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Dec. 3, 2021
Finding the Gifts of Pride, Balance, and Love This Holiday Season
The 2021-22 school year has been hard. Really hard. Most of us didn’t foresee many of the challenges that would be part of our everyday reality at school. Our educator duties have taken on a whole new level of professionalism and scrutiny. For many of us, we have struggled to find the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the amazing work that we are doing.

With this in mind, I hope that each of you are able to do the following this holiday season:
  • Step back and reflect on your hard work with a sense of pride and accomplishment. You deserve it! The work is difficult and you are making a difference!
  • Know that you are seen and appreciated. Never before have students’ physical and mental health been so important, and you are doing critical work that is vital to our students’ well-being. Thank you! I mean it, thank you!
  • Take time to find the balance that you deserve. Regularly do something nice for yourself. Find the opportunity to do things that make you smile, warm your heart, and fill your bucket! Enjoy life!
  • Give love freely to your friends and family — and to yourself! Find joy and gratitude in the people in your life. Take time for one another. Celebrate each other and love! 

Our work won’t always be this hard. The learning and growth we have experienced in the past few years will pave the way for our future. However, it shouldn’t be at your expense. Remind yourself to be proud, know you are appreciated, find balance in things you enjoy, and cultivate loving relationships with others and yourself.

I am proud of you, appreciate you, love working with you, and wish each of you an amazing holiday season and a wonderful new year. Cheers to 2022!

Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] if there is anything I can do to support you, your site, or district. Wishing you a fantastic 2021-22 school year!
Health and Physical Education Coordinator
San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)
Up to $250,000 in Grant Funding Now Available
Recently the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) was named as a recipient of $2 million in funding from the San Diego County COVID-19 Health Disparities Project to support and expand SDCOE’s work to improve the health literacy of San Diego County students.

The majority of this funding is allocated for SDCOE K-12 Comprehensive Health Education Grants of $50,000 to $250,000 (based on enrollment) for San Diego County districts and/or schools who qualify as a traditionally underserved district/school. Apply today.

This funding may be used to:
  • Analyze local data and needs
  • Facilitate strategic planning to update programming in any of the following health education content areas:
  • Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • Mental, Social, and Emotional Health
  • Growth, Development, and Sexual Health
  • Injury Prevention and Safety
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
  • Personal and Community Health
  • Select, update, and/or design health education curriculum that is aligned to the California Health Education Framework and meets Ed Code requirements
  • Participate in and/or facilitate professional learning 
  • Create an inclusive and safe environment for health education instruction
  • Develop an ongoing district health education community of practice

The window to apply for the SDCOE K-12 Comprehensive Health Education Grants will remain open until all funds have been allocated. All funding must be spent by May 1, 2023.

For more information including eligibility, funding levels, contract requirements, application details, and the link to apply, visit the K-12 San Diego County Health Education Grant Webpage. The window to apply for the SDCOE K-12 Comprehensive Health Education Grants will remain open until all funds have been allocated. All funding must be spent by May 1, 2023. Contact Paige Metz at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Physical Fitness Test/FITNESSGRAM Update
In November, the California Department of Education (CDE) hosted a webinar to outline the parameters for administration of the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) for 2021-22 and shared a CDE PFT Webinar notes document that describes requirements for PFT this school year. Critical updates include:
  • All students in grades 5, 7, and 9 will continue to be tested on physical fitness using the FITNESSGRAM assessments and their results recorded.
  • Students with disabilities are to be given as much of the test as their condition will permit. Matrix Two is available on the PFT Variation/Accessibility Resources web page.
  • Information related to calculating a student’s body mass index will no longer be collected.
  • There will be no submission of student-level data to the secure portal. Instead, LEAs will now be required to submit participation results for each of the five assessed areas. Only participation information will be collected and reported on the School Accountability Report Card (SARC).
  • PFT can only be administered during the testing window from Feb. 1 through May 31, 2022.
  • The PFT exemptions for students who did not take the test in grade nine (those current 10th and 11th grade students) are limited to those exemptions identified in the California Education Code sections 51241 and 51242. An exemption based on the pupil satisfactorily meeting five of the six standards of PFT is not available for these particular students. See CDE Physical Education FAQs webpage for more information.
  • Physical education classes should emphasize the importance of physical and mental health as well as the importance of exercise.
  • The following resources are available:
  • October 2021 Information Memorandum posted on the CDE website
  • CDE PFT Webinar notes document (features many resources)

It is critical that physical educators pay attention and remain involved in conversations regarding the future of PFT and the assessments associated with physical education. SDCOE will continue to include updated information in the SDCOE Health and Physical Education Monthly Update.
HOT OFF THE PRESS! California Health Education Framework Is Here
The highly anticipated Health Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve has been released. The framework is also featured on the California Health Education website and it, as well as other resources and information, can be found on the CDE Health Framework webpage. Looking for support in implementing the new framework? Check out the SDCOE Health Education Framework professional learning series that begins in January.
ASHWG Releases Review of Curricula That Identifies Extent of Compliance With the California Healthy Youth Act
The California Healthy Kids Resource Center, together with the Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group (ASHWG), conducted an intensive review of growth development and sexual health curriculum in accordance with the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA). A total of nine publishers submitted curricula to be reviewed. Access all of the Curricula Reviews by expanding the "Links to Compliance Assessment Tools and Resources" tab, which includes the following:
  • A table that lists the curriculum reviewed along with the information on where it can be borrowed or purchased. 
  • The Compliance Assessment Tools (used to grade the curricula against ed code) are specific to each curriculum that was reviewed. 
  • Also included is a California Healthy Kids Curricula Review Introduction Methodology that describes the law, review process, and the Compliance Assessment Tool grading.

