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Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
2022 has proved to be a bumpy road for the return of face-to-face bridge. Though some local clubs have closed their doors, others are open and those games are slowly growing. There continues to be robust discussion at all levels about what can be done to revive face-to-face games, with the greatest focus being put on attracting and teaching new players.
For the ACBL’s part, it developed and piloted a program in 2022 that offers digital advertising and resulting referrals to teachers of new bridge students. This new program is slated to be rolled out in 2023. Stay tuned!
Tournament Report
Tournaments returned to D4 during the 2nd half of 2021 with a few Sectionals. 2022 offered a growing schedule of Sectionals and Regionals (note: there are two more Sectionals in December!!). Information about tournament attendance and masterpoints earned has been compiled for 2022, which is shared below.
2022 District 4 tournament attendance was a promising start, but reaching “pre-pandemic” attendance levels will require much work and a huge dose of good fortune! Growth in ACBL membership will be a key component, as will be getting the spread of Covid under control.
Especially during these challenging times, I applaud all the local volunteers who work hard to bring tournaments to our members. They put extraordinary effort into delivering Sectionals and Regionals to you. Many Thanks to those that are involved in delivering tournaments! (And to those that aren’t yet involved – consider volunteering.)
Update on Grand National Teams District Finals
The 2023 GNT District 4 Finals will be played online, and – pending approval - dates for each Flight are:
· Open (Unlimited MPs)............................... March 25-26
· Flight A (Under 6000 MPs).......................... March 4-5
· Flight B (Under 2500 MPs).......................... February 4-5
· Flight C (Non-Life Master & Under 500 MPs)..... March 25-26
Details will be published via email to the District 4 mailing list subscribers (subscribe here), and also on the District 4 website (
Gather your team members now! You won’t want to miss the opportunity to participate in these Gold Point events, and to earn the chance to represent District 4 at the 2023 Summer NABC GNT competition in Chicago, IL.
Have a wonderful and healthy December!
Until next month,
I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director
More Masterpoints at Club Games
The ACBL Board of Directors is focusing on getting our players back to face-to-face bridge. The evidence is clear that face-to-face bridge is vital to bringing new players into our wonderful game. Our local bridge clubs provide that important path to new members.
The Board passed a motion at a special meeting in November that will change the way masterpoints are awarded at face-to-face clubs to help encourage a return to the face-to-face bridge and make it competitive with on-line bridge. The new formula for masterpoint calculations provides that the number of points received reflect the number of deals played. Basically, when you play more than 18 boards at a club game, the masterpoint awards will be increased. Example: If you play 24 boards, the masterpoint awards will be 24/18 or 33% higher. This means that if your local club plays more than 18 boards, your masterpoint awards will be greatly increased.
Boost Program offers $500 of Free Advertising
Free $500 of digital advertising on Facebook and Instagram is available to bridge teachers who offer beginning bridge lessons in cooperation with a face-to-face bridge club that provides either continuing supervised play or a 0-20 or 0-50 game for the students when they complete their course.
ACBL will design professional digital ads for your course and spend $500 promoting your program.
If you are a teacher and/or bridge club interested in this program, please contact Blakely Meyers at for more information. The only requirement is that teachers follow up on the daily leads provided by the advertising by contacting those interested and to sign up the students for free ACBL guest memberships when the lessons are underway.
ACBL is also testing a new series of face-to-face bridge lesson materials that will be available shortly for free to accredited ACBL teachers.
I wish all of you a healthy and happy holiday season,
December 16-18
December 7-8
January 6-8
February 24-26
February 13-19
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
The ABC of Bridge
by Dave Wachsman
I recently showed a collection of the ABC articles to an experienced bridge player friend who asked me an interesting question: “Is there a common theme among your three ABCs (Counting, Communicating, Curiosity)?” The result of the question was indeed an epiphany.
A fourth “C” emerged as a powerful common thread to the original 3 Cs. I refer to “Cogitating.” Thinking deeply about a bridge hand, considering the skill level of the people at the table is the true common thread of the ABCs of Bridge.
