Dear Parents and Families,

We continue our school-wide theme of exploring mindfulness as presented in the book I Am

Peace. Mrs. Cerra and Mrs. Crandall presented to the faculty this month’s topic: peace.

While the overarching theme of the book is peace, December is the most appropriate time of the year that this word can easily be applied. Peace is the significant theme of the Advent season. Furthermore, at Christmas, we remember Jesus as the Prince of Peace. The words Joy, Love, Hope, and Peace echo daily at this time of year.

The world at times can be a scary place, and we often find ourselves getting caught up in

troubles that weigh us down. When we reflect on Bible verses such as the one referenced

below, it reminds us that the peace we find in Jesus is lasting and can withstand any


As Christmas approaches, we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of

organizing family get-togethers, the financial stress of buying the perfect gift for our loved ones, and the overwhelming excitement of the countdown to Christmas Day. Pause to take a deep breath and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. This Christmas find the time to thank Him for the unique peace that we encounter within Him and embrace it in your heart.

Mrs. Cerra and Mrs. Crandall’s thoughts exemplify our commitment to enrich your child’s

spiritual and intellectual development. Our goal is to inspire every child to reach his/her fullest potential.

During this Advent season, let’s consider how we can help usher in God’s peace this Christmas. Advent is the perfect time to commit to pursuing peace in our lives and in the world.


Mrs. Ann T. Sarpu

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Important Dates

December 4                

Advent Wreath Lighting

End of the First Trimester   


December 6                

Feast of Saint Nicholas

Christmas Concert Gr 4-8/Band: 6:00P.M.

December 7         

Christmas Concert

Grades 1, 2, 3: 8:30 A.M.

Grades PreK & K 10:30 A.M.

Early Dismissal

Barnes & Noble Book Fair 

December 8         

Holy Day of Obligation Mass: Feast of the          

Immaculate Conception: 9:00 A.M.

December 11              

Advent Wreath Lighting 

December 18              

Advent Wreath Lighting      

December 11-13        

Santa’s Workshop     


December 13             

Birthday Dress Down

December 20             

Report Cards Distributed

December 22              

Christmas Dress Down/Festive

Early Dismissal 


December 25              

Merry Christmas!

December 24- 12/31  

Christmas Vacation

January 2                   

Classes Resume


Corpus Christi School Calendar 2023-2024
December Lunch Menu


Wethersfield Public Schools and Corpus Christi have decided to enroll in Connecticut's STABLE program for school year 23-24. The STABLE funds released by the state will ensure that all students will be offered a free breakfast every day, and anyone who applies and qualifies as free OR reduced, will be offered a free lunch every day. Paid students will return to paying full price for their lunches ($2.60) this year.

Please apply for free or reduced meals by visiting or

finding the paper applications at


Corpus Christi School Advent Outreach

Little Sisters of the Poor Annual Collection

Our support benefits the elderly residents of Saint Joseph Residence. Please consider donating: Body Wash, Dove Soap, Shampoo, Baby Wipes, AA or AAA Batteries, K-Cups, Peanut Butter, Jelly.

Barnes & Noble Bookfair

December 7th in Glastonbury, CT

Since it is a 1/2 day of school please join us for a fun filled afternoon. Story time with some of our teachers starting at 1:30pm Please stop by to have some fun, do some shopping, and help earn money for our school!

Every student who comes in uniform will receive a dress down day.

In Glastonbury store and Online: 

Mention Corpus Christi School at checkout or use the CCS book fair code (12701157) online when you shop on 12/07 through 12/10 and a portion of the sales go to CCS. 

Click for More Information


Fundraising Events 2023-2024
Social Events 2023-2024

If you have any questions, please email:

Diane Bairos [email protected]

Cristina Tomas [email protected]


Angela Aiello-Souza

Gina Caccomo

Sarah Clark

Lisa Cozzi

Marssia DesRoches

Richard DiNinni

Samantha Esposito 

Briana Favale

Jenna Fusco

Stefanie Giarratana

Erin Giuliano

Alicia Karwic

Erica Karzian

Kristen Lombardo

Carly Mahony

Alice Martinez

Bridget McCarthy

Kimberly Nguyen

Patrick O'Halloran

Sonia O'Halloran

Kerry O'Neal

Sabrina Pallotti

Adriana Pina

Vanessa Puglise

William Raymond

Guiliana Rivero

Jessica Scully

Justin Taylor

Lisa Torneo

Santa’s Workshop

Volunteers Needed! 

Our Santa’s Workshop, where all students can independently shop for family and friends is fast approaching and will be held during school hours on December 11, 12 and 13.

We are still collecting any unused gifts or donations that we can sell in our shop. If you have any new items that could be re-gifted, we would greatly appreciate the donation! We are also looking for donations of tape, bows, gift wrap, gift tags and gift bags. If you have any donations, please send them to school at your earliest convenience.

