Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Witness  
In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.  But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see-I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people:  to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger."  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, 
"Glory to God in the highest heaven, 
a nd on earth peace among those whom he favors!"
Luke 2: 8-14
Christmas Carol Fact   
 Did You Know?
"Joy to the World" is perhaps one of the best known Christmas carols, but in its original form, it had nothing to do with Christmas! It wasn't even written as a song. Isaac Watts wrote it as a poem in 1719, based upon the psalms of David imitated in the New Testament. Watts didn't write it about the birth of Christ, but about the second coming of Christ. The melody was added in 1839 by Lowell Mason. He first titled the hymn "Antioch" after the ancient city that was so important in early Christianity.
"Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" was written by Charles Wesley in 1739, one year after he started preaching. It was originally published as 10 short stanzas with the tile "Hymn for Christmas Day." However, George Whitefield, a preacher and friend of Wesley's changed some of the lines to make them more "singable" in 1758. "Hark how all the Welkin [heaven] rings, Glory to the King of Kings" became "Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King." William Cummings adapted music by Mendelssohn in 1840 to fit the lyrics, and that is the version we sing today.
  Announcements & Coming Events     
Next Sunday, December 15 th Lessons and Carols will start at 10:15 am.
T his Saturday, December 7, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. Stone Mountain Cooperative (Food Bank) invites you to come have Breakfast with Santa. You can purchase tickets to the event at the gym door for $7.00 and children 3 and under eat free. Admission includes a country breakfast, and picture opportunities with Santa, secret Santa shop, and silent auction. The breakfast will take place in our gym. All proceeds will go to help provide Christmas to needy families and seniors in our area. 
This Sunday, December 8th Jeanne Simpson will teach  
the combined Sunday School class on "Christmas in the Four Gospel Homes." Mardee Rightmyer will teach December 15th and 22nd.
Thanks to all of the Food Angels in October & November .  You gave about 500 lbs. to the St. Mtn. Co-op. The Food Basket though is always in need of food. Our volunteers last week at the St. Mtn. Co-op let me know that the Co-op is in dire need of (rice, grits, oatmeal, tuna, & peanut butter).  If you can when you're out shopping grab a couple of these items to bring to our EPC food basket in the Narthex.  Thanks so much.
tree_in_cart.jpg Caring Tree household items (laundry soap, paper products, etc.) and personal care items (shampoo, hand lotion, sanitizer, etc.) for the 15 families can be left under the Caring Tree or brought to the gym Sunday, December 15th. Thanks for all the contributions for Caring Tree, and please join the wrapping and distribution process on December 15th after Lessons and Carols and enjoy the soup and sandwich lunch prepared by volunteers. If you have questions, please speak to Mary Ann Howard (770-823-8862) or Linda Redman (678-380-7178).     
Donations for hats, scarves, gloves, and/or socks can be put in the basket by the Caring Tree for refugees attending ESL classes at Piedmont Technical College.
Interested in ringing bells for the Salvation Army December 21 st at Northlake Kroger? We need 5 teams of 2 for 2 hours; 10am-12pm, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm, 4pm-6pm, 6pm-8pm. Contact Rick Adle at or 404-697-0277 to reserve a time.
If you are going to attend the Christmas Eve service and would be willing to serve communion, please contact Carol Carmichael at 770-827-3164 or You are welcome to sit with your family and come forward just prior to the communion part of the service.  
PW Save the Date - Our PW Winter Fellowship will be on Saturday, January 11, from 9:00 am - 1:30 pm. We are excited to have Jeanine Fulton return to us as our fellowship leader -  the topic will be announced later, and we can promise fellowship and laughter! A light breakfast will be served and bring a salad to share for lunch.
To view a complete calendar for the week, click here.

Poinsettia Dedication
If you would like to order a Poinsettia flower to be placed in the Sanctuary in memory or in honor of a loved one, please fill out the form below. You can also pick up a form in the office. The cost is $10.  Please make checks payable to Eastminster Presbyterian Church and designate it for poinsettia order.  
Forms are due by Monday, December 16.

Wednesday Night Dinner & Program
Join us for fellowship and dinner Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. If you would like to make a reservation, be on the permanent list, or are already on the list and know in advance you will not be able to attend dinner, please let the church office know by email at, or by phone 770-469-4881. All reservations should be made by Tuesday morning.   