Examine the following mundane hand played in a competitive bridge field. EW is vulnerable. S is dealer.
The fourth “C”, Cogitating, is an important ingredient in this auction, as the deep thinking challenge falls on East. South, using the Rule of 20 + 2 has no problem opening 1D as 11 HCP + 5 + 4 = 20 and quick tricks is at least 2. Remember that 5 and 4 are the lengths of the two longest suits.
West has a normal 2C overcall with his 6-bagger in clubs. North has a clearcut negative double. East has to decide, via cogitating, which partnership gains useful information if he supports his partner’s club suit by bidding 3C or making a support re-double. Evaluating the skills of his NS opponent is critical here.
East thinks about the possible auction should he merely pass at his first opportunity. Without being a mind reader, East envisions South bidding 2 of a major which would likely be passed around to him. He further reasons that by bidding 3C in pass out seat he would be giving NS useful information that could propel them into a makeable game. Clearly, he respects the ability of NS to recognize that their HCPs outside of Clubs are carrying their full value.
Notice that 4H is a viable contract for NS. With East passing throughout, the auction would most likely proceed as follows:
Suppose for example, East bid 3C in pass out seat. A competent S would likely bid 3D so show his 5 card or longer diamond suit. North would then have no problem bidding 4H because of the double fit. A silent East has made it more difficult for NS to reach their game contract.
Use all 4 Cs at the bridge table.
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Digging Nick's Agatha Christie theme. We appear to have been on the same (ahem) track this month (see December Bridge Bulletin p. 14). Read the results and find out who's the 2022 champ here.
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online here.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
The District 4 held two of their NAP C Finals in Unit 112 – one in Fairport and one in Elmira. Unit 112 Members Nick Nelson & Tara Holter tied Lori VanDerlinde & Mac Beckwith for second overall. All won a stipend to attend the New Orleans National and a boatload of master points. Let’s give a big shout-out to Pat Stadelmaier and Bruce Toder for hosting the C Finals.
Nine Unit 112 players earned double-digital Master Points at the Lancaster Regional. Phil Geibel and Tom Andrews finished in the top twenty with 62 MPs and 54 MPs, respectively. Dan Boye, Mary Miller, Lynn Ackerman, Tara Holter, Nick Nelson, Liz Patton, Betty Youmans, and Jim Patton also scored in double digits.
The Unit 112 Board elected its officers for the next two years.
· President – Betty Youmans
· Vice President – Jim Patton
· Secretary – Sandy Stockton
· Treasurer – Mark McDermott
· Member-at-Large – Richard Hurd
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Junior Master
Sandy Harmer, Horseheads
Paul Kardjian, Jamesville
Club Master
Linda Collins, Canandaigua
Clifford Donn, Morrisville
Ann Wolfson, La Fayette
Sectional Master
Mark Kinnan, Jamesville
NABC Master
Mary Bowes, Ithaca
Mary Helen Cathles, Lansing
Advanced NABC Master
David Latart, Rochester
Bronze Life Master
Ann Baxter, Pittsford
Silver Life Master
Shirley Greenblott, Vestal
Ronald Kimber, Endwell
Eileen Schuchman, Chenango Bridge
Ruby Life Master
Ornit Grossman, Ithaca
Helen Keohane, Watertown
Edythe Krauss, Ithaca
Paul Ohlbaum, New Hartford
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!! Welcome to the last month of 2022! We have quite a few exciting achievements to announce so let's get right to them.
New Junior Masters
Margaret A Conahan Stroudsburg, PA
Alana Dewey Troy, PA
New Life Masters
Beverly Bright Olyphant, PA
Fran Hofherr Kingston, PA
New Sapphire Life Master
Stephen Tillman Shavertown, PA
A rousing round of standing applause for each of you on our accomplishments!!
WOW !! Well done!!
We lost a good friend, Stan Smulyan on November 13, 2022. Stan was a regular at
bridge games and tournaments. He will be sadly missed by all of us.
