Common Threads
"And the angel said to them, ‘ Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.’"—Luke 2:1
As we prepare for the Feast of Christmas, we as a faith community celebrate the good news the angels brought us. Let us focus on the promise that Jesus’ birth brings and the hope the Light of the Christmas star brings us as we begin a new year. As we look to the manger remember that if an innocent child can lead us to eternal life, that all things are possible with God. 
May Christ's peace and hope be with your family now and in the days ahead; may His love warm your hearts and may He give you a spirit of wisdom. I sincerely hope that the remembrance of Christ’s birth brings you much peace and hope. I hope you will join us here at St. Brigid of Kildare as we celebrate Christmas. We have many opportunities to come together as a parish family.
May God bless you this Christmas and may all darkness in your lives be lightened by the light of Christ. May your hearts be filled with the Joy of Christ’s birth and may you be missionaries of that joy. Best wishes for a healthy and blessed new year.

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
Advent & Christmas 2022 at St. Brigid of Kildare
Please note there will be no reservations for Christmas Masses this year; all Masses will be seated first come, first serve.

Below are some of the remaining ways St. Brigid of Kildare Parish will be celebrating the Advent season. Click the link on the bottom for dates, details, and more information on each of these activities.

  • Sunday Evening Prayer & Reconciliation Service
  • Vespers Evening Prayer
  • Voices of Advent
  • Advent Pause for Prayer
  • Mom to Mom Advent Series
  • Sisters in Christ Advent Series
  • HSYM Advent at Home
  • Project Magi
Welcome Paul Melcher, Director of Music
St. Brigid of Kildare Parish is happy to welcome Paul Melcher as our new Director of Music. Paul is the co-owner of the RED School of Music, a quality music education school in Marysville that instructs students from the greater Columbus area in voice, piano, and a variety of instruments. Paul co-founded the school in 2015 with his wife Chelsea. He served as the Director of Music at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Marysville for nine years and has written the Mass of Archangels as well as piano arrangements for the International Liturgy Publication. 

Paul holds a Bachelor of Music in piano performance from St. Olaf College, where he sang with and accompanied the St. Olaf Choir across the globe. He studied piano at Grand Valley State University and earned a master’s degree in piano and vocal performance from Central Michigan University School of Music. Paul has been in the Columbus area since 2012, where he has directed, performed, and accompanied for Opera Columbus, Red Chapel Concert Series, Opera on the Edge, BalletMet, Opera Project Columbus, The Ohio State University, and the Refectory Dinner Music Series. He founded the “Music on the Hill Concert Series” which hosted numerous professional musicians across the Midwest. Gratefully serving as the Director of Music at Our Lady of Lourdes, he directed the adult choir and children’s choir and served on the Liturgy Committee. Paul also serves on the voice and piano faculty at Siena Heights University. 

Paul is looking forward to getting to know the choirs and instrumentalists at St. Brigid of Kildare and what makes them enjoy singing and playing for Masses. He is also excited to work with the staff and play his part in the active and thriving community here at St. Brigid, whom he has heard such great things about. Paul says, “I always find the church a fascinating place to get to know people with the common knowledge that we are all here to recommit our lives to the Lord and His work every week. It changes the relationships and links ordinary with extraordinary toward a common mission to get to heaven.”

Paul resides with his wife, Chelsea and two curious and fun-loving kids, Michael (age 4) and Molly (age 2). Together they enjoy hiking, reading books and music, music, music. As a parent of two young kids, they have taught him that French-pressed coffee is the most efficient means to get going in the morning!

Paul looks forward to his new role and can be reached at or (614) 761-3734.
Religious Ed's A Night in Bethlehem
This past Monday night, over 400 Religious Education students with their parents spent the evening in Bethlehem! It was a blessed event to end the first semester of our “Family of Faith” program and prepare our hearts for the coming birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

We started our journey at check-in by signing the Town Census and learning about the current weather conditions (58 degrees!). Then we proceeded to our first station, “Tastes of Bethlehem.” We sampled some of the food Jesus would have eaten while he was growing up such as olives, bread, pomegranates, and grapes. Our journey through Bethlehem then led us to other stations, such as “Joseph’s Workshop” where we used wire to create a stable for baby Jesus to lie in. At the “Born in a Simple Manger” station, we each made our own baby Jesus, swaddling him in a blanket and laying him in a bed of hay. We also had the opportunity to smell both frankincense and myrrh oil, the gifts brought to the baby Jesus by the three Wise Men. Speaking of gifts, we then took the opportunity to talk about the gifts we can give to Jesus, by writing them on a slip of paper and putting them in the manger. We ended our journey at “The Star That Led the Way.” This station had us thinking about the people in our own lives that have led us to Jesus. We made yellow stars on which were written the names of those people and placed them in the Bethlehem night sky.  

Religious Education would like to thank all our families for participating in this special event, and we wish everyone a very Blessed & Merry Christmas! 
Corks for a Cause - Save the Date Mar 4
Save the date for our 16th annual Corks for a Cause Silent Auction and Wine Tasting for SPiCE on Saturday, March 4, 2023!

The planning has begun but we are always in need of volunteers, wine donations, silent auction donations, and corporate sponsors.

If you are able to give of your time to help with this event, or give of your treasures (including wine, auction items, and corporate or personal donations), please reach out to Sarah Moore at (614) 761-3734 or
Knights of Columbus Youth Free Throw Competition
Save the date for the Knights of Columbus Youth Free Throw Competition which will be held February 5, 2023 at 2:30 in the St. Brigid School Gym.

