Give the Gift of Mindful Wellness
to yourself & others!
Weekly Classes
December is busy ! But don't let it interrupt your practice. Keep yourself grounded and focused all month long - we'll have classes every day except December 25, and a few changes that week. See our Full Schedule .

Purchase a Class Pass Today!
for yourself or for someone else
December Events
Yamuna Body Rolling:
Save Your Hips!
Friday, Dec 8, 4:30-6:30pm
$40 registration

Pop-Up Yoga in the Park:
Mary Ross - Bwk Farmers Mkt
Saturday, Dec 16, 9:00-10:00am
$10 Class ~ 50% to GIAHA

Heartfulness Meditation:
Tools, Tips & Techniques for the Holidays
Thursday, Dec 21, 6:00-7:30pm
Donation-based Workshop
Community Giving
Thank you for your kind donations during our November food drive - we collected an overflowing cart full of food for the Sparrow's Nest Food Pantry.

The pantry is still in need of cereal (hot/cold) and toiletries . A collection box will be available at the studio throughout December if you'd like to make an additional donation.
Seasonal Specials
Give the Gift of Wellness!
Gift Certificates available for Massage, Reflexology, Private Movement Appointments, Classes, & Retail

Can't decide which one? Purchase a Custom Amount gift card & let them choose!
Reflexologist Ronda P.
Effecive Tuesday, January 2, 2018 Reflexologist Ronda will be returning to the Studio. Ronda's availability is Tuesday every week. She will gladly correspond via text 404-354-3344 , online bookings , and/or email .
Better Health one Foot at a Time!
January Preview
Saturday, January 6
YBR Save Face!
11:00am - 12:00pm
YBR Pilates
12:30pm - 2:30pm

Beginner's Yoga Series
January 7 - February 11
Sundays, 2:00-4:00pm

Feldenkrais Workshop
Saturday, January 20
Check the Box!
We accumulate some awesome treasures at the studio, but we'd really like to return them! Check the box in the studio lobby for anything you might have left behind!

Balance Wellness Studio | 912-634-4747 | |