walter Bell
Open Game Winners:
1st overall and 1st in A - Gary Hillenbrand and Don Swan
2nd in A - Peter Stoyanov and Charlie Eisenhart
1st in B and 3rd overall - David Forth and Gilly Chase
1st in C and 4th overall - Betty Abrams and Betsy Cutler
0-500 NLM Game Winners:
1st in A and overall - Quentin Patterson and Mary Lou Lukauskas
2nd in A - Lois Fuini and Rita Keiper
1st in B - Jane and Robert Davenport
1st in C - Patty Fosselman and Nancy Trawin
Thanks to Mimi Lengel and Betsy Cutler for organizing the event.
ACBL Junior Fund Charity Game
The Junior Fund is an ACBL wide foundation that helps support youth bridge for those under the age of 26. Club players earn extra masterpoints while helping the Junior program for youth offset the cost for these younger players to attend the World Youth Championships.
Join us Thursday, January 16th at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 12:30pm for an Open Pairs and a NLM game in support of this event.
Upcoming Events
In Memoriam - Open and NLM Pairs - Sunday, December 8 at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 1:00pm.
Junior Fund Charity Game - Open and NLM Pairs - Thursday, January16 at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 12:30pm.
Souper Bowl Sunday - Open and NLM Pairs - Sunday, February 2 at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 1pm.
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Howard Kahlenberg
Please check back next month for Unit 141 news. Happy Holidays!
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Jeanne Gehret
to these Unit 168 members on their new masterpoint rank achievements:
Club Master:
Nancy Butler, Harvey Klein, Patricia Klein, Pamela Meyer, Anita Samples
Regional Master:
Jane Marfizo
NABC Master:
Douglas Fischer, Roseanne Hughes, Judy Parsons
Life Master:
Jeffrey Burk
Bronze Life Master:
Kasey Long, Kathy Myers, Edith Ulrich
Silver Life Master:
Linda Donley
Ruby Life Master:
Eddie Conner, Lewis Maddock
News From Harrisburg Bridge Club:
Special shout-out to our dedicated group of teachers, including Jack Rudy, Dennis Shaub, Ceil Hund, Ricky Boyer, Debbie Hoveland, Bill Young, Mike Mendelson, Midge Sobolewski, Jan Leuenberger, and Pam Murray. Thanks to their efforts, we have many new players, and our "older newer" players are honing their bridge skills through mini-lessons and the monthly Bridge Pearls to Master. Our newest game, a 0-20 pairs game, is held every Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. preceded by a mini-lesson at 11:30 a.m.
Also thanks to our Directors including Linda Ivanoff, Pam Murray, Jack Hund, Dave Charleston, Kitty Markley, Bob Priest, Bridget Whitley, Kathy Harter, Carol Greecher, Debbie Hoveland, Sandy Berg, Jim Boyer and Tony McBeth Extra special thanks to Jim Boyer, for organizing and teaching a Director's Class. We're looking forward to adding your students to our roster of directors.
Special games this month include a 0-1500 Swiss (please sign up in advance) on Friday, December 13th, and the ACBL-Wide International Fund Game on Monday, December 16th (also requesting sign-up for this game). Both of those games have a start time of 11:30 a.m., with hospitality beginning at 11 a.m.
The monthly Wine & Cheese Open Game is Wednesday, December 11, and the monthly Open and 0-1000 Swiss Team game with dinner is on Wednesday, December 18.
Our Annual Meeting with free lunch and free bridge will be held on Saturday December 14 beginning at 11 a.m. The membership will elect five new members of the Board of Governors of the Club. Following the membership meeting, and in accordance with our bylaws, the Board of Governors will elect officers for 2020. The annual meeting is a chance to meet other club members and to have a voice and a vote in the governance of our club.
The club will be closed on December 24 and 25 and December 31 and January 1. Make your New Year's resolution to play more bridge! Our calendar for 2020 is jam-packed with special events, extra-point games, and a full schedule of classes and mini-lessons.
Wacky Hands & Gadgets -
by Dave Bort
Topics presented in this month’s feature include:
· Minor Suit Slamming After 2NT Opening
· Cue-Bidding To Slam Playing 2 Hearts Bust
Unit 190: Delaware
Ala Hamilton-Day
Sunday December 8
Mangiamo Italiano” at the Bridge Studio
Stratified Pairs with E’delzioso Pasta & Insalata. Reservations Suggested
Par-tee!! PAR-TEE!! On New Year’s Eve!! Come check it out! And for those days between Christmas and New Year’s Day, starting on Friday, December 27, calling
bridge players who are looking for some fun, food, merriment and masterpoints
The Bridge Studio of DE,
Foulkstone Plaza 1409 Foulk Road, Suite 101 (Note ADDRESS = Old Location)
The camaraderie is great, the stratified bridge is top-notch, and Alexis is providing the light lunches, which means that the Bridge Studio is the place to be. Hope to see you there!
Mary-Harding L. Cist
Ruth M. Wright
Sharron R. Laas
Check out the picture issue of the November
for a slew of smiling faces, some interesting articles and Unit 190 news.
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Please join us for our next sectional May 29 to 31, 2020 at the Boalsburg Fire Co in Boalsburg, PA.
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