This 2020-21 California Healthy Youth Act Curricula review is intended to be an update of previous reviews done by ASHWG, and these reviews will also be posted on the ASHWG website as well.
San Diego County Updated Guidance for Extracurricular Activities
San Diego County recently announced that it is aligning its indoor sports play guidance with the updated California Department of Public Health guidance that was issued on Nov. 24, which strongly recommends weekly testing if masks are not used during competition, practices, or conditioning sessions. Please see Item 16 of the COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2021-22 School Year for specific details.
Come Hang Out With Fellow Health and Physical Educators
Hang out with your health and physical education peers at the SDCOE Health and Physical Education Hangouts on the second Wednesday of every month from 3 to 4 p.m. and receive the latest updates, resources, materials and best practices in health and physical education. Use this Zoom Link to join each month. Following each Hangout, from 4 to 5 p.m. there will be Grade-Level Collaboration Meetings for those who would like to collaborate with others who teach the same grade span. Attendees will receive follow-up emails with the information and resources that were shared.
Three-Day Physical Literacy Institute Is Back and Better Than Ever
The Physical Literacy Institute is a series of three virtual meetings that are designed to help you empower students with the confidence, competence, and passion for a lifetime of physical activity. Participants will develop the mindsets, understanding, and skills to strategically increase the physical literacy of all students by incorporating:
  • Social and emotional learning (SEL)
  • Universal design for learning (UDL)
  • Standards-based assessment
  • Culturally responsive teaching and learning

Click the following link for more information and to register for the spring (Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 16) series.
Health Education Framework Series Empowers Teachers to Develop Students’ Health Literacy
The Health Education Framework Series, a combination of asynchronous and synchronous professional learning, will be offered twice this year. Click the following links to learn more about the complete spring series, or attend individual sessions.
  • Session 1: Framework Overview (Jan. 5)
  • Session 2: Nutrition and Physical Activity, AND Mental, Emotional and Social Health (Feb. 2)
  • Session 3: Growth, Development, and Sexual Health, AND Injury Prevention and Safety (March 2)
  • Session 4: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs, AND Personal and Community Health (April 6)
Don’t Miss the Upcoming SDCOE Health and Physical Education Professional Learning Opportunities!
  • Health and Physical Education Leadership in Action: Leadership Tier 2 (yearlong series of four meetings starts Monday, Dec. 6) Note: There is a prerequisite for this offering.
  • SEL in Health and Physical Education (spring)
  • Standards-Based Assessment in Health and Physical Education (spring)
  • Grading For Equity (by Joe Feldman) Book Study for Health and Physical Educators (spring dates TBD)
  • SDCOE Health and Physical Education Advisory (May 4)

Please contact Paige Metz if you have questions or requests for programming.
Mark Your Calendars for In-Person CAHPERD and SHAPE America Conferences
Both CAHPERD and SHAPE America have announced the return to in-person events this spring. Mark your calendars and put the wheels in motion to attend.
  • The 2022 CAHPERD State Conference is scheduled to take place March 3 to 5 at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott. Visit the CAHPERD website for more information.
  • SHAPE America’s 2022 National Convention will be held in New Orleans from April 26 to 30. Check out the SHAPE America website for details.
California Health Education Website Helpful for Educators
Last year a new website went online that is a one-stop shop for all things related to health education programming. features critical resources for each of the six content areas that include:

Bookmark the website, as it will continue to be updated and populated with content to support the implementation of the new California Health Education Framework.
New and Updated Resources to Support LGBTQ+ Youth
The CDE has added significant updates to its Supporting LGBTQ+ website. The additions to the website include specific resources to support educators, students, and families. Even better news is that the resources will include links to local resources in San Diego County. Be sure to share this information with administrators, counselors, teachers, and families. In addition, schools may use this information to update their comprehensive sexual health instruction to make sure that experiences are inclusive and accessible for all students.

Also, the San Diego LGBT Community Leadership Council’s Youth Services Committee — under the leadership of San Diego Pride, the SD LGBT Community Center, The North County LGBTQ Resource Center, and Trans Family Services — has recently released LGBTQ+ Youth Standards of Care. The standards outline best practices and relevant resources that reflect and comply with California Education Code and laws.
San Diego County Live Well Schools Releases Tools for Schools Searchable Resource Database
Check out the Tools for Schools searchable resource database from Live Well Schools. More than 300 resources, searchable by topic, will connect you to programs, partnership ideas, policy strategies, and tools to meet short-term needs of students and families and facilitate long-term planning for schools and districts. Tools for Schools provides a wide array of resources based on a broader definition of wellness that includes social and emotional health and a focus on addressing health disparities.
If you have any questions or comments about Health and Physical Education Monthly Update, please contact Paige Metz.
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