Quote for the month
"I heard the bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat of peace on earth, good-will to men!"
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
In The Kitchen with
Villages of Westcreek
Cranberry Ambrosia Salad


  • 1 can (14 ounces) whole berry cranberry sauce
  • 1 can (20 ounces) crushed pineapple, drained
  • 1 can (11-15 ounces) can mandarin oranges, drained
  • 2 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 1 small container of whipped cream
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans


  1. In a large bowl, combine the whole berry cranberry sauce, pineapple and mandarin oranges.
  2. Fold in the mini marshmallows and then the whip cream, then add the pecans.
  3. Cover and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
  4. Serve chilled and on a Lettuce Leaves for a pretty effect.

From the Community Manager's Desk  

As we round out the year of 2017 I would like to take a minute to applaud our BOD on all of the great things they are working tirelessly on to make happen. If you see one of them running around please take a second to shake their hand as they are volunteers and are doing this because of their love of the community.
We made numerous improvements around the neighborhood in 2017 and lots more to come in 2018!!!
  • Baseball field area including Dugouts
  • Dog Park completion- we continue to get over 20 visitors a week!!
  • New pool equipment-This year we installed new pumps and had all the filters emptied and new sand installed.
  • Repairs to the walking track in the Sports Park and erosion mitigation measures implemented which will save us money in the future as we will not be losing track surface during rain storms.
  • Parking lot repaving for the Sports Park
  • Security cameras installed at the Sports Park
  • Coke machines at the Community Center and the Sports Park and in the office lobby.
  • The walking trail behind the Community Center was cleaned up by the boy scouts and is now being enjoyed every day.
  • New monument lights are going in!! We are in the process of changing all lights to energy efficient LED’s this will equate to a reduction of our energy costs. Annually this will save us around $300.00!!!
  • Main road Fence project is underway and we are aiming to have it completed by the annual meeting in April of 2018.
  • Working with SAWS, we came up with ways to save money on our water bills. In 2018 we will see a reduction of water costs totaling close to $3300.00 annually.

Some awesome things coming in 2018
  • New plaster and decking for the pools
  • Updated pool bathrooms and pool furniture
  • Mountain biking trails behind the community center and throughout our natural areas.
Just to name a few as always we are always looking for ways to improve our awesome area of the county. If you have ideas please shoot me an email and let's talk!

Mike Hunsucker
Community Manager-VWOA
Association Report Card

We are making vast improvements in recovering assessments!!
As of December 1, 2017 outstanding amounts are as follows:
HOA Assessment 2017 $63,355.26
This equals a 21% delinquency rate.
As of December 1, 2016 the outstanding amount was $127, 960.98.
HOA Assessment from 2016 still remaining $5,278.96.

Just a Little Reminder
1st Quarter Assessments are due in the amount of $99.00 on
January 1, 2018!
Come Join Us For Santa In The Park
Santa and his elf will arrive at the Sports Park,
on Friday, December 15, 2017 at 5:45pm

Santa will be available for pictures 6-8pm and
we will also have candy canes to the children.

Free Hot Cocoa
Free Movie in the Park-Polar Express
Free Admission for Homeowners
(Homeowners must be in good standing)
This holiday lighting contest is open to all residents of the
Villages of Westcreek Owners’ Association
who are in good standing.
 Applications must be turned in to the office by 6:00 P.M.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017.
 Judging will take place on Wednesday, December 13, 2017
@ 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm
 Please make sure your lights are on during this time.
 Prizes will be awarded for 1st , 2nd , and, 3rd place.
  Good luck !
 Please contact the office at  210-679-8761  if you have any questions .

Holiday Office Schedule
Office closures
December 21-26th

Office Hours for
December 27-29, 2017
Will be from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm
Monday, January 1, 2018 the office will closed .

From the Communications desk
                                      Just a reminder!!!                        

Don't forget !
VWOA office is open the second Saturday of each month 
from 9am-1pm.

Report any suspicious activities or persons to
Bexar County Sheriff's office at 210-335-6000 .
If you see graffiti or vandalism in the Villages of Westcreek , please report it to the office at 210-679-8761 .
To monitor your account online, register your account at      
Winter Lawn Care

Winter Lawn Care and Maintenance Tips :  Although the winter months aren’t usually a busy time for landscaping professionals, it pays to stay on top of your lawn care. Regularly maintaining your grass lawn is the best way to ensure a healthy and good-looking yard when spring rolls around. Follow these tips for keeping your lawn in good shape for the months ahead.

1. Rake leaves and remove debris

You’ll want to keep heavy objects, including branches and lawn furniture, off of the grass all year long. Heavy objects accidentally left on the grass can leave a dead spot come spring time. Regularly raking will also help remove dead leaves and other debris, which can stifle the grass and inhibit growth. Adding mulched or shredded leaves to the lawn in the fall can help add nutrients; but broad leaves can suffocate the grass. If your grass is frozen, be careful not to walk too much over it during the winter as excessive foot traffic can break and damage the blades.

