December 2020
Cracking the Male Facial Injectables Code
Dr. Gigi Meinecke, RN, DMD, FAGD
The number of men receiving Botox® treatments was up 4% in 2015 over the previous year. In the same time frame, the number of women receiving Botox® treatments increased only by 1%.1 Botox® treatment for men is now common enough to have its own nickname: Brotox. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, men represent 10% of all non-invasive cosmetic treatments.

Disclaimer: This article was first published in our 2016 newsletter.
Join Dr. Gigi Meinecke, RN, DMD, FAGD AzAGD's Botox Pharmacological & Injectable Agents Participation Course in Tempe, AZ in January! 
See below for more details!
Arizona AGD Presents
Save the Date!
How to Incorporate Trigger Point Injections and Nerve Blocks into Your Dental Practice

Sat, December 12, 2020
8 am to 3 pm in Tempe, AZ
6 CE Participation
Fundamentals of Pharmacological & Injectable Agents in the General Practice

Fri-Sat, January 29 -30, 2021
8 am to 5 pm in Tempe, AZ
16 CE Participation

You can follow Dr. Ullah on her social media:
Instagram: @raaaaamsha
Facebook: Ramsha Ullah 
Membership Spotlight!
Dr. Ramsha Ullah:

"Hi everyone! I’m originally from Arizona, born and raised and decided to stay here for dental school graduating from AT Still University in May of 2020. In my free time, I love exploring our wonderful state and spending time with my family and friends with occasional Netflix binge watching!

If I could tell my dental student self one thing, it would be to know that it gets better! Struggling during those four years is completely normal and just know that it’s worth it in the end. I look back now and laugh about how I stressed over such trivial things back then.

My favorite part about being a part of AzAGD is meeting other fellow dentists and learning from them. Dentistry is constantly evolving and learning different tips and tricks from fellow practitioners allows me to constantly learn and grow."
This membership benefit ends on December 31st 2020!

Help the AGD Foundation Save Lives... By Making a Difference in the Fight Against Oral Cancer!

Virtual AGD Advocacy
Author: Stephen Glaze, Arizona AGD Legislative Chair
On November 15th 2020, the Academy of General Dentistry had a virtual advocacy conference. Attendees were informed about the most important legislative issues impacting general dentistry, received CE credit, and learned about best practices when speaking to our elected official in congress at both the national and local level. COVID 19 advocacy has been very important, the AGD has guided its constituents on the virus based on scientific research, PPE access to general dentist and financial relief for dental practices. Business Interruption Insurance is new legislation that certain states are currently presenting to congress, although none have passed. Essentially the bill A3844 would have commercial insurance policies cover loss and damages due to a pandemic like COVID 19.

To learn more about legislation issues and become an advocate, Click Here!
Recent CE Events: An Academic Review
AzAGD L-PRF Course

On November 7th, 2020 Dr. Robert Miller, DDS, FAAID, DABOI/ID led an in-person lecture and hands-on workshop on Mastering L-PRF in Your Clinical Practice. We ensured that proper CDC protocols were followed and all attendees had their temperatures checked upon arrival, wore a mask during the entire event, and donned full PPE for the hands-on portion. The morning consisted of a lecture that discussed the biology, phlebotomy technique, and clinical applications of L-PRF. In the afternoon, attendees paired up and practiced blood draws on each other. They collected tubes of blood and learned how to process them in the centrifuge. Attendees then had the opportunity to practice working with the L-PRF to make "sticky bone", plugs, and membranes. This was a successful hands-on course that wouldn't have been made possible if it wasn't for the support and donations of BioHorizons. All of the attendees really enjoyed this course and felt they learned a technique that they could begin implementing right away!
L-PRF Course Review from One of Our Very Own!

"Hello wonderful friends in dentistry! I was able to attend the AzAGD L-PRF course in Tempe last weekend. I had a great time learning more about the benefits and processes of L-PRF. The class was small, personable and made for a great learning environment (while helping everyone feel safe).

The AzAGD team did an awesome job of coordinating and preparing for this event.
Dr. Miller did a fantastic job explaining the history and relevance of L-PRF which in turn answered many of my personal questions about bone graft failures and bone graft semi-failures. I hadn't previously gotten any good answers from reps nor from reading literature. I have placed thousands of bone grafts to date and have used so many different materials and mixtures of materials, I finally feel completely confident in having more consistent and predictable results for my patients."

-C. Blaine Curtis, DDS
A Letter from the Arizona AGD President
Hello Everyone!

While this is an unprecedented time for the world, it also gives us the opportunity to be creative as we redirect our energy to building stronger connections and communities. We have provided and will continue to provide virtual, in-person, and hybrid course opportunities for our members. Please keep an eye on our calendar of events to continue developing your skills as a health care provider. If there are any creative ideas you have that we can do to serve you better, please reach out to us at [email protected].

As always, we serve our members with pride and passion. Wishing you good health, safety, and strength as we say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021! Happy Holidays & HappyNew Year!

All my best,
Mai-Ly Duong, DMD, MPH, MAEd, MAGD
Instagram: @drsmileymaily
A Letter from the Editor:
We were never promised the road would be easy. 

For many of us, these words have never felt more pertinent. We have watched, feeling helpless, as these COVID days have blended into weeks, and these weeks have dissolved into months. And yet, through these moments of monotony and uncertainty, we persevere.
Despite all the difficulties we are facing, I have been amazed at the strength of character and solidarity all around us. From the teachers going above and beyond to keep children learning and engaged from a distance on Zoom, to the medical providers on the front lines putting the health of their patients above that of their own, to different professional organizations such as the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) providing us ways to connect and learn with each other, as well as advocating for our profession as a voice for General Dentists in Washington D.C, there are so many examples of togetherness to aid and inspire us through these times. 
I encourage you to take advantage of all the benefits of being an AGD member, and use this time to plug into this wonderful community, where we can grow, learn, and network together. 

So while the road may not be easy… at least we never have to walk it alone.

Be safe and be well,

Leila Zadeh, DMD