Most of us won't find it too difficult to say goodbye to 2020. But isn't it fortunate that there are so many innovative ways to enjoy bridge from the safety of your home? Thanks to the flexibility of virtual tables and ready access to sample hands, many bridge teachers say they hope to continue with online lessons even when F2F bridge resumes. So why not gift online lessons this holiday season? Bridge books, mugs, notepads, pens and jewelry also offer much-appreciated ways to show a bridge partner or friend you are thinking of them even when you can't greet them at the D4 tables. Merry holidays to all!
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
I would like to begin my first 4-Spot message by thanking Outgoing President, Meyer Kotkin, for his care and diligence in shepherding District 4 during the past few years. Among many other things, Meyer instituted a process for Regional Tournament contract oversight, with an eye toward mitigating liability while sharing information and best practices across Tournament Chairs. This may have, at first, seemed an infringement on Tournament Chair autonomy; however, reducing liability is quite important (think tournaments with lower than expected attendance or the continuing cancellations due to COVID-19). So, thank you, Meyer. Your contributions to D4 were many and will continue to serve us well for years to come. (Also, know that I have you on speed dial!)
Since stepping into the role of District 4 President, I have received many notes of encouragement and offers of support. This demonstrates what I really love about Bridge – the people and the sense of community built by our common interest. We enrich one-another with an amazing diversity of talents, backgrounds, and histories. Each and every note received makes me grateful to be part of our bridge community.
As President, it was my hope to participate in as many District 4 tournaments as possible, both to get better acquainted with members and to gain an understanding of the unique characteristics and geographic nuances within D4. Alas, this pandemic has firmly wedged a monkey wrench into my plans… at least until the time we can safely return to in-person bridge.
For now, as many of you are doing, playing in virtual club games and tournaments on BBO is where it’s at for me. While online bridge doesn’t provide the same social connection as in-person bridge, I still choose to play online for several reasons:
To provide financial support to local clubs (we DO want them to be there when the pandemic ends, don’t we?
To stay connected with club members
To maintain my playing skills
And, as many of you do, I look forward to the time when in-person bridge is once again safe. In the meantime, I’m saving my pennies for all of those “someday” tournaments!
Now the final month of 2020 is upon us. Surely, one year ago we could not have imagined how our lives and our world would change. Change it did - but we have adapted. We have learned to Zoom, to FaceTime, and to get more takeout as a way to support local restaurants. We have learned to wear masks, to social distance, and to tolerate these and other restrictions in our lives. Despite the challenges faced, we have hope for better days ahead.
I wish you all the best in this holiday season. Most importantly, please stay safe and healthy.
I welcome your comments or suggestions at
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
From the District Director
ACBL Board Meetings
Last week at the fall NABC board meetings, Jay Whipple was chosen as the ACBL Volunteer of the Year for his many years of work for bridge. Although there has been a prohibition against giving this honor to an ACBL board member or recently retired ACBL board member, there was a break in tradition to honor, in my view, the volunteer that has given more to the game of bridge than any other.
A successful entrepreneur who retired very young, Jay has spent the last 12 years using his expertise to improve the game for all. He is the creator of the Common Game and the originator of the online bulletins that we use at all District 4 regional tournaments. He has created our partnership desk and the step up function that you use to measure your progress in My ACBL, to name a few of his contributions. In addition, he has worked cooperatively with the ACBL on many I/T projects, most recently moving bridge clubs online when the pandemic hit.
Uday Ivatury of New York City was named Honorary Member of the Year. Uday retired a few years ago as Chief Executive Office of Bridgebase Online. When the pandemic hit, he came out of retirement and, as a volunteer, worked tirelessly with Jay Whipple and ACBL staff to create an online environment on BBO so that we could all continue to play bridge during these times.
Our gratitude as a community to both of these gentlemen goes beyond any recognition we can possibly name.
The ACBL board reviewed the preliminary budget for 2021 which estimates a net increase in assets of $1M. The budget will be finalized either later this year or early next year. New staff will be added to the I/T department in order to respond to the continually growing technological needs. New staff will also be added to marketing to increase membership and maintain contact with members who are not playing online.