2. Stop or reduce watering

Cool season grasses  experience a growth period in the wetter, cooler months of the fall. Most regions with cool season grasses will experience winter frost or dampness, and won’t require additional watering.  Warm season grasses  go dormant in the winter months and won’t require additional watering. Be sure to  protect your outdoor faucets from freezing  and  winterize and blow out your sprinkler system  before the first frost.

3. Don’t aerate or overseed

Aerating the lawn is a great way to allow fertilizer, water, sunlight and seeds to enter hard-packed lawn surfaces.  Cool season grasses  are usually aerated in the fall, and  warm season grasses  are usually aerated in the summer. Most grass types should not be aerated in the winter months.

4. Fertilization and feeding

Warm season grasses  are dormant in the winter months and don’t require fe rtilization during this time. The best time to fertilize your warm-season lawn is in the start of spring and fall months (some experts also recommend fertilizing in the summer as well).  Cool season lawns  also do not need fertilization in the winter months. The best time of year to fertilize a cool season grass lawn is in the fall and some experts also recommend adding fertilization in the spring as well. 

5. Mowing and edging

Both warm season and cool season lawns will require little to no mowing or edging during the winter months.  Cool season lawns  should receive a final (and short) mowing in the late fall as it is still in a growth phase.  Warm season lawns  are dormant in the winter and won’t require mowing until the spring months.

6. Weeding and pest control

I f your lawn has weeds and the ground isn’t too frozen to pull them out, use these inactive months to pluck and remove unwanted plants from the lawn. Otherwise, you probably won’t see too many weeds or pests during the winter. Keep note of any unusual nesting from mice; their nests can inhibit the growth of healthy grass. If you have any reoccurring issues with moles, voles or any other pests, be sure you call in the right professional for the job. 

Common types of grass lawns

While there are many varieties of turf or lawn grass, there are generally two types of lawns for the yard: warm season grass and cool season grass. Which type you have is usually dependent upon where you live.

Warm Season Grasses : Bermuda, Zoysia, Buffalo, and Bahia are all warm season grasses. This grass type is most often found in warmer climates like the south, and has a peak growing season from spring to fall; it can turn brown during the winter months but thrives in the hot heat of the summer.
Cool Season Grasses : Blue grasses, fescues and rye grasses are all cool season g rasses. This grass type grows well in regions with cold winters and warm summers, and can stay green nearly all year long. In periods of drought, these grasses need to be watered or else they will enter a dormant period and turn brown.


With Flag Football starting January 1 here are some reasons to let your kiddos give it a try!!

Youth flag football gives children the option to play football with the same fitness and competitive benefits of tackle football, but with less risk of injury. Along with the physical benefits of playing a sport like flag football, there are also multiple character building benefits for your child. 
Youth flag football is a great team sport option for children. The sport offers kids the chance to play, work and have fun with a group of other children and teaches them skills to work together. Teamwork is a big aspect of flag football as kids learn how important it is to collaborate with others and work towards a common goal. 
Along with teamwork, coaches will teach your child the importance of practice. As coaches work on fundamentals to help your child learn the game, players discover that practice is an important part to playing a sport, and that without practice, improvement in any skill can be difficult.
Playing a youth sport such as flag football teaches your child how to compete, as an individual and also as a member of a team. Working hard on the playing field provides learning lessons that can go beyond sports.
Flag football is also a great way for children to develop social skills. By being a part of a team, children learn how to communicate and work well with others. They will learn how to take initiative and lead, but then they also learn when it is their turn to sit back and follow. The social skills kids gain by learning how to play with other children from different backgrounds is priceless and will continue to be an asset to them as they grow older.
Most importantly, playing flag football teaches your child the value of being a good sport and behaving with integrity, respect and humility, regardless of winning or losing. Being positive and shaking hands with teammates, referees and opponents instills valuable lessons in your child.
Character building and social skills are certainly major benefits to flag football participation, but let’s not forget that it’s also fun and a great way to make new friends! If you want to register your son or daughter for Westcreek Flag Football program, Click on the link below!

If you would like to sign up your kids for the upcoming season please visit or you can contact Jason at

~ Upcoming Events ~
Angel Tree Gifts
Drop off Wrapped Christmas Gifts
by December 15, 2017

Painting Party For Children and Parents
Community Center
January 11, 2017
From 5pm - 7pm
Cost will be $15 (Call ahead for availability)

Painting Party For Adults
Community Center
January 11, 2017
Starts at 7: 30pm
Cost will Be $30 per person

Christmas Bazaar for Arts and Crafts
Community Center
December 9, 2017
From 9:00 pm until 1:00 pm

 Yard Sale
December 9, 2017
7am -7pm

Board of Directors Executive Session
Community Center Conference Room
December 14, 2017 @ 6pm

Board Meeting
Community Center
December 14, 2017 @ 7pm

Veterans Coffee hour
Veterans coffee hour will be held in the Community Center the first Tuesday of the month at 5pm starting on January 2nd. Come and hang out with veterans from the Villages of Westcreek!!! Coffee will be provided!

Community Event Information Line is now live !!!!

If you know someone who does not have access to the internet or use e-mail. Tell them they can learn about our upcoming events, by calling the VWOA Event Information Line at 210-679-7241.

If you have a business that you would like to advertise in this newsletter please contact the office for details at 210-679-8761.