December 2023 Town Bulletin

Town of
Beaux Arts Village
In this Issue:
Town of Beaux Arts Village News


If you have a storm drain or catch basin near your home, please be sure to monitor and use a rake to clear leaves, limbs, and debris from the area. Place leaves in your yard debris bin for easy removal and recycling. If you witness a problem on public property such as a potential tree fall, a hedge that restricts street visibility, or clogged storm drains, please contact Town Hall or the Building Dept. In the event of an emergency or large hazard such as a fallen traffic sign or downed tree blocking a roadway, please call 9-1-1.


The Council met on Tuesday November 12th to discuss the following:

  • A proposed budget for 2024. This discussion happened after the second of two public hearings regarding the 2024 Budget. The final budget will be discussed and adopted by ordinance on Tuesday December 12th.
  • Ordinance No. 467 setting the 2024 property-tax levy.
  • Resolution No. 331 authorizing the Mayor to execute an extension of the contract for building-official services with Kolke Consulting Group.
  • Completed their discussion of a water rate study. The Council will discuss a resolution to change water rates at the December 12th meeting.
  • Franchise agreements with utilities serving residents of Beaux Arts Village. Staff will help compile a spreadsheet summarizing the existing franchise agreements, terms, expirations, etc. to facilitate further discussion.
  • Continued discussion of legislative priorities. The Council will continue this discussion in January, when they plan to rank the priorities.


No permits were issued in the month of November.

Contact Us

For issues before the Town Council, general Town business, or water department questions contact Clerk-Treasurer Sue Ann Spens

For the building department (including permits and variances), issues before the Planning Commission or Hearing Examiner, or this newsletter contact Deputy Clerk Addie Tych

To report Block Watch concerns, contact Town Marshal Jeff/ Marji Jochums or call KCSO Non-Emergency Line (206) 296-3311

Visit Our Website

NEED TO CONTACT WABA? WABA Members may contact WABA Clerk Kristin Mange about the Western Academy of Beaux Arts, regarding the private beach or its use (including reservations and parking stickers), the Green Book Directory, WABA social events or issues before the WABA Board of Trustees:

  • WABA Clerk Kristin Mange, (425) 502-7382
  • Mailing: Western Academy of Beaux Arts, 10010 SE 28th Place, Beaux Arts, WA 98004
Visit WABA's Website