There will be a North American Pair National Final in the spring of 2021, either online or in St. Louis. This event will be for players who qualified to go to the cancelled National Final in Columbus in March of 2020.
Club qualifying for the 2022 National Final will begin in bridge clubs on June 1, 2021. You can qualify to play at your bridge club either online or in person. The 2022 NAP Final will be held in 2023 at the spring NABC in Reno, NV.
Grand National Team District finals will be held between January and June 2021, either online or in person. The 2021 National Final will be held in July - either online or in person in Providence, RI.
If you have questions on either the NAP or GNT events, contact our District Coordinator, John Dickenson
Mary Miller, District 4's new Education Chair, has initiated a new page on the District 4 website. It gives information that will be helpful to teachers who want to teach online and also contains a listing of teachers. Here's the link.
Teachers who are offering bridge lessons may send their name, contact information, and a brief bio to me to be included on that page.
Stay well!
Because of COVID-19 related uncertainties about when tournaments can safely resume, please check the ACBL calendar listings.
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
We are fortunate to have Dave and his insightful ABC of Bridge as part of our regular column rotation. This month, Dave offers a reminder about the importance of Losing Trick Count (LTC) when assessing your hand. With clear examples, he demonstrates there is more than one route to a game contract! LTC is a valuable tool every player can use.
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Not only is Nick closing the year with a two-part problem with wildly divergent responses, but he's also announcing the winners of the 2020 D4 MSC Challenge! Try your hand at the problem below, then click here to see what our experts say. And be sure to scroll down for the list of 2020 winners. Congratulations to all!
Attention Bridge Teachers
Whether you are an established professional or new to teaching, check out the new Education and Bridge Lessons Tab on the District website. There are links to resources for teachers who want to start teaching online. Any teachers in the district who would like their contact information included, please send it to Joann Glasson at
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Pat Stadelmaier
Unit 112 news
I hope many of you were able to play in the Stardust Week, earning ¼ Gold and ¾ Black points. It’s great to see our players advancing in their ranks!
When playing online, remember “Big Brother is watching you.” The July 2020 ACBL Bridge Bulletin addressed the topic and gave a strong message for players who cheat online – It’s not worth it!
It is extremely important that you play the game in a fair way. It is a very long and drawn out process to prove that a world class person is cheating, but it is much simpler to prove that an intermediate player is cheating. The bid and play records make it easy to corroborate cheating allegations and BBO works with the ACBL National Recorder to catch and prosecute offenders. In a practice game it is ok to talk on the phone, BUT not in a VACB game or tournament.
A team of ACBL Tournament Directors are continuing their drop-in sessions to assist players with all facets of how to play online. These sessions are currently scheduled to run until late December. At that time, the ACBL may decide to continue them into the New Year. Schedule a session here.
I would like to thank the Board Members and you, our players, for your support the past two years. I look forward to seeing you at the tables at some point in 2021.
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!! We are nearing the end of 2020 and a lot of us are looking forward to what the new year will bring.
As for recognition, we have a New Club Master! Laura L Dean of Pocono Lake, PA achieved this ranking in November. Congratulations!!!!
On a sad note, we recently lost a few friends. Phyllis Brandes of Clarks Summit passed away in September. Phyllis played at several clubs and tournaments.
Also, Marion Fierman, a former regular at the Monday Bridgelady game passed away in November.
They will both be sadly missed.
Finally, Unit 120 would like to wish you and your family, near or far, a very safe and healthy Happy Holiday! Raise your glass; here's to a bright new 2021!!
See you all at the virtual bridge table!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
Sue Wessner will host a bridge cruise November 9-20, 2020. CLICK HERE for more information.
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
No matter what holiday you and your family celebrate or how you will be celebrating in these unprecedented times, we wish you a joyous and safe Holiday Season. Please take a little time from your festivities to join us at one of our club games. We would love to “see” you.
