December Match Anniversaries

7 Years
Dontae & Scott Holl

6 Years
Zackary & Kristine and Tim Meffert
Paige & Jamie Deppert
Tyler & Jennifer and Steven Swanson

5 Years
Joshua & James Knepler

4 Years
Kaitlynn & Jessica Barlament and Lauren Beine
Evelyn & Diane Yarmark
Alexis & Karen Hauser-Rayner
Wikotah & Cheryl Wright
Molly & Mary Brodzeller
Isaac & Jeffrey and Diann Koski

3 Years
Kierah & Isabelle Schwalenberg

2 Years
Andrew & Elizabeth and Steven Green
Xyler & Brenda Lee
Bailey & Grace and Joseph Dobratz
Tyler & Don Horen
Kayla & Michelle Gruszynski
Teagan & Angela Jimenez-Kern and Nicholas Kern
1 Year
Ariela & Emily Duckert
Jayden & Melissa Naczek
Noah & Brad Christensen

We are excited to announce our continued partnership with
@NordstromRack! Jump-start your holiday spirit by defending the
potential of a Little. Sponsor a moment through December 31st and
give the gift of mentorship! #BiggerTogether
Learn more at
The need for Bigs is huge, and we still have work to do. If you haven’t made a contribution yet this season, please help us reach our goal of $15,000 by January 1st.

Every contribution matters, and the time to act is now.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and The Starbucks Foundation are uniting this holiday season to celebrate our shared interest to help all youth achieve their full potential. The Starbucks Foundation will match donations made through this unique giving site between December 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, a total of $200,000.
Office Hours

The BBBS Office will also be closed on Monday, December 23rd through Friday, December 27th. If you are a BIG who needs to speak with your Match Support during this time, contact them directly for an appointment.
Waiting Little(s) of the Month
Our waiting Little of the month resides in Hartford. He is 10 years old and has been waiting for over a year. He has several younger siblings so does not get a lot of attention at home. He would love to have a Big Brother so he can get some one-on-one time as well as have the opportunity to get out of the house more. He likes to play videogames and sports. This Little has trouble staying focused and following directions so he would need a Big with some child experience. 
December Match of the Month
LITTLE Wendy and BIG Ally Retzlaff
LITTLE Cody and BIG Tyler Retzlaff
Did you know that you can become a Big Couple with your significant other? You and your partner can become defenders of potential together and share a Little. Or you can be like Ally and Tyler and each have your own Littles. Ally has been matched with her Little for four years and counting. The two have been through a lot together, from learning how to give back to the community, to going through tough stages in life. No matter what comes their way, Ally and Wendy work through it together. Recently, Ally and Tyler have tied the knot. Knowing Ally was in the program and asking questions to her and those in the BBBS office, Tyler knew he had the time to make a difference in a child’s life. Although Tyler has only been matched with Cody for seven months, the two have already made a bond to last a life time. Tyler and Cody have gone fishing together on Pike Lake and even attended the BBBS photo shoot for the new recruitment flyers. BBBS would not only like to thank Ally and Tyler for becoming Defenders of Potential, but also Congratulate them on getting married!  

Defender of Potential
Each year the BBBS elves work very hard to make sure our Ready To Be Matched Littles are supported while they are on our wait list. This year is no different, in our annual partnership with Sysco Foods, every child on our waiting list (and their siblings) receive Christmas gifts. This partnership has brought in over 200 gifts in the last 3 years. We are so thankful for Sysco's generosity and support making sure all of the kids BBBS supports get to celebrate the holidays! Thank you Sysco for igniting the potential of all of our youth!

If you would like to learn more about how to become a Defender of Potential, contact us at 262-334-7896 or visit our website at
Big Brothers Big Sisters Match Activities
Halloween at Hampton Inn
In the month of October, BBBS held its annual Halloween Party at the Hampton Inn. Our matches got to dress up in a favorite costume, paint or carve a pumpkin, play a game, or socialize with other matches. It was a great time for all of our matches. BBBS is looking forward to the Christmas party at the Hampton Inn in December. A BIG thank you to Hampton Inn for sponsoring these get-togethers for our matches.
Holiday Crafts at the Executive Residence
Big Brothers Big Sisters was excited to be invited to the Governor's Mansion to help make Christmas decorations. Two lucky matches were chosen to go to Madison to partake in this special honor. Each match also met with First Lady Evers. Both matches had a great time at the Governor's home. Thank you to Governor Ever's to opening up your home to Big Brothers Big Sisters. 
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