Common Mistakes in Design of Coastal & Marine Projects - EARN 8 PDHs IN ONE DAY!
You must attend the full day for the 8 PDHs
Monday, March 23, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Mott MacDonald
111 Wood Ave South, Iselin, New Jersey, 08830, USA
Includes Breakfast & lunch
$225 member
$275 sustaining members
$325 non-members
What to Bring:
Calculator & Optional: a Laptop to access online resources
NJSPE Would Like to Welcome Its Newest Members:
Kaylize Denoto (Student)
The College Of New Jersey
William J. Evans PE
Princeton University
Sarah Elizabeth Gildea (Student)
The College of New Jersey
Josue Felix Gonzalez PE
Kevin Kowalski (Student)
The College of New Jersey
Alexander Lazeration (Student)
Raritan Valley Community College
Andrew Mayer (Student)
The College of New Jersey
Aminah Numa Mubin (Student)
The College of New Jersey
Tribal Welfare Engg Dept, Govt of Telangana,India
Sameer Parihar (Student)
Drexel University
Mitul Patel PE
KeRi Engineering
Kileigh Pfluger (Student)
The College of New Jersey
Mamum Rashid Mamum PE
Federal Highway Administration
Michael A. Ruggiero Jr. PE
Monmouth county
Reduced Cost Ethics Training for Professional Engineers
To help our members meet their requirements, the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers has launched a new online ethics training for professional engineers at a reduced cost.
This two-hour online video, presented by the NJSPE counsel Larry Powers, will provide you with the two credits required for the ethics portion of your professional engineer license. Once the video is viewed in its entirety, you will be e-mailed a certificate proving you have met this licensing requirement.
The NJSPE Awards honor individuals and firms for achievements in the practice and profession of engineering. It is important that we recognize those who have given the best for the advancement of the profession, and to society as a whole. Please visit the website for nomination information.
NJ Future City Competition Urgently Needs YOU!
Future City is a student outreach activity in New Jersey that brings together the education community, local engineering alumni, engineering firms and various professional societies. In recent years the region competition has grown to over 500 participating students, teachers, and mentors. Feedback from both students and teachers has been exceedingly positive, with exclamations of an excellent engineering experience!
Future City's mission is to provide a fun and exciting educational engineering program for 6th, 7th & 8th grade students that combine a stimulating engineering challenge with a "hands-on" application to present their vision of a city of the future. This year's Challenge is: "Clean Water: Tap Into Tomorrow." Teams identify a threat to their future city's water supply and design a resilient system to ensure a reliable supply.
NJSPE Member Renewals
If you have received your renewal for next year and are paying by Purchase Order or Voucher, please send all paper work to NJSPE for a signature. You can mail it to NJSPE, 414 River View Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08611 or you can fax it to 609-393-9891. Thank you for your membership!
Everything You Need to Know About Renewing Your PE License
It's almost that time of year again - time to begin the process of renewing your PE license. By preparing early, you can check off all your minimum requirements and complete the renewal process without having the stress of waiting until the last minute. To help you get started, we put together links to helpful resources you need to renew your license.
Each year, the NJSPE's Education Foundation sponsors the NJ MATHCOUNTS events
throughout the state. The Competition Series is for middle school students grades 6 - 8. It
consists of school competitions with the winners moving on to regional and then state
competitions. The national competition was held in Orlando in May.The MATHCOUNTS motto is "Some students love math. Other students fear math. MATHCOUNTS is a place for both." Below are the regional and state competition dates along with the contact information for the respective coordinator. If you would like to become involved in or
to MATHCOUNTS, please contact Lisa Jones at
Lower-cost engineered composites for transportation infrastructure applications
Engineered cementitious composites (ECCs) are concrete-like materials with exceptional ductility (up to 500 times) and flexural strengths (2-3 times) greater than conventional concrete. The flexibility and strength of ECCs could benefit transportation infrastructure (for example, the ductility of ECCs could reduce or eliminate the need to cut joints into roadway repair overlays, which reduces repair times and cost). However, current ECCs require difficult-to-obtain materials and are expensive to manufacture. "The only way to make ECCs applicable in the real world is to figure out how to make them from cost-effective and readily available materials," explains Gabriel Arce, engineering research assistant professor at Louisiana State University. Arce leads a group of researchers that is evaluating different ingredients in ECC formulations to modify its properties, increase its cost-effectiveness or reduce its carbon footprint.
How women can help fill the oil and gas industry's talent gap
Business Chief
Companies that have a significant share of female leaders outperform their peers, according to McKinsey research. Companies in the oil and gas (O&G) industry should carefully consider this insight, given that the industry has struggled to attract, retain and promote women. Addressing this problem is important: the sector faces an aging workforce as well as demand for new kinds of skills in areas such as advanced analytics, machine learning and robotics. At the same time, the industry's appeal is declining among younger people. A decade ago, O&G was the 14th most attractive employer among engineering and and IT students; now it is 35th. Given the need for talent, it is critical for the O&G industry to deepen and diversify its pool. One way to do that is to bring in and retain more talented women.
American mayors prioritize tech, infrastructure for 2020 election
In a 32-page "call to action" released in advance of a presidential candidate forum, the U.S. Conference of Mayors outlined context and recommendations for a dozen focus areas for voters and candidates to consider. These ranged from civil rights issues to immigration reform, affordable housing, the tax code and climate change, but four focus areas hinged on technology. The agenda asks the next president and Congress for immediate action to plan for regional mobility, reducing congestion and improving air quality. It stresses the need for public investment, and not just in urban areas, to compensate for years of underfunding at the federal level.
Rivers could generate thousands of nuclear power plants worth of energy, thanks to a new 'blue' membrane
Green energy advocates may soon be turning blue. A new membrane could unlock the potential of "blue energy," which uses chemical differences between fresh- and saltwater to generate electricity. If researchers can scale up the postage stamp-size membrane in an affordable fashion, it could provide carbon-free power to millions of people in coastal nations where freshwater rivers meet the sea.
NSPE Honor Awards promote the professional engineer's contributions to society and recognize the achievements of the profession's very best. Deadline for submissions is January 31, 2020.
NSPE-Led Coalition Delivers Message on Responsible Licensure
In August, NSPE announced the creation of the Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing (ARPL), a coalition of advanced professions that is focused on informing lawmakers and the public about the importance of rigorous professional licensing standards.
In combination with its longtime efforts defending the PE license, the Society has been leading the charge to educate policymakers about the importance of standards for complex technical professions, such as engineering, that affect the public health, safety, and welfare. READ MORE
Dangerous industrial exemptions can lead to disasters like the deadly pipeline explosion in Massachusetts. NSPE has been instrumental in assisting the National Transportation Safety Board by bringing the value of PEs to light. As a result, The NTSB recommends the elimination of the PE exemption and sent letters to governors of all 31 states it identified as having the exemption in place.
Fifteen Free Courses - Time is Running Out!
These courses are available for free to NSPE members to conveniently view from the comfort of your home or office. Viewers may earn credits by viewing the webinars and passing a quiz. Upon successful completion of each session quiz with a passing score of 70% or higher, the quiz taker will receive an attendance certificate with the appropriate credits (PDHs) earned for that session. PDHs from the NSPE free courses are recognized by most U.S. states including Florida. READ MORE
Robert V. Kiser, PE
President |
Michael Bennink, PE
Past President |
Joseph A. Mancini, PE
President-Elect |
Vince Wagner, PE
Vice President |
Erica Vigliorolo, EIT
Treasurer |
William Delisky, PE
Secretary |
Brian Van Nortwick, PE
NJSPE Director at Large |
Robert J. Thiel, PE
NSPE Delegate
Lawrence Powers, Esq.
Counsel |
Joe Simonetta, CAE
Executive Director |