New Rank Achievements
New Club Master
Victoria Smooha
New Regional Master
Patty Fosselman
New NABC Master
Beth Dimler
New Life Master
Lois Fuini
New Silver Life Master
Sylvia Hand
In Memoriam Games
We are saddened to report the passing of our members in 2020, but would like to celebrate their lives and many achievements. Please join us online December 6 to play a game of bridge in their honor. There will be three games 0-150, 0-750, and Open at 1pm.
Boris Heimbach 1933-2019
Boris Heimbach, 86, passed away on December 20, 2019. Boris was a Navy veteran of the Korean War. He worked for Western Electric, Prudential Life Insurance and Jack’s Glass. Boris was a founding member of Bethlehem Steelers Youth Football League and involved in Northwest Little League. When he wasn’t playing golf, Boris was playing duplicate bridge at one of our clubs. He will be missed by the many friends who played with him.
Lee Seckinger 1948-2020
Lee Seckinger, 72, passed away on April 26, 2020. Lee attended Duke University and Cedar Crest College. She served in the medical field for many years. After retiring from Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, where she lived and raised seven children, Lee began taking beginner duplicate bridge lessons at Lehigh Valley Active Life. During the lessons, she met Lynda Thaler. Lee and Lynda played together and studied together until Lee moved to Lewistown to care for her ailing parents. As Lynda said, “Lee was a warm, loving, and sweet woman who I have missed and will continue to miss.” As will all of us who knew her.
Roger Brooks 1936 - 2020
Roger Brooks, 83, of Easton, PA and Sun City West, AZ passed away on April 14, 2020. Roger first joined ACBL Unit 133 about 1970. As a young engineer, he played at the local clubs and sectional tournaments, winning in many local events. Although he loved duplicate bridge, the business responsibilities of his corporation, Brooks Systems Corporation, kept him away from the game for 35+ years. After retiring, he got back into bridge and loved it all over again. Also an avid poker player, he was proud of the ring he won in a Senior World Series of Poker tournament in Las Vegas. Roger is predeceased by his parents and his wife of 53 years, Lucy G. Brooks. He is survived by his children, Dr. Susan Brooks McDonald, Deborah Brooks Sarisky, and son, Bryan Brooks, and four grandchildren. He is also survived by his beloved companion, Barbara Laudone of Easton, PA.
Thanks to Barbara Laudone for contributing this information.
Joseph Asber 1933 - 2020
Joey Asber, 87, a longtime member of Unit 133 passed away on July 22, 2020. Joey possessed exceptional talents as a bridge player, becoming ACBL Life Master, #880 in the 1950’s. He joined an internationally ranked team which included Bobby Jordan and Arthur Robertson. He served as President of Unit 133 in 1965 and 1966, and then again in 1987 and 1988. In the early 1960’s, Joey had to make a difficult decision whether to pursue his bridge talents on a full time basis or remain local and care for his mother. He chose the latter, winning most local tournaments, while working as a draftsman at Lehigh Structural Steel in Allentown. Joey suffered from polio, which restricted his physical activities and limited his bridge playing in recent years. He was a gentleman at the bridge table and will be missed.
Thanks to Don Swan for contributing this information.
Ruth Schaefer 1913 - 2020
Ruth was one of the Easton 'regulars'. She, along with Ella Auch, Roz Meltzer, Mussette Brooks, Jeannette Goldfarb, and Roz Smolow, had been playing regularly for nearly 50 years at the Temple Covenant of Peace game in Easton when I started directing the game in 2002.
Ruth always had a smile on her face and was never at a loss for a funny quip. She wasn't necessarily the strongest technical player, but what she lacked in that regard she more than made up in optimism. On several occasions I took all of the pass cards out of her bidding box as a practical joke. When she would notice them missing, I would tell her, "I took them out because you never use them."
I had the privilege of playing with her as a partner the week of her 100th birthday and visited her at Gracedale on her 106th birthday in July, 2019. As always she was curious about the bridge community.
Thanks to Walter Bell for contributing this information.
