Welcome to the December 2017 issue of HUPOST, it comes at the end of a productive year for HUPO. The focal point of 2017 was undoubtedly the HUPO 2017 World Congress in Dublin, which has been expertly captured in the short and snappy Congress Overview Video, it can be found on YouTube
here. Don't miss the very worthwhile cameos at the end!
And while on the topic of must-see videos, make sure you've viewed the inspiring Welcome Address and thoroughly moving Keynote Speech by 47th Vice President of the United States Joseph R. Biden Jr. at the HUPO 2017 Leadership Gala in Dublin (both viewable on the HUPO
home page).
I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate and welcome on board the newly elected HUPO
Council Members, and of course HUPO President-Elect Stephen Pennington.
As promised, we have continued to evolve HUPOST over the course of 2017, which is now offered through an easily browsable overview so you can find your topics of interest even more quickly. I'm also very happy to announce that contributions from the various HUPO Initiatives will now be included in HUPOST as well, further broadening our content and helping you to stay up-to-date with all that's happening in HUPO. And don't forget that you can always let us know at office@hupo.org when you have something to share, and that you can find us on social media:
Twitter or
Finally, allow me to remind you that, if your HUPO membership is up for renewal, you can easily renew online through the HUPO website
here. Special rates apply for students and post-docs, while everyone else can take advantage of the discounted 3-year membership formula.
Happy holidays and best wishes for the new year!
Cheers, Lennart Martens - HUPOST Editor
Lennart Martens
Mark HUPO 2018 in Orlando, Florida on your calendar now! Congress dates are September 30 - October 3, 2018. Once again there will be the HPP Post-Congress workshop on October 4, 2018. Attendees can look forward to a complete roster of pre-congress activities (workshops and short courses) on Sunday, September 30 before the official congress opening on Sunday evening.
Click here for more information.
Human Proteome Project (HPP)
Annual update on the Human Proteome Project
The Human Proteome Project continues to make major progress on identifying and characterizing the predicted protein products from all the protein-coding human genes. Using the stringent
HPP Guidelines for Interpretation of Mass Spectrometry Data
, we have reported that the community has now credibly detected 17,008 of the 19,587 neXtProt PE1,2,3,4 predicted proteins (87%).
Read more
Round table discussion with Clinical Scientist Travel Grant winners at HUPO 2017, Dublin
Will proteomics be part of clinical testing in the near future? How are clinician scientists using proteomics to address unmet clinical needs around the globe? What challenges do they face and how can HUPO facilitate?
To find out, read on here.
Hot Paper from B/D-HPP Cancer Initiative: Stool proteomics study to improve colorectal cancer screening
A clinical stool proteomics study co-led by Professor Gerrit Meijer (Netherlands Cancer Institute) and Professor Connie Jimenez (VU University Medical Center), has revealed fecal protein markers that can improve the sensitivity of colorectal cancer screening. The study examined 315 human stool proteome profiles, and showed a 5-fold increase in detection of advanced adenomas compared to the current fecal immunochemical (FIT) test and was published in
Annals of Internal Medicine
. The search team is now developing immunoassays which can be added to the existing FIT test to improve colorectal cancer screening sensitivity.
Read the full news release here.
Milestones and new directions of the Chromosome-Centric HPP
The Chromosome-Centric Human
Proteome Project (C-HPP) was launched with the goal to catalogue the entirety of the parts list of the human proteome, specifically to find evidence at protein level of all human protein coding genes. C-HPP contributed with collaborating partners in developing guidelines for mass spectrometry data interpretation, with EBI to organize central data repository ProteomeXchange for proteomics experiences, to deliver stringent peptide and protein identification lists of human proteome from large-scale community deposited LC-MS/MS data in PeptideAtlas and with neXtProt to define 5 categories of protein evidence (PE1-5).
Continue reading here.
HUPO members are encouraged to share their events and news with us for inclusion on the HUPO website, in the monthly HUPOST and via social media channels.
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