COVID-19 Prevention meets Wellness Week Marin
During the current pandemic, promoting and maintaining health, preventing disease, plus coping with illness are key not only to the wellbeing of individual residents, but our entire community.
Marin County, invites you to participate in Wellness Week Marin, December 6th-10th!
Wellness Week Marin will focus on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness, a broad term affected by our culture and our life experiences. The eight (8) Dimensions of Wellness are (1) Physical, (2) Social, (3) Intellectual, (4) Financial, (5) Spiritual, (6) Emotional, (7) Occupational, and last but not least, (8) Environmental.
Housing Element Update
What is a Housing Element?
A state-mandated policy document updated every eight years that identifies where and how Fairfax will accommodate existing and projected future housing needs for people of all income groups. In the 2023-2031 6th Cycle Housing Element Update, the Town will need to plan for an additional 490 new housing units.
Why does my Participation Matter?
Your input can help ensure that Fairfax plans for future housing needs in a way that cares for you neighbors and your community. During the recent November 20th community workshop, Fairfaxians learned about the basics of the process, next steps, and how their input will influence the programs and policies within the Town's Housing Element. Video and the Powerpoint slides from that workshop are now available on the Fairfax Speaks website. Make sure to register on the website for future updates throughout this year-long planning process.
Plan Fairfax Housing Tool Available until December 31st!
The Fairfax Speaks website has a new interactive mapping tool called Plan Fairfax Housing to help the community have input on the sites. We recommend using the tool after you’ve read up on the sites inventory (a list of potential sites where future housing may be considered). This deadline for submitting your idea for this first version of the tool has been extended through December 31st! Don’t forget to add your input and share the tool with family and friends during this holiday season.
Highlights from the December 1st Town Council Meeting
At their December 1st meeting, the Town Council reorganized, selecting their new mayor and vice mayor for the next 12 months. Please welcome Mayor Stephanie Hellman and Vice Mayor Chance Cutrano. They thanked former mayor Bruce Ackerman for his service this past year, and presented him with a gavel plaque. The Council is organized as follows for the coming year:
Mayor Stephanie Hellman
Vice Mayor Chance Cutrano
Council Member Barbara Coler
Council Member Renee Goddard
Council Member Bruce Ackerman
Some key items the Council took action on:
The Council adopted a Resolution Amending the General Plan to Replace the Terms “Community Character” and “Neighborhood Character” with more Specific Descriptions of the Intended Meaning of those Phrases
The Council adopted an Ordinance Amending Chapter 8.08 Relating to Solid Waste, Recyclables and Organic Waste to Implement Senate Bill 1383 Regulations.
The Council adopted an Urgency Ordinance Establishing Regulations for the Land Division and Development of qualified Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) properties
Coffee with the Cops & Tea with the Mayor
Fairfax Coffee Roastery
Wednesday, December 8th
Join the Fairfax Police and our new Mayor, Stephanie Hellman, for an afternoon chat at the Coffee Roastery! Bring your questions, and enjoy and afternoon pick me up. Together, we can build relationships, one cup at a time!
Library Fundraiser
The Fairfax Library is renovating its outside space to expand the library beyond its walls – increasing programming opportunities, expanding seating, creating a stone paver patio and providing an ADA accessible pathway through a new native plant garden to name a few enhancements.
The Friends of the Fairfax Library is currently holding a Commemorative Engraved Paver fundraiser to fund the outdoor furniture portion of the Garden project. This is a unique opportunity to permanently commemorate friends, family, businesses and others while also supporting the Fairfax Library and its Garden Project.
To learn more about the project and how to donate a paver that will be installed in the patio visit It would be great to see the patio filled with engraved pavers when the project is completed – an acknowledgement of the library’s impact on the community as well as a recognition of friends, family, businesses and others.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
December 13 - 7pm
Town Council Continued Regular Meeting
December 15 - 6:30pm
Town Council Special Meeting
December 15 - 7pm
Planning Commission Meeting
December 16 - 6:30pm
Please note we are proceeding with all events as planned but they may
need to be cancelled due to County or State Health orders.
Fairfax Craft Faire and Wreath Making
Saturday, December 11th
11am – 5pm
We are looking forward to RE-gathering again for this lovely Fairfax tradition. We will be adding wreath making from 12-4pm with the Fairfax Volunteers to this fun filled day!
Please consider signing up to volunteer at this fun, community event! We need help starting at 10 am and going until 7 pm. Help is required with the arts & crafts section, food area, and clean up. Sign up here if you are able to help support this event:
This is a fundraising event for Fairfax Recreation and all proceeds will go to help support our programming and scholarship fund.
Wonderfully Wild Marin: A Calendar and Online Fundraiser for Open Space
Want to help protect local open spaces during these trying times and get some amazing artwork as part of the donation thank-you gifts? Here’s how!
The Fairfax Open Space Committee along with The San Anselmo Open Space Committee have been collaborating together to create an informationally rich and stunningly beautiful Calendar for 2022 called Wonderfully Wild Marin. The calendar notes astrological events, holidays from diverse cultures and religions, seasonal, cultural, and historical information about our natural surroundings along with outstanding vistas by talented local photographers.
photo credit:'Wave' by Jill Zwicky
Other Town and County News
Opportunity for Job Training in the Green Building Field
Marin Clean Energy (MCE) has a Community Power Coalition wherein they sponsor training for jobs for youth and others to gain expertise in green jobs. Rising Sun is a partner in this program and will be bringing on 120 new recruits to provide job training and placement.
If you are looking to get a job in green construction but don't know where to start Rising Sun is now taking applications! This three-month program will train you and help place you with a local employer. Apply here.
If you are looking to hire a skilled and vetted workforce MCE can match you with a motivated entry-level candidate AND pay for their first 160 hours of on-the-job work. Sign up today!
Want to Get Involved? Join a Board or Commission!
Do you want to make a real difference in 2021? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on several boards and commissions. Click here to see the current vacancies.
Water Restrictions in Effect for All of Marin County
You may have heard about the water limits that went into effect last week. Every single-family household is allowed up to 21 CCF before they incur penalties. But how much water is that? 21 CCF = 15.7k gallons. A family of 4 can use up to 65 gallons per day per person without incurring penalties.
Curious about your water use? We offer rebates on Flume smart home water monitors, which send real-time water use data straight to your phone and easily attach to most water meters. Visit to learn more.
We also offer resources to help you read your water meter. It's a great skill to have and easy to learn. Visit to get started.
COVID-19 Updates & Programs
If you are experiencing financial difficulties due to COVID-19, please visit our Town of Fairfax Coronavirus Resource page for rental assistance, utility bill help and more.
Spread the Word
We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.
You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español
El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.
Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.