Finally, with the holidays right around the corner, Beth Rosenthal will graciously again be hosting our annual Holiday Bridge Party. Preregistration required; details below. Your reservation is your check.
Bridgelady Holiday Bridge Party
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Appletree Terrace, Newberry Estates
Dallas, Pennsylvania
Bridge starting at 1:00 PM, followed by a Bountiful Dinner Buffet:
- Sautee of Beef Tenderloin with Horseradish Sauce
- Grilled Chicken, Grilled Salmon
- Pasta with your choice of sauce
- Cheddar Mashed Potatoes
- Green Bean Medley
- Mini Salad Station
- Coleslaw
- Rolls and Butter
- Mini Pasties and Cookies
- Coffee and Soft Drinks
- Cash Bar
$40.00 per person includes bridge, all day coffee station and cookies,
hors d’oeuvre, dinner and dessert. Your check is your reservation, made payable to Beth Rosenthal and mailed by December 10, 2022 to:
Barbara Musnuff,
739 Greens
Dallas, PA 18612
Hoping to see you all there for the gala!
I'd like to take this time to wish you all a very safe, healthy and Happy Holiday Season and all the best for 2023! Tink Tink with me at midnight on December 31 for a toast to Cheer in the New Year!
See you at the virtual and face to face bridge tables!!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Carl Ziegler
Check back here for next month's news.
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
We hope you enjoy your traditional holiday celebrations with friends and family this year. However you choose to enjoy your holiday season, we wish you and yours health, happiness, and harmony!
In Memoriam
We are sorry to report the passing of Walt Bell, 78, of Allentown, who passed away November 4, at Lehigh Valley Hospital. He was the husband of Mary Ellen Bell for 54 years. Born in Providence, RI., He earned his Bachelor of Science and Master’s Degree from the University of Maryland. Walter served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. He was employed in Logistics at Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., in Trexlertown for 33 years before retiring in 2003. A competitive bridge player, Walter won many tournaments, and he was a PIAA swim official for over 20 years. A true humanitarian, he devoted his time and resources to numerous charities and specifically, he and his wife, Mary Ellen were proud to provide scholarships to the St. Luke’s Nursing. Walter will be missed.
Congratulations! New Rank Achievements
New Junior Master
Thomas Hohl
New Life Master
Craig Bailey
Holiday Party and Annual Meeting
November 13, 2022
The Holiday Party and Annual Meeting was held at Lehigh Country Club this year. We are delighted to report it was well attended and everyone seemed to enjoy the day. A slate of proposed Board Officers and proposed Board Members-at-large was displayed at our clubs and presented at The Annual Meeting by Mike Kohler, Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
The following Board Officers were elected:
President, Betsy Cutler
Vice President, Jon Turoczi
Secretary, Vivian Kane
Treasurer, Paul Irvine
The following Board Members at Large were elected:
Paul Barilla Barbara Berk
Barbara Dopera. Lois Fuini
Jim Kenny Mike Kohler
Gwen Ritter Bryan Snapp
Lee Stanley Grace Sutherland
Don Swan Stan Yellin
The following retiring board members were thanked for their outstanding service:
Chuck Campbell Mimi Lengel
Annual Meeting and Holiday Party Game Winners
Freeplays for future games were awarded to winners:
Lee Stanley and Gil DeLeeuw
Nelson Rabenold and Laura Rabenold
Doroty Cockrell and William Licht
Vivian Kane and Steve Berman
November STaC Winners:
Bethlehem Bridge Club
Monday - Tom Kriz and Quentin Patterson
Wednesday - Rene Rodriguez and Frank Kuebler
Lehigh Valley Active Life
Monday - Nancy Trawin and Patty Fosselman
Friday - North/South - Lee Stanley and Carl Ziegler
East/West - Paul and Peg Irvine
In Memoriam Games
Sunday, December 11, 2022
The In Memoriam Game is scheduled for Sunday, December 11th at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 12:30pm. Please join us to recognize the members of Unit 133 who have passed away in the last year. We will celebrate their lives and achievements by playing 2 charity games of duplicate bridge in their honor. The members we are remembering are Nancy Kressley, Janet Imdorf, Bob Grover, Nancy Knerr Light, Julia “Brooks, Ann Cornfeld, Winifred Pearsall, and Walter Bell. Proceeds benefit Lehigh Valley Active Life affordable programs and services.
