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December 5, 2022

Weekly Prayer focus: Those experiencing loneliness

during the holidays.

Be sure to check out our Facebook page for photos

of all that is going on this Advent Season!

Senior Adult & Redemption Store Christmas Party

TODAY! 11:30am in the Activities Center

All Senior Adults and Redemption Store Volunteers are invited for a time of food and fun today as we celebrate the season and spend time together!

This Wednesday: Star Search Children's Musical

Wednesday, December 7, 6:00pm in the Sanctuary

You don't want to miss this uplifting performance! Come support our children as they present "Star Search!"

Angel Tree Drop-off Reminders

Angel Tree drop-off has begun! Thank you for your generosity in providing Christmas gifts for approximately 200 children in our area! Gifts can be delivered to the Activities Center only and at the following dates and times: 

a. Sunday, December 4; 8:45am-12:15pm, 

b. Wednesday December 7; 4:45pm, 

c. Sunday December 118:45am-12:15pm, 

d. Monday, December 12; 8:00am to 4:30pm.

Find out more about each worship opportunity by visiting our website:

Extra mail-outs with all of the Christmas Events listed are available at the Hospitality Desk if you'd like some to hand to your friends, family, neighbors, etc!

Wednesday Evening Dinner Update

Click here to view the updated menu and RSVP. Dinner will be served from 4:30-5:45pm during the holiday season. Wednesday evening dinners at the Fellowship Cafe will resume on January 25 in the new year. Thank you for joining us at the Fellowship Cafe!

Poinsettias for Christmas

Order now through Wednesday, December 14

If you would like to order a Christmas poinsettia to decorate the sanctuary in memory/honor of a loved one, please pick up a form at the Hospitality Desk today. Poinsettias are $20 each and will be available for pick-up following the 6:00pm Christmas Eve Service on December 24. 

College and Career Gathering: Save the Date!

Thursday, December 29

All College and Career aged young adults are invited to another opportunity for Axe Throwing at Grizzly Axes! More details to come.

New Online Calendar

Click here to check out our new church calendar. It's a work in progress, currently updated through the end of the year. Printed copies will soon be available at the Hospitality Desk. You can also find it on our app and website (under ministries).

Sermon Series: Wait!

The word "wait" is used well over 100 times in the Bible. We spend many days in our lives waiting. For prayers to be answered. For God to move. We wait. In the Advent season, our faithful Savior will come. Join us in this holy season of waiting and anticipation.

Join the Hospitality Team

Help is always appreciated as we strive to make each person who enters our campus feel welcomed and loved! If you’re interested in being on this team of greeters, ushers, servers, parking lot attendants, and more- email 

Grumpy Old Men Group: Join us!

Come and be a part of the Grumpy Old Men - a service oriented group that meets each Thursday at 8:00am in the Activities Center for fellowship and planning projects. We would love to have you join us- young or old, man or woman! 

Volunteers Needed at the Redemption Store
The Redemption Store is in need of willing hearts and helping hands to fill shifts throughout the week! If you are interested, contact Find out more about the Redemption Store by clicking here.

Donations are accepted Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00am-Noon. Thank you!
Ways to Serve
Hoping to get involved? A page on our website features specific opportunities to fulfill volunteer needs as they arise. Have some extra time on your hands? Visit our website at to find ways to help out! Contact the church to find out more about how to get involved in the ministries listed.

Quilters on the Key

1st and 3rd Thursdays, 9:30am-12:30pm

You're invited to join this group for a time of fellowship and quilting in the Activities Center. Quilts and other items are crafted and given to persons facing difficult situations as a gesture of comfort and thoughtfulness. Use your talents to spread the love of God as part of this important group of service and fellowship.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00pm
The Prayer Shawl Ministry exists to knit and crochet blankets and other items of comfort and encouragement. These items are given to newborn babies, those facing health issues, and more. Come and be a part of this group of fellowship and giving- all are welcome! It's a wonderful time of getting to know others while also making a difference for those who need to feel God's care.
Need a listening ear?
If you are confined to home and find yourself in need of a friendly listening ear, please give us a call. We want you to know that we are here for you, to listen or to help if you have a need. We want to stay in touch with you, please feel free to call us at the church number 850-492-2135 and ask to be connected with the visitation team. 

College & Career Donuts & Discussion

1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month, 10:10am

Young Adults ages 18-25 are invited to Room 207 in the Activities Center for a time of connection with God and one another. We will meet every other Sunday during the Sunday School hour.

Isaiah Podcast

Join us as we read the book of Isaiah for our daily reading plan and podcast. Join us as we venture through this book of hope of the coming Messiah. Find the updated reading plan at the Hospitality Desk, on our App, or by visiting

Sunday School: Find a class today!

There are many Sunday school Classes available for adults. Join us weekly at 10:10am in the Activities Center! Nursery, Elementary, and Youth meet in the Education Building. Find more information below or click here to download.

Intercessory Prayer Group Meeting

Tuesdays at 8:30am
You are invited to join our intercessors in the Gathering Lobby for their weekly prayer meeting. If you have a prayer need that you would like to add to the prayer list, email it to or you may use our App to submit your prayer request. Additionally, you may fill out a prayer request card at the Hospitality Desk. 

Prayer lists are available to be picked up at the Hospitality Desk.
Nursery, Elementary, & Youth Information

Nursery (8 weeks - Pre-K)

A nursery is available for all church services and many activities. Wee Worship takes place Sunday mornings during Worship Services. Preschool Sunday school is at 10:00am. Contact for more information!

PBUMC Kids Ministry (Elementary: K - 5th Grade)

PBUMC Kids Ministry is for children in Kindergarten through 5th Grades. Each Sunday morning is Children's Worship at both 9:00am and 11:00am. At 10:00am we have Sunday School. Wednesdays we meet from 5:00-7:00pm.  Email to be placed on our email list or to find out more.

The Wave Student Ministry (for 6th-12th Grades)

All 6th-12th graders are invited to Sunday school each week at 10:10am in the Youth Room and Sunday Gym Night each week from 4:00-6:00pm in the Activities Center, Dinner provided. Wednesday evening youth takes place from 5:00-7:00pm. Email for more information. 

The mission of Perdido Bay United Methodist Church
is to make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.

Our vision is to be the heart of the community.