Washing Hands:
When you are dropping off your children into their classroom, please make sure you are helping them wash their hands. We want to do our part to stop the spread of germs. This is not always possible, but every little bit helps!
Parent Teacher Conferences:
We will be hosting parent teacher conferences in the month of December and a week in January as well. There will be a sheet in each room for you to sign up with your child's primary care giver and discuss any questions you have and their overall development. Each meeting will be 20 minutes. The teachers are looking forward to meeting with you!
School Age Days:
School age days will be offered for the holiday break. The exact days are listed above. Please email missy@katiekids.net to sign up your child.
Schedule Changes:
Reminder- we require a two week notice for schedule changes for your child. These schedule changes include, changing from full-time to part-time or changing days for a prolonged period of time if you are already utilizing part-time care.
If you need to change a day temporarily, we do not need two weeks' notice. Please see the front desk to make sure the day change will work for your child's classroom.
- If there are days your child will not be here the week before or the week after Christmas (Monday 19th- Thursday 22nd and Tuesday 27th- Friday 30th) please let Aiyana or Missy know so we can plan for staffing that week.