December 5, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • The Rev. Dr. Ann Hallisey named canon to the presiding bishop for ministry within The Episcopal Church
  • Church of the Incarnation, Santa Rosa Celebrates 150th Anniversary
  • Deadline for West Coast Collaborative Applications Extended to Dec 20
  • Advent study with the Poetry of Maya Angelou continues Thursday

Office of the Bishop

The Rev. Dr. Ann Hallisey named canon to the presiding bishop for ministry within The Episcopal Church

Episcopal News Service | Dec 1, 2023

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has announced that the Rev. Ann Hallisey, professional leadership coach, episcopal election consultant and priest associate at Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento, California, will succeed Bishop Mike Klusmeyer in the role of canon to the presiding bishop for ministry within The Episcopal Church.

In this role, Hallisey will, among other duties, support Curry’s ministry with pastoral assistance and strategic advising, including serving as liaison and representative to bishops within the church and overseeing preparations for gatherings of the House of Bishops. Hallisey will also work closely with Curry’s deputy for administration and logistics in the planning and execution of diocesan visitations and bishop consecrations—and will work with the General Convention Office representing the presiding bishop in preparation for General Convention.

“Rev. Hallisey brings extraordinary experience and wisdom to this ministry, and I look forward to our work together over the next year,” Curry said.

Hallisey has been ordained for nearly 40 years and served in pastoral leadership positions at California churches in Vallejo, Benicia, Sonoma, Vacaville, and Napa, as well as dean of students at Church Divinity School of the Pacific. She brings extensive experience as a marriage and family therapist, professional coach, and organizational consultant, in addition to teaching experience at the graduate level.

Hallisey holds a doctor of ministry degree from Church Divinity School of the Pacific and a master of divinity degree from Yale University.

 “I am humbled and honored to have been asked to serve the presiding bishop and the larger church in this capacity,” Hallisey said.

Photo of the Rev. Ann Hallisey (on by Zach Clevenger

Around the Diocese

Incarnation, Santa Rosa Celebrates 150 Years

Jeremy Hay | Santa Rosa Press Democrat | December 1, 2023, 5:39PM

In a warmhearted and solemn service touched with moments of exuberance, a Santa Rosa parish celebrated the 150th anniversary of its church by looking at its history but also looking ahead.

In a sermon delivered Thursday, Church of the Incarnation’s rector, the Rev. Stephen Shaver, likened the Episcopal parish he leads to an ancient oak that graces the church property and is believed to be at least a century older than the downtown Santa Rosa building.

“The roots of a coast live oak tree expand out in a vast circle that’s often wider even than the span of the branches above,” Shaver said. “That massive trunk, that massive branch, those green shoots bursting toward the sky, they can’t exist unless they’re deeply, powerfully anchored.”

He spoke to about 160 people in the building, plus others in an adjoining room and elsewhere who watched a live stream of the service.

“Like our beloved oak tree, our story here at Incarnation is anchored deep in the past, and it’s that anchor that grounds us as we stretch and grow up into our future,” he continued.

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The congregation gathered for a lunch following the concluding service.

On Sunday, December 3, the Rev. Canon Julie Wakelee led the concluding worship service for St. Andrew’s, Antelope. The congregation has been worshipping at Bethel ELCA Lutheran Church in Arden Arcade, following a fire that made the Antelope campus unusable. 

Following faithful path of discernment, the mission leadership agreed in the fall to conclude their time together as a worshipping community. Remaining funds from the fire insurance compensation in the church’s accounts will go to form a grant fund benefitting ministries feeding those on the margins around the diocese. (Stay tuned for more news about this from the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California).

Lay Preaching Course Application Deadline Extended to December 20

The Episcopal Dioceses of El Camino Real, Northern California and San Diego are accepting applications for the 2024 English language cohort to prepare individuals to apply for a Preaching license (the Spanish language cohort will begin recruiting in January). We are seeking adult learners of all ages and educational backgrounds who are actively involved in ministry in their congregations and demonstrate gifts in lay leadership. Participants must be members of a congregation within one of our three partner dioceses.

West Coast Collaborative

We are currently accepting applications through December 20, 2023.

To apply, visit the West Coast Collaborative’s website at


Questions? Contact the dean:

The Rev. Sr. Kathy Lawler

Upcoming Events around the Diocese

Holden Evening Prayer | St. Francis, Fortuna

Thursday, December 7 | 6:00 pm

Read more

Christmas Concert | St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Healdsburg

Sunday, December 10 | 5:00 pm

Read more

Sr. Tina Francesca Ferriott to make lifelong vows as a Franciscan Solitary | St. Michael's, Carmichael

Saturday, December 16 | 11:00 am

Read more

Christmas Joy – A Festival of Songs | St. George's, Carmichael

Saturday, December 16 | 2:00 pm

Facebook Livestream only

Read more

Blue Christmas, Evening Prayer Service | St. John's, Chico

Wednesday, December 20 | 7:00 pm

Longest Night Service | St. Nicholas, Paradise

Wednesday, December 21 | 7:00 pm

Blue Christmas, Evening Prayer Service | St. George's, Carmichael

Thursday, December 21 | 5:00 pm

Facebook Livestream only

Read more

Trinity Cathedral

Registration open for the Thirty-sixth Annual Diocesan Choir Festival at Trinity Cathedral

The festival is being held on Saturday, January 27, and all choral singers are invited to participate. Our guest conductor is Mr Nigel Groome, Director of Music at St Matthew's/Westminster, London, England.

For complete information including the repertoire to be sung, the schedule for the day, and the online registration link can be found here:

Mr. Nigel Groome – Director of Music

at St. Matthew's/Westminster, London, England.

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California


Programs and ministries in our diocese need YOUR support!

Featured Dream from the 2023 Bishop's Book of Dreams:

Conversations in Hope | St. Paul's, Sacramento (Goal: $3,000)

Hope's Space connects the community of St. Paul's Episcopal Church with the broader community of Sacramento and beyond through music, art, conversation, and movement. Within the sanctuary's stone walls, unhoused people, convention-goers, office workers, downtown residents and parishioners from outlying areas gather in fellowship and see Jesus in one another. Conversations in Hope is a new program to launch in 2024. Inspired by the Faith X discussion book Having Nothing, Possessing Everything by Michael Mather, the hope is to tap unrecognized figures in our immediate neighborhood and provide an opportunity for their knowledge to be heard. Speakers will be invited to speak about issues pertinent to the times and to the community. Appeal funds will help pay salary for the Hope's Space Director (a position now funded at just 5 hours/week and only through 2023). The funds will also help being able to offer an honorarium to guest speakers. Read more

Will you support this dream?

Giving in honor or remembrance of someone you love this holiday season can make for a heartfelt and generous gift. You can download a gift card in English or Spanish to share with them.

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Join us for monthly 'Festival Thursdays' on Zoom 

The good conversations that began during summer's "It's All About Love" festival in Baltimore continue with monthly workshops featuring festival presenters and Q&A. Workshops are the second Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. ET. View past 'Festival Thursday' conversations at this link.

Faith Over Fear: Countering Anti-Muslim Discrimination with the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Campaign

Thursday, December 14, 3:00 pm ET

Nina M. Fernando

Executive Director

Shoulder-to-Shoulder Campaign

This webinar is designed for faith and community leaders who wish to more effectively and strategically address and prevent anti-Muslim discrimination in their communities. Participants are offered a brief exploration of the complex issue of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination in the U.S., along with facts and data about the American Muslim community. They will leave with practical messaging, communications tools, and concrete ideas, including engagement tactics to make change on this issue. The Shoulder-to-Shoulder Campaign--a national multifaith coalition of religious denominations and faith-based organizations committed to ending anti-Muslim hatred, discrimination, and violence in the U.S.--has been offering this training since 2018 and has worked with a wide range of audiences, including The Episcopal Church. 

Future workshops are scheduled for Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 14, April 11, and May 9. Registration provides access to the Zoom link that will be used for each session. 


Missioner for Disaster Resilience

Tis the Season of Generosity (and last minute donations)

Morning briefing before opening the Local Assistance Center in Forest Hill in support of Mosquito Fire survivors.

We have been truly blessed by a calendar year that has allowed us to relax and evaluate our disaster programming, both preparatory and recovery related. Unfortunately, this ability to relax has focused the greater attention on places other than Northern California. While the disasters may not be as noticeable, we have not stopped preparing for, or recovering from the next “Big One”.

Our traditional funding partners have indicated that they are likely to reduce the disaster funding we receive in calendar year 2024, because “it’s not needed”. Anybody who lives here knows that disaster related ministry is just as needed now as it ever has been.

Please help us to rebuild the Bishop’s Disaster Fund. Advent would be a wonderful time to take a special offering in your congregation to support this important ministry. Personal donations (staying a step ahead of the tax people) are also welcomed.

This work cannot be done without funding, and this work cannot be funded without you and our congregations.

Please, donate now!

Mark Dibelka | Missioner for Disaster Resilience

Give to Disaster Relief

Missioner for Church Life

Join us for Advent Study with Canon Julie and Missioner Mack

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the first session of our Advent series Maya Angelou and the Freedom Poetry of Advent

If you were unable to attend, it isn’t too late to join us!  We are meeting the next three Thursdays, December 7, 14, and 21 from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

To register, go to:

Click here to read the poem we'll be discussing this week.

We’re excited to announce that we will have a diocesan-wide New Camino training on February 16 & 17, 2024 at St. John’s, Chico. The Rev. Antony Guillen, the Episcopal Church’s Missioner for Latino/Hispanic ministries will be here to help us explore opportunities for Latino/Hispanic ministry in our diocese.

This training is suitable for individuals as well as church teams. 

Please go to:  to indicate your interest in attending and to receive updates regarding lodging and expenses. 

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

St. Luke's |Woodland is seeking a Full-time Interim Rector.

View Job Description here.

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here.

For job descriptions or questions, please contact or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email by Wednesday of the prior week
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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