Wednesday, December 11th menu:
Baked Spaghetti, Green Beans, Caesar Salad, Garlic Bread, Fruit Cobbler, Tea & Lemonade  
The cost for dinner is $8.00 with a maximum of $20.00 per family.
For our Wednesday night program at 6:30,
we will explore "Songs for the Waiting: Hymns of Advent." A look at the scripture behind several Advent hymns and sing them too!  
2020 Pledges  
Pledge cards are still being accepted. You can pick one up in the office, fill it out online or email the information to Jan Zabarac at 
Click the button below to fill out a 2020 pledge card. 

 There are many ways to make a gift to the church including check, credit card and the Eastminster "give" link. You can also gift stocks or other securities or make gifts directly from an IRA or donor-advised fund. Please discuss with your financial advisor to determine which might be the best option for you. 

Holiday Event 
Take a shopping trip around the world!   
North Decatur Presbyterian Church presents its annual 
Alternative Gift Market on Saturday, December 7 th from 10a.m. to 3p.m.  
  These vendors sell fair trade, environmentally sustainable and reasonably priced holiday gifts that create positive change for refugees or disenfranchised populations. For truly one of a kind gifts, one can purchase items from Africa, Latin America, Asia, South America and the Middle East, as well as local products from emerging entrepreneurs.  Also available will be gift cards in honor of or in memory of loved ones such as goats for the Haiti EcoVillage School, El Refugio legal defense for detainees, or sending a child to Peacemakers Camp.  For a low stress shopping adventure we offer refreshments and a children's craft corner. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted by most vendors.
For holiday gift-giving that makes a difference, come see us at:
611 Medlock Rd, Decatur GA.
Contact:  Deedee Murphy,   404-276-0593


 December  Birthdays   
 10   Steve Stewart
 12   John Burger
 13   Samillie Malloy
 14   Nell Seaton
 16   Ben Gerard 
 16   Courtney Moore
 17   Jennifer Streich
 17   Richard Taylor
 18   Matthew Adams
 23   Charles Seaton
 29   Lynne Scott
 30   Sarah Sauls 
If you would like to wish someone a very happy birthday please see our Church Directory App, to conveniently contact them. 
Church Directory App 
Want to easily access the church directory with contact information and photos?
Church Life is a free mobile app that enables you to stay connected on the go.
With the Church Life App, you can easily look up and use member contact information anytime and anywhere!
  • View the church directory information such as phone numbers, addresses, emails and photos.
  • Add contact information to your phone's contact list.
  • Send a text or call to a contact within the Church Life App.
  • Pull up a map and directions to addresses in the Church Life App.
In order to use the Church Life App, you will need to load the app on your device and contact Jan Zabarac via phone (770-469-4881 ex. 221) or by email at  to activate the app.
The Church Life App is available for iPhones, Androids, and Windows based devices.
Download for Apple devices go here:   
Download for Android devices go here:

Blackberry and other mobile devices can enter from any mobile browser. 
Online Giving
To support Eastminster Presbyterian Church, 
please click on the "Give Now" button. 

Sunday, December 8
      9:15 a.m.    Sunday School
    10:30 a.m.    Worship Service
      1:00 p.m.    One Gate Church Service                
Monday, December 9
    12:15 p.m.    (DBE) Luncheon - Matthews Cafeteria
      6:00 p.m.    Boy Scout Troop 876 - Court of Honors
      6:00 p.m.    Stone Mountain Garden Club Christmas - Always Fresh
      7:00 p.m.    PW Coordinating Team
Tuesday, December 10
     11:00 a.m.   Alanon - Rm. 323
      5:30 p.m.    Strategic Planning Committee - Rm. 208
      6:30 p.m.    Building & Grounds Committee Meeting
Wednesday, December 11
     10:00 a.m.   Respite Care Center - Open
     10:00 a.m.   Women's Bible Study
       1:45 p.m.   Weekday Ministries Committee Meeting
       5:45 p.m.   Fellowship Dinner - Baked Spaghetti
      6:30 p.m.  Wednesday Night Program - Songs for the Waiting: Hymns of Advent
       7:30 p.m.   Chancel Choir Practice
Thursday, December 12
       5:00 p.m.   Parkview High School Concert & Reception - Sanctuary
       6:30 p.m.   PW Evening Stars - Shelley Lee's home
Saturday, December 14
     10:00 a.m.   FOCUS event
Sunday, December 15 - Lessons & Carols
       9:15 a.m.   Sunday School
     10:15 a.m.   Worship Service
     11:30 a.m.   Caring tree
       1:00 p.m.   One Gate Church Service               
*Note: The outer doors by the office and preschool will be locked at 10:45 a.m. during Sunday morning worship. The sanctuary doors will remain open.
*For more information regarding locations and additional events, please note the full church calendar is available on the website and can be accessed at It runs in real-time and is updated every time an item is added.   

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