The registration link and details will be sent out in January.
Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund: Donate by Dec 31
Thank you for the overwhelming support of the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund, a diocesan fund that uses 100% of your donation for tuition assistance for children enrolled in our Catholic Schools.

This fund is a new state program that allows donors to receive a tax credit on their Ohio tax return up to $750 ($1,500 if married and filing jointly).

What does that mean for you?
This typically means for an individual who earns $45,000 in Ohio, he/she can expect to pay $761 in Ohio income tax. If that individual donated $750 to Emmaus by December 31, they would owe the state only $11. If the tax had already been paid, the state will issue a refund to that taxpayer. Make sure you consult a tax advisor if you are unsure of your tax liability.

We wanted to remind you to take advantage of this program by December 31, 2022 so that you will receive the tax credit reimbursement of your donation on your 2022 tax returns.
Prospective Families School Open House
Sunday, January 22, 2023 from 3-5 PM
This is the perfect time to explore our three-time Blue Ribbon School. Tour our school and see first-hand how Saint Brigid of Kildare School provides a quality Catholic education in a warm environment. There will be representatives from Saint Brigid of Kildare School’s many programs available to answer questions, and the ability to schedule a guided tour.

New Student Application Open
The application for new students is now open. The deadline to apply on time is Monday, January 23, 2023 at midnight. Applications are not processed until January 24.
Requirements to Volunteer with Our Children
If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register at      
The Diocesan Safe Environment Department will be offering Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) sessions:
·    1/11/2023 DeSales High School 6:00 pm
·    1/26/2023 Holy Spirit 6:00 pm
All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Full details and forms can be found at or contact John Denzel, Safe Environment Manager at
Women's Retreat - Into A Garden of Virtue
Women of the Parish are invited to attend the annual St. Brigid of Kildare Women’s Retreat. This year's retreat starts at 5PM, Friday, March 3rd and runs until midday Sunday, March 3, 2023. The retreat will be held at The Spiritual Center at Maria Stein. Meals will be provided and all women will have a private room with bath. The total cost is $200.

Registration will be available on the parish website on January 9, 2023 at 9AM. If you have questions, please contact Jackie Pervan at or visit our website:
Men's Retreat: Awaken, Renew, Grow Your Spirituality
Men of the Parish are invited to attend the annual St. Brigid of Kildare Men’s Retreat. This year’s retreat starts at 7 p.m., Friday evening, January 27 and runs until Noon, Sunday, January 29, 2023.

The retreat will again be held at The Spiritual Center at Maria Stein. Meals will be provided, and all men will have private rooms with bath. The Center is in a beautiful location adjacent to the Shrine of the Holy Relics for those who are interested in visiting.

The busyness of life is hectic. This an opportunity to awaken, renew and grow your spirituality, and improve yourself as a man of faith, husband and father through fellowship, excellent speakers, group discussions, music, Mass and more.

Early bird fee is $175 until December 15, $190.00 after. Registration is open on the parish website, or view the QR code here.

Carpooling is available for those who are interested. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Niemiec at or 614-352-1131.
High School Youth Ministry
Kick off next semester's high school small group ministry with us on Wednesday, January 11 from 7:15-8:30 PM in Hendricks Hall. We will gather for a social evening of dinner and board games. What's upcoming? See below:

  • January 11 - Meal Ministry, Dinner + Games
  • January 18 - Catholic Social Teaching, Dignity of Work
  • January 25- Catholic Social Teaching, Dignity of Work
  • February 1 - Habitat for Humanity, Guest Speaker (all parishioners are welcome!)
Eucharistic Adoration: January
You are invited to spend time in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist on Friday, January 6th for First Friday Eucharistic Adoration following the 9:00AM Mass and concluding at 4:00PM with Benediction.

St. Francis de Sales (Feast day: January 24th) once said, “Every one of us needs half an hour of prayer a day, except when we are busy – then we need an hour.”
Jesus invites each one of us to find time in our busy schedule to pray with Him in Eucharistic Adoration. All are welcome, including families with children. If you wish to sign up for an hour, please use the QR code or email Shelly Cocumelli at
Alumni in Book of Will
Congratulations to our alumni who successfully completed their performances of the St. Charles play The Book of Will.

Alumni pictured include Thomas Matthews, Annie O'Connor and Bobby McMillen.
Professions of Faith
We would like welcome and congratulate the following parishioners who recently made their Profession of Faith at a Mass presided by Monsignor Hendricks. A Profession of Faith is a personal and public statement of one's belief in the Catholic faith.

  • Lauren Mason (joined by her mother and her RCIA companion in the photo)
  • Acacia Metz (St. Brigid School student, who made her Profession of Faith after a school Mass)
  • Skylar Heacock (St. Brigid School student, who made her Profession of Faith after a school Mass)
Mission for Peace
Join the Dominican Sisters of Peace for a winter service experience of Dominicans in prayer and action.

January 13-15, in-person and Zoom.

Click the link below to learn more and view the flyer.
Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:

  • Brooks Wallace Arnold

  • Mark Kilanowski and Chandel Charles
  • Steven Marchionda and Sara Santisi
Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
Deaths of Parishioners
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.

  • Nancy Stasiewicz
  • Kathleen McCarthy
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017