AHN News | December 2020
Your monthly news & updates from AHN!

Happy Holidays
from AHN!


• COVID-19, or coronavirus disease, is a highly contagious, deadly disease that has infected millions worldwide.

• While some infected people have mild flu-like symptoms, many others have serious reactions that lead to hospitalization, prolonged illness, and even death.

• COVID-19 has killed more people in 8 months than flu has in the last 5 years. 
How to stay safe during the Holidays:
• An effective vaccine will protect people by lowering their chances of getting COVID-19 if they’re exposed to the coronavirus.

• Vaccine clinical trials in process demonstrate that 94.5-95% of those vaccinated for COVID-19 avoid getting sick with the disease.

• Vaccination is a step towards normalcy; if enough Nevadans are vaccinated, it will help enable our businesses, restaurants, schools, and casinos to stay open.

• Widespread vaccination can end this pandemic, as it did with diseases like smallpox, polio, and measles.

• Several vaccines seeking approval are made with messenger RNA (mRNA). This new vaccine technology is unlike traditional viral vaccines that introduce a weakened viral protein to cause an immune response. mRNA vaccines deliver instructions to the cell to build a protein that resembles a viral protein in order to generate an immune response. mRNA does not alter or modify your DNA.

• You cannot get COVID-19 from a vaccine, as no live COVID-19 virus is introduced into the body.

See Nevada's COVID-19 Vaccine Plan HERE
If You Are Uninsured Call Us,
We Can Help!
Access Medical Program

If you are uninsured and can’t afford to obtain healthcare for you or your family we can help. We treat each of our members like they are our own family and will be there every step of the way to make sure you get what you need. It’s what we’ve always done and will continue to do. We are here to serve you.

CALL us today: 877.385.2345

Did you know, you can start your
Access Medical application online?

Access Medical - 6 Month Special Happening in January!

Access Medical is offering a 6 month special for new and existing members during the month of January.

Members and new clients can pay for 5 months and get 1 month of an Access Medical membership FREE.

If you or someone you know needs access to healthcare services at an affordable price, click below to learn more.

Call: 877.385.2345
Start your online application today: accesstohealthcare.org/mdp-application

The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services created this app so the people of Nevada can make use of the latest technology to keep themselves and their families safe and to help stop the spread of COVID-19. We strongly recommend that everyone downloads COVID Trace to their phone and begins to use it. By working together and using every tool at our disposal, we can protect our communities and help flatten the curve.

Contact tracing can quickly notify you if you’ve likely been exposed to the virus, allowing you to reduce risk and make informed choices

• Download the free COVID Trace app, available for both Apple and Android phones. 

• It uses a technology called Exposure Notification System through your phone’s Bluetooth function and works in the background to exchange privacy-preserving random ID codes with other phones nearby.

• Once you opt-in to the notification system, the app will generate a random ID for your device, which changes throughout the day to ensure your privacy.

• Daily, the app checks all the random ID codes associated with positive COVID-19 cases against a list.  

• If there’s a match, the app will notify you that you’ve come into contact with someone who has tested positive and will provide further instruction of what to do next.

FREE Transportation: Senior Ambassador Program
The Senior Ambassador Program provides free non-emergency medical transportation to eligible Medicare patients. This program is made available in partnership with Saint Mary’s Health Network.

  • Appointments with a health care provider
  • Home from the hospital
  • To and from outpatient procedures
  • To pick up your medications or medical equipment
  • To and from the gym or physical therapy
  • To the grocery store

Call 775-507-4582 for more information

Nevada Health Link Open Enrollment is Happening Now!

CALL us at 833.398.1796

Access to Health Podcast
Special Series: COVID-19 Issues In Our Community

Hosted by Sherri Rice, CEO
Listen to our latest Access to Health podcasts! Each week, AHN's CEO, Sherri Rice, chats with a local healthcare leader on topics that matter to you. Episodes can be found at accesstohealthcare.org/podcast or by searching "Access to Health" on Apple Podcasts
Latest Podcast:

Access to Healthcare has gathered all
COVID-19 resources on a PDF page for you!
Now LIVE on our website.

We require all visitors to wear mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the office.
The safety of our staff and visitors is our number one priority.

We are open Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm.

You can visit accesstohealthcare.org for a list of all our services and assistance.

Our community needs Access to Healthcare now more than ever.
*PDF gets updated weekly. Please check out our COVID-19 page for the latest resource.
Follow us to stay connected!
National Healthcare News
Could neurological complications be common even in mild COVID-19?
We were caring for patients in Massachusetts, which was third among U.S. states for both the overall number of cases of COVID-19 and cases per capita at the time we conducted our study, at a safety-net hospital with the second-highest COVID-19 caseload in the state.
Study may help explain how COVID-19 increases stroke risk
A UCLA-led study may help explain how COVID-19 increases the risk for stroke. Scientists made the finding by running fluid spiked with a COVID-19-like protein through a 3D-printed model of the arteries of a patient who had suffered a stroke.
Learn more about our programs: