Health Care Advocacy Updates
Below are the latest updates from THCC, sign-on opportunities, upcoming events, and news highlights of interest.
THCC Updates
Open Enrollment for the ACA marketplace began November 1st. Staff and volunteers have been working hard to make certain every person looking for health care receives assistance.

In the month of November we:
  • Answered 456 calls on our 844 hotline. Staff and volunteers assisted 1014 people, enrolled 346 people in QHP plans and 294 people in Medicaid plans.
  • Added 419 supporters from 96 communities who are in favor of Medicaid Expansion via our online petition on our website. (Sign here)
  • Trained 85 people on how to assist with applications.
Green shaded counties represent areas THCC has received calls from the past 3 months.
Reports and Announcements
  • The Sycamore Institute published a report titled Where You Live Affects How Long You Live highlighting the factors that influence health such as health care, education, transportation, and food security. (Link)

  • Georgetown University Health Policy Institute released a report finding that for the first time in nearly a decade, the number of uninsured children has increased. Three-quarters of the children that have lost coverage live in states that have not expanded Medicaid (Link)

  • Kaiser Family Foundation conducted a poll that found only 1 in 4 potential marketplace customers know when the enrollment deadline ends. (Link)
Events and Webinars
  • Bipartisan Policy Center is hosting a webinar on the CHRONIC Care Act of 2018 December 6 9:30 to 11:00 EST. (Register)

  • Altarum Healthcare Value Hub is hosting a webinar on Driving Healthcare Transparency through Actionable Resources on Friday, December 7, 2018 from 2-3:00 EST. (Register)

  • Tennessee Justice Center is hosting a witness at the Tennessee State Capitol on Tuesday, January 7th, 2019 midday to show support for Medicaid expansion. (RSVP link)

  • Tennessee Disability Coalition is planning their Day on the Hill on Tuesday, February 12th from 9am - 2pm at Cordell Hull, 425 5th Ave N, Nashville, TN. No RSVP is required. Email for questions or to volunteer to assist with meetings.

Action Items and Input Opportunities
  • Coalition for a Strong Tennessee - Coalition organizers Mary Falls and Sally Smallwood are working to sign-on organizations and businesses supportive of Medicaid Expansion. Share their website (link) with organizations and businesses who support bipartisan solutions for comprehensive health coverage in Tennessee.

  • Send a Message to Bill Lee - Governor elect, Bill Lee, has a transition website for Tennesseans to share ideas about issues of importance. Please take a minute to send his team a message. Don't forget to share why you support Medicaid Expansion! (Link)

  • Medicaid Expansion Petition - Do you (still) support Medicaid Expansion? Please sign our online petition to reaffirm your support for expansion. Signing helps us identify constituents by district that will be useful in legislator meetings. (Action Center)
News of Interest