Please join us for one of these games:
● 0-500 NLM game
● Open game
Vaccination required.
ACBL Junior Fund Charity Game
Open Pairs and 0-500 Pairs
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life Center
1633 W Elm Street
Allentown PA
WHEN: Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 12:30pm
WHO: Open and 0- 500 Pairs
If the 0-500 game has fewer than 3 tables, it will be combined with the Open game.
WHY: The Junior Fund is an ACBL wide foundation that helps support youth bridge for those under the age of 26. Club players earn extra masterpoints, while helping the Junior Program for Youth offset the cost for these younger players to attend the World Youth Championships.
COST: $8 per person
REFRESHMENTS: Bagged snacks and water will be provided.
MORE INFORMATION: If you have additional questions or need help finding a partner, please contact:
Betsy Cutler at
or Lois Fuini at
Vaccinations required.
Save the Date
Super Bowl Sunday
February 12, 2023
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Jay Apfelbaum
Our Next Sectional Tournament - January 6-8, 2023
The Philadelphia Contract Bridge Association will hold its next tournament at the Bala Golf Club. This is simply a beautiful site for a tournament. A ballroom with plenty of room. Free parking for everyone. And a schedule of events that everyone can enjoy.
Friday, January 6 and Saturday, January 7
10:00 Single–Session Stratified Open Pairs
(A: 2,500+ B: 750–2,500 C: 0–750)
Single–Session Stratified NLM Pairs (0–500)
2:15 Single–Session Stratified Open Pairs
(A: 2,500+ B: 750–2,500 C: 0–750)
Single–Session Stratified NLM Pairs (0–500)
Stratifications may be changed at the discretion of the tournament director.
Sunday, January 8
10:00 Bracketed Swiss Teams
& TBA Pre-Duplicated Hands with Hand Records!
We will have food galore to help everyone enjoy the day. As with our 2022 tournaments, everyone must provide proof of vaccination. Please bring a mask to wear when you are at a table with someone who must wear one.
Come and enjoy the New Year with us all!
Our Unit will be electing a new Unit Board of Directors at the January 6-8, 2023, tournament at the Bala Golf Club. Here are the details:
Any paid-up member of Unit 141 is eligible to vote. There are eleven positions on the Board. We have fourteen nominees.
Five Incumbent Board Members are running for an additional term:
April Apfelbaum (current Unit Secretary)
Jay Apfelbaum (current Unit President)
Ellen Berkowitz (current Unit Treasurer)
Joan Goldstein
Everett Young
Nine PCBA Members are running to join the Board of Directors:
Mark Cohen
John Dickenson
Becky Levinson
Robbie Perlman
Estelle Ronderos
Andy Rosenberg
Pam Scalamandre
Cathy Strauss
Mark Teseny
All eleven positions will be filled. The eleven nominees with the most votes will be elected. Being an incumbent or officer carries no certainty of being elected to another term of office. Voting will be in-person at the Bala Golf Club during the January 6-8, 2023, Sectional Tournament. Voting will end at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 8, 2023.
Each voter will mark anywhere from one to eleven names on their ballot, then print their name, ACBL number and the number of people for whom they are voting. Their vote will be complete when it is given to an election manager. Voting will end at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. The election manager will tabulate the votes as quickly as is reasonable. The four nominees with the most votes will each get a three-year term. The four nominees with the next most votes will each get a two-year term. The three successful nominees with the fewest votes will each get a one-year term. Ties (including for last place) will be broken by drawing cards with the high card winning.
