December Partner Highlight

Aging Partners

Maternal Child Health Summit

Nebraska Stakeholders Come Together

Aging Partners Supports Seniors

Aging Partners offers programming to support independent living, improve and maintain fitness and strength, and enhance mental clarity, for those over 60.

While continuing to offer resources in locations around the city and county, the move to their new headquarters at Victory Park, 600 S. 70th St., that houses a new health clinic, senior center, and fitness center makes it easy for seniors to find important services all in one place.

The impact? The number of clients for their new fitness center increased by well over 300% during the first year and a half at Victory Park.  There is something at the fitness center for everyone, regardless of ability and fitness level. Appointments with a personal trainer are also available at no charge. 

Learn more about all the Aging Partner programs and outreach.

Over 200 advocates for improving maternal and child health in Nebraska attended an all-day Maternal Health Child Summit on November 21. The summit included subject matter panel discussions led by community advocates and experts, with interactive audience participation.

Physicians, mental health professionals, health departments, university medical and public health schools, hospitals, legislators, community organizations, and other nonprofits from across the state came together to discuss barriers to accessing proper pregnancy and postpartum care, the long-term impact of inadequate care, legislation, and community efforts underway. 

Visit these pages on the Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln web site for information about where to find community resources to support a healthy prenatal and postpartum journey, Including healthcare coverage. Download an English or Spanish Pregnancy/Postpartum Resource Guide.

December Partner Highlight

Lincoln YMCA

LNKTV Health

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Celebrate the Holidays at the "Y"

For over 150 years, the YMCA of Lincoln has been a cornerstone of the community—a place where people come together, much like a family around a holiday table.

With four facilities in Lincoln, along with YMCA Youth Sports and YMCA Camp Kitaki, the Y offers countless opportunities to create holiday memories.

The YMCA invites you and your family to join them for another magical winter season. Enjoy great family fun like Pajamas and Pancakes, or crafts with Santa. Camp Kitaki is also hosting a campout Dec. 29 through Jan. 1.

There’s no better time to prioritize your health and take advantage of all the "Y" has to offer - get fit and have holiday fun at the same time. Learn more.

New from LNKTV Health

This month, LNKTV Health and the Nebr. Dept. of Education feature more Nebraska-grown fresh produce from local farms in the Farm to You and Harvest of the Month series.

Newest videos include cabbage, rhubarb, celery, green beans, aronia berries, spring greens, garlic, ginger, comfrey and radishes. See full playlist.

Find more LNKTV Health videos:

December Partner Happenings

Salvation Army is taking applications for food and toys, Dec. 2-4, 10am-12pm and 1-4pm. ID, proof of address, household size required. More info, call Joanna Gillespie, 402-474-6263.

Community Action Partnership is sponsoring a Toy Drive, now through Dec. 20 for ages 0 – 18 yrs. Drop toys off at 210 O St. M-F, 8:30am-5pm. More info, donate, or volunteer.

Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach is hosting Shine the Light, a one-mile family/group friendly walk fundraiser highlighting the struggle of winter homelessness.  Dec. 8, 6-8pm, starting at Antelope Park. More info/register.

Community Crops Urban Grower Class: Cover Cropping 102 Dec 10, 6-8pm for gardens or farms. Free class focuses on designing cover crop multi-species mixes, including species selection, seeding rate adjustments, and strategies for seeding and termination. Pre-registration required. 

Winter Wonderland event at Mourning Hope Grief Center, Schroder Park Wellness Campus Dec. 10, 5–6:30pm. Free family friendly event with festive treats and drinks, fun activities for all ages, toy giveaways, surprises for the kids, while supplies last. More info contact Hannah Davis, 402-488-8989.

Lincoln Parks & Recreation annual Christmas Bird Count, December 15, Participate in indoor (starting at 9am) and outdoor (starting at noon) activities and help staff with the count. For more info or to register: email or call 402-441-7895.

Holiday Harvest Market, Dec. 15 & 22, 10am-2pm, over 20 vendors that can provide locally-grown seasonal produce, meats, eggs, mushrooms, sweets, jams/jellies, honey, pecans and more. Indoors at the Firefighters Reception Hall, 241 Victory Lane. 

Aging Partners invites older adults and the public to enjoy holiday meals Dec. 16-18, 11:30am at senior centers in Lincoln and Lancaster County. Reservations required at center of choice. More info at 402-441-7158.

Sports Opportunity Signups (SOS) event. The Health Dept. and Community Learning Centers are partnering to connect families with affordable options for sports registration and equipment for the upcoming volleyball, track and field, and soccer season.

Translation and interpretation services available. All skill levels are welcome. Jan. 14 from 5:30 – 7:00pm at Culler Middle School. For more info email Rachel Redepenning or Angelina Stovall-Amos.

Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving and protecting the health, wellness, and fitness of Lincoln's children, families, and seniors.

We work to improve wellness policies and conduct community level health research. We collaborate with community partners to promote healthy weights through good nutrition and fitness, improve child and maternal health by supporting breastfeeding, create better patient outcomes by increasing cancer screening and vaccination rates, improving chronic disease management, increasing preventative outreach, and standardizing clinical practices. During public health crises like the COVID 19 pandemic, we help to protect community health by providing science and evidence-based information.
Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln also works to improve health equity in our community, addressing disparities among racial and ethnic populations with the highest burden of chronic disease.  Systemic racism is also a threat to community health. We stand in solidarity with everyone who is fighting for greater equality and justice for all.

 Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln
4600 Valley Road Ste. 250   Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone: (402) 430-9940     
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