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IF ONLY - A Fine Store is now carrying fine, carefully selected bookmaking tools. Among them are teflon bone folders, bookmaking paste brushes, and sets of graduated metal measuring tools.  If you don't know how to use the metal measuring tools, ask one of the knowledgeable 
If Only staff members and they will show you how this tool can greatly increase efficiency and cutting accuracy.

Visit If Only at 215 Cushman Street in downtown Fairbanks to see the full line of bookmaking tools.



Northwoods Book Arts Guild WEBSITE is almost ready to launch. It will be full of information about the Guild, our meetings and projects, and about our upcoming exhibition: BOOKS AS ART: Structure, Image, Text



Thanks to all who attended our last Guild meeting on November 21. We all went home with models of seven fabulous folds, each of which could provide a basic structure for an 
artist book. If you have used any of the folds to make a book or an expanded model, bring it to our January meeting. We'll have time to share!



Next meeting: Thursday, January 23, 2014, 5:00 to 7:00pm 




Happy Holidays from your Northwoods Book Arts Guild!!

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