Barbara DaRe 1942- 2020
Barbara J. DaRe,78, of Bethlehem passed away on October 28, 2020 at St. Luke's Hospice. Barbara was born in Allentown to the late Dominic and Joyce DaRe on March 4, 1942. She was a member of the first graduating class of 1960 from Louis E. Dieruff High school. She graduated from West Chester State College in 1969 with a BS in health and physical education.
During a hiatus from West Chester and over the summers, she was a supervisor for Romper Day summer programs, taught dance at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio, worked for the Allentown pool system, and taught many sports and health related activities at the YMCA where she initiated the gymnastics program. She received her Masters of Education from East Stroudsburg University. She taught health and physical education in the Allentown School District for 30 years before retiring in 1999. While employed by the district, she coached and officiated numerous sporting events.
Annual Meeting-November 8, 2020
Because of the pandemic, all members were emailed a slate of proposed Board Officers and a slate of proposed Board Members at Large. In addition, three games were played online to mark what would have been our Holiday Party.
The following Board Officers were elected:
President, Michael Kohler
Vice President, Betsy Cutler
Secretary, Mimi Lengel
Treasurer, Paul Irvine
The following Board Members at Large were elected:
Chuck Campbell Barbara Dopera
Lois Fuini Sara Gainey
Sylvia Hand Jim Kenny
Dave Kresge Gwen Ritter
Bryan Snapp. Don Swan
Lynda Thaler Stan Yellin
Game Winners
0-150 Game Winners:
1st Midge and Paul Barilla
2nd Victoria Smooha and Carol Turoczi
0-750 Game Winners
1st Rita Keiper and Lois Fuini
2nd Barbara and Michael Dopera
Open Game Winners
1st N/S Mike Kohler and Frank Morgan
1st E/W Chuck Campbell and Jim Kenny
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Howard Kahlenberg
Well, with not much new happening on the bridge front, I do want to wish everyone well on the Holiday fronts. I hope that everyone had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and that everyone has a good Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or December holiday of his or her choice.
With promising news on the vaccine front, it definitely looks like face-to-face bridge is a good bet to resume at some point in 2021. Thanks to all of the bridge sites and especially bridge clubs that have kept things going.
If we can make it this long, we can make it a few more months!
Congratulations to New Life Master Lauren Dougherty of Jamison.
People who achieved other ranks are:
New Sapphire Life Master (3,500 points) – Cliff Wilson
New Ruby Life Masters (1,500 points) – Terry Fair and Toysie Walker
New Bronze Life Masters (750 points) – Rex Saffer and Thomas Woollam
New Advanced NABC Master (300 Points) - David Tukey
New NABC Masters (200 points) - Edward Heater and Anne Pearl
New Regional Master (100 points) – Andrew Harris
New Sectional Masters (50 points) – Carol Bleazard, Carol Campbell, Joanne Duffy, Michael Duffy, Sally Jannetta, Bruce Kraig, Betty Morrison, and Stephen Small
New Club Masters (20 points) – Spencer Field, Paul Grady, Joseph Moseley, Cynthia O Keefe, William O Keefe, Susan Packer, Barbara Perskie, Roy Schwartz, and Mollie Sturdevant
New Junior Masters (5 points) – Barbara Auerbach, Kathy Dickey, Jeanne Flynn, Bernadette Holroyde, Barry Lipnick, and Kermit Livingston
Congratulations to all.
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Jeanne Gehret
Check back next month for news about Unit 168. In the meantime, stay healthy!
Unit 190: Delaware
Ala Hamilton-Day
With the bridge community facing a long wait before the return to face-to-face bridge, Unit 190 has decided to help those players who have not yet made the jump to BBO. In the South, Trina S. Williams, along with the friendly assistance of Dini Romito, Peter Harris, Paula Varrassi and Kim Holm, and in the North will be Carole Everitt, acting as facilitators in assisting those players who are not yet playing online. For further details, please see the November issue of The Dummy.
To read about how the Delaware Unit is working to get the old gang together, or to learn other news while you are staying home, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Optimistically I will invite you to the sectional we hope to hold on June 4-6, 2021 in Boalsburg.
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