With luck, the eleven successful nominees will be announced before the end of the day. The elected nominees in attendance on Sunday will meet after the game and elect officers for 2023. The officers to be elected are President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
See you at the polls!!
*** New Members ***
Sheila E Deannuntis
Terje Fossnes
Julia Gabis
Cecilia Haskins
Karen Kulp
Mary Lingerfeldt
Mary Lou Wasco
*** New Junior Masters ***
Kathleen Clarke
Alice Pakman
Lawrence Solish
*** New Club Masters ***
Barbara Kardon
Peter Marco
Teresa M Peirce
Gayle Stott
*** New Sectional Masters ***
Carol A Chiodo
Robin F Collier
Mikaela G Georgieva
*** New Regional Masters ***
Lynne M Fleming
Arlene Lessack
Ron L Price
*** New NABC Masters ***
Kathy M Kutschera
Harriet Walcott
*** New Life Masters ***
Nancy Keyser
*** New Bronze Life Masters (750 Masterpoints) ***
Rosemary P McCloskey
Benson Notgarnie
*** New Silver Life Masters (1,000 Masterpoints) ***
Gerry Jawer
Dianne A Meyer
Rex A Saffer
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Russell Poppleton
At a recent job interview I was told: "The starting salary is $40,000. Later it can be as much as $75,000."
"Great,” I said. “I’ll wait till later."
Apparently, later has not arrived yet.
On the subject of getting older:
· If you live to be one hundred, you've got it made. Very few people die past that age. - George Burns
· We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress. - Will Rogers
· I might wake up in the morning and go jogging. I might wake up in the morning and find out I won the lottery. Odds are about the same.
Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:
Bonnie Barton
Diana Dakey
John Hohman
Gary Lippe
Loretta Paduano
Thomas D. Singer
Patricia Calvani
Leonard Crumb
Carolyn Fry
Patricia Jacobs
Maryrose Noto-Hardy
Raymond Rizzo
Jim Ross
Kay Crawford
Matt Sherman
Robert Marsh
South Central PA continues to host virtual games. See the website for a complete virtual schedule. Games are held on a daily basis and the schedule was recently revised.
The Lancaster Regional, chaired by Unit 168 members Jeanne Gehret and Tom Coxey, was well attended with 1053 tables and 670 players winning 9365 masterpoints. Thanks to all the volunteers that helped make this a successful tournament and congrats to all those winning masterpoints.
The HBC annual meeting will be held at 11:00 on Dec 10th. The meeting will be followed by lunch and bridge. All HBC members are invited to attend.
The Harrisburg Bridge Club (HBC) will host its monthly Swiss Team game on Wednesday, December 28. Both a 0-750 and an open game are scheduled. Game time is at 6:30 P.M. with food available at 5:45. Advance registration is requested to plan for sufficient food. See the HBC website for full details and COVID protocols:
Point to ponder:
You open 1 NT partner bids 2C (Stayman); you bid 2 anything and partner bids 3C. What's 3 Clubs? Is it forcing, invitational or a weak hand with a 4-card major and clubs? All are possible. Make sure you and your partner are in agreement.
Wishing everyone a joyous Holiday season and as our good friend Ed Scanlon says, Keep winning tricks.
Unit 190: Delaware
Tammy Holm and Paula Varrassi
Delaware Clubs
The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington
Harold Jordon
MOT, Middletown
Cheryl Shields
Monday Morning Bridge Club
Friday Nooners
Clare O’Brien
Shore Bridge
Monday @ 12:30
Wednesday @ 9:30
Anna DeLapo
Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 16-18
Bridge Studio, Wilmington
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Unit 217 has two new Life Masters! Jan Lindsay and Mary Lisko both struck enough gold at the Lancaster (Manheim) regional to make Life Master. Congratulations!!
Now that winter has arrived (at least in this part of Pennsylvania), we are looking forward to our June sectional. Please join us June 2-4, 2023 at the Boalsburg Fire Co 113 Pine Street in Boalsburg, PA.
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