January Board Meeting

January 22, 2020
9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Call In Information

You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121 
Access Code: 672-565-477 

December Meeting

X-Games Walk Through

Gabe with Aspen Ambulance will be doing an X-Games Walk Through on Tuesday January 21, 2020. This is a great opportunity to see how they set up their response for a large event.

Please RSVP below or contact at mikaela.greene@cmretac.org or 970.389.3869.
X-Games Walk Through
Mountain Rescue 37295 Highway 82 Aspen, CO 81611

01/21/20 3:00pm - 01/21/20 5:00pm

Please meet up at the Mountain Rescue Building, and dress warmly as we will be walking around outside.
I'll be there!
I can't make it
EMTS Grant Cycle
EMTS Grant Cycle

EMTS Grants opened on December 15, 2019 for the 2021 fiscal year.
The application period closes on February 15, 2020.

This grant cycle the EMTS branch has transitioned to a new organizational profile in ImageTrend. This profile must be filled out before a grant application can be started. A gatekeeper for this profile must be designated to submit the profile and subsequent updates.

 Grant applications will no longer be submitted through CEMSIS but through ZoomGrants, which you can access  here  and also from the EMTS funding section on the CDPHE website

Click Here for more information
Grant Workshop

CMRETAC will be hosting a grant workshop at Eagle County Paramedic Services on January 14 in Edwards. Eric Schmidt with CDPHE will be coming up to discuss the Grant Process and provide insight on how to best submit your grant.

Please RSVP to Mikaela if you plan on attending.

Injury Prevention
Skier Safety Weekend

The mountains have opened so It's time to start thinking about Skier Safety!

Skier Safety Weekend will be held on
January 18 -19, 2020 - MLK weekend

Please send Helmet counts to Kim by January 31, 2020

Helmet Observations and Guidelines


We are fast approaching the end of the year. Please ensure all CARES Data is up to date in the registry.

Colorado CARES Coordinator

Jillian Moore with Starting Hearts is now the Colorado CARES Coordinator. If you have any questions or concerns regarding CARES you can reach her at jillian@startinghearts.org .

Western Slope Trauma Retreat

Western Slope Trauma Retreat
May 5th and 6th, 2020

Registration will be opening in January.
Please fill out the below questionnaire for topics you want to see covered at this years retreat.

Questionnaire - Click Here
Children's Hospital Colorado - EMS Conference
January 30-31, 2020

Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora. Jan. 30 will be a full day of lecture. January 31 will be a half day of skill stations. Space is limited in the skills stations so sign up early.

Sign up here or email emergency.outreach@childrenscolorado.org with questions.
2020 EMS Conference
March 12, 2020

Bruce Schroffel Conference Center Auditorium, University of Colorado Hospital, Denver. Registration information to come in December.

Please contact Desmond Michael with any questions.
Plains to Peaks ALS Conference
March 21 - 22, 2020

The Plains to Peaks ALS conference is scheduled March 21-22 in Cripple Creek Colorado. For more information Click Here .
4CSEC Conference
April 1 - 5, 2020

The 4CSEC Conference is scheduled April 1 to the 5th in Ignacio, CO at the Sky Ute Casino and Resort. For more information and to register Click Here .

Please contact Troy Salazar for more information.
CREATE assists private and public organizations in improving and expanding the emergency medical and trauma system in Colorado.

Contact Sarah with questions
Please direct any additional opportunities to:
Contact US


Executive Director
Sarah Weatherred MSN, RN

Communication Specialist
Mikaela Greene

Prevention Specialist
Kim Greene

Executive Board

James Woodworth, Chair
Summit County Ambulance Director

Josh Hadley, Vice-Chair
Chaffee County EMS Director

Chris Montera, Treasurer
Eagle County Paramedics CEO
Upcoming Meetings

CMRETAC Board Meetings Click Here
January 22, 2020 Pitkin
March 25, 2020 Summit
May 27, 2020 Eagle
July 22, 2020 Lake
September 23, 2020 Chaffee
December 2, 2020 Park

Statewide Quarterly RETAC Forums Click Here
March 11-12, 2020
June 3-4, 2020
September 2-3, 2020

SEMTAC Click Here
January 8-9, 2020
April 8-9, 2020

Stay Connected