Have some extra time on your hands? 

We are looking for volunteers and are so grateful to all that can help! 


If you have any questions, please reach out to

Alicia Karwic: [email protected]

Click to Volunteer


Shop Corpus Christi School

1st Place Spiritwear

Home of the Cougars 

NOW THROUGH December 8th!


The 2023 Holiday Sale brings new designs and product lines

to our site that make great gifts for the entire family.

Plus, all Holiday Sale orders are guaranteed to arrive by December 23rd!

Our Corpus Christi apparel shop includes a variety of more than 150 different

clothing options to choose from including t-shirtshoodies, pajamas, and accessories.

Shop Spiritwear Website

CCS Night at the

Hartford Wolf Pack

When: January 19th 7:00 PM

Where: XL Center 1 Civic Center Plaza, Hartford

Purchase Deadline: January 15th 5:00 PM

Click for Tickets


Sadie Hawkins: Saturday, February 10th

Family Fun Night: Friday, April 19th

Yard Goats Game: Date coming soon.

Join Our Martial Arts at Corpus Christi!


When: Every Tuesday

Time: 2:10pm - 3:10pm

Payment: $69/month



Click for More Information

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Just a quick reminder to get those Flu shots done if your child is a preschooler. We are seeing some Flu activity in the State and Flu shots may become scarce if you wait too long!! It takes about 2 weeks for adequate protection to occur and if we are hit with the Flu it may be too late to prevent the Flu in your child if your child has not been immunized 2 weeks prior. We still cannot accept unimmunized preschoolers after 12/31/2023 even if there is a vaccine shortage nor can we accept MD notes so please do it soon.

We are seeing an increase in the number of students with the GI bug and Respiratory illnessesin the school. This can also be the Flu if it is accompanied by a fever. Please make sure to teach your children the importance of frequent hand washing how to cover coughs as it is spread through contact with contaminated surfaces such as respiratory secretions. We are disinfecting frequently in the school. Keep your child home if they are experiencing nausea, cramping, vomiting and or diarrhea or a cough that is persistent throughout the day. Your child needs to stay home 24 hours after the last episode of diarrhea or vomiting to prevent the spread to others. They should be fever free for 24 hours without Tylenol or other fever reducing medication. Follow up with your child’s doctor if symptoms persist and or high fever is present for 72 hours or more. Your child should be well hydrated and taking fluids and feeling well to return to school.

To help prevent GI illness and the spread of respiratory illness, teach your children good

hygiene habits:

• Wash your hands often! This will help protect you from germs.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person

touches something that is contaminated, and then touches his/her eyes, nose, or mouth.

Cough into your elbow to prevent respiratory illness to others.

• Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep/rest reduces your body's resistance to the flu.

• Drink lots of water. Catching the flu becomes more likely when you are dehydrated.

• Eat five (5) or more servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Good nutrition is an

excellent way to keep your body resistant to germs.

• Exercise. Activities that increase your heart rate, such as walking, biking, and

swimming, are excellent ways to keep your body resistant to disease.

Disinfect any contaminated areas in your home with bleach diluted in water for any GI

illness. Recommended Disinfection: Bleach is the best chemical to kill gastrointestinal bacteria and viruses. If you do not use bleach,you should use a chemical that is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency as being effective against Norovirus and follow the manufacturer’s instructions:

• To prepare a bleach solution, use 3/4 cup concentrated bleach (or 1 cup of regular

strength bleach) to one gallon of water.

• Prepare fresh bleach solutions daily. After preparation, the solution will lose its potency

overtime and not work as well. Make a new cleaning solution often, at least every 24

hours, and especially after cleaning up vomit/feces.

• Disinfect all surfaces within a 10-foot circle from the area of vomiting or diarrhea.

• Leave bleach on the surface for at least 5 minutes covering the entire surface and then remove.

Consider the flu shot especially if your child is immunocompromised, has a chronic disease or has asthma. Please contact your school nurse if you have additional questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for helping make this year at school as healthy as possible.

Thank you,

Mrs. Cowan RN BS

Corpus Christi School Nurse

VIRTUS Training for Parent Volunteers

Any parent who would like to volunteer for any event or activity at Corpus Christi School needs to attend VIRTUS training and complete a Background Check. Send completed forms into the School Office.

Directions for online training:

Go to

Click "First Time Registrant"

Click "Begin the Registration Process".  

Registration should be completed under “Hartford” as in the Archdiocese. 

Background Check Form

Afternoon Pick-Up


  • Park in the school parking lot. Not along the driveway or fence area.
  • Walk up to retrieve your child from their teacher (Grades K – 5)

Reminder about Absences

If your child is absent or leaves school early due to illness they cannot attend any evening school events.