AHMA East Texas Trainings
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
How to Implement an AFHMP
10:00 am - 11:30 am CST | Gwen Volk | 
$95 AHMA Members | $145 Non-Members
So, you’ve written your Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan and HUD, RD or the State Agency has approved it. Now what? Bring the plan you are trying to implement and we will dissect it together. Even if you didn’t write the plan but are the one on site having to implement it, this course is also for you! This course reviews where the information came from and what it means, teaches you how to implement and train staff on the plan, keep and organize records, track results, and prove ongoing compliance. We will also discuss how to perform the 5-year review of the plan, how to determine if the plan needs to be revised, and how to report the changes or lack of changes to HUD.  
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Interviewing Applicants at Move-In
11:00 am - 12:30 pm CST | Gwen Volk | 
$95 AHMA Members | $145 Non-Members
Whether your property is HUD, Tax Credit, RD, HOME or Bond, learn how to effectively and efficiently conduct the all-important applicant interview to ensure that assistance goes to families who are qualified and/or protect your owners credits. This course covers how to establish rapport, gain trust, and ask the right questions in the right way while ensuring a consistent scripted approach to prevent costly fair housing mistakes. Includes tips on interviewing applicants face to face, by telephone and via a virtual app and interviewing persons with various types of disabilities. Participants will apply what they are learning through in class polls on common situations they encounter